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When ur fave announced their single title: what did you imagine it would sound like?

Julia Fox

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When Miley said her comeback single was named “We Can’t Stop” I thought it was gonna sound like this:

“We can't stop 
We can't stop
Out on this lonely road
It's on the road to love”


But in reality it was nothing like it lol 


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It always end up sounding better then I thought xD whenever my fave drops a song name

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I imagined Perfect Illusion to sound like a psychedelic rock/pop song, kind of MGMT-ish. The demo sounds more like what I expected.

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1 hour ago, PoisonCandy said:

I imagined Perfect Illusion to sound like a psychedelic rock/pop song, kind of MGMT-ish. The demo sounds more like what I expected.


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What an fantastic idea for a discussion thread! :clap3:


One example that comes to mind is "Cool For The Summer" by Demi Lovato. I vividly remember how many Lovatics at the time were apprehensive it would be something childish and corny based on the title, even fearing a Disney pop rock type of production. I kept an open mind, but expected something EDM-leaning in the vein of "Neon Lights" and "Unbroken" (title track). Suffice to say the song being a pop rock + electronic masterpiece about sexual experimentation caught everyone off-guard. It was such a promising new direction for Demi!


"positions" by Ariana Grande had quite a curious trajectory for me. When we learned from insiders the album would have a 'consistent and coherent theme about sex', I was naturally expecting an extremely horny song about sexual positions, and sonically playing around Ariana's R&B influences. This impression was hinted further by the single cover, which had an intriguing resemblance to the aesthetics of the "janet." era.


Then, in anticipation towards its release, I ended up having the weirdest dream predicting the song as an avant-garde 6 minute feminist anthem with hidden features from Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera... I'm not kidding :gaycat6:


But yeah, the final product was much safer and standard in comparison. Still love it loads regardless :heart:

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