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Why Are Meat Eaters So Bad In Debates?


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I don't think there's anything wrong with eating meat. I don't think people should be judged for it either. I eat meat and I won't let people shame me for it.

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2 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

Why can’t carnists hold their own against vegan ideology? Why can’t they provide ethical or environment arguments on the level that vegans can? Why do they turn to insults so quickly? 

What brought on this thread....out of curiosity. There must be a reason

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If you are going to lecture me on the virtues of vegan diets, yet still drive a car you better be ready to get some humility. 

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Because literally nobody cares :gaycat6: go outside, touch grass, & you’ll realize nobody owes you justification for eating a cheeseburger 

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As an ardent meat eater, I don't really understand why vegans trigger people so much. Is it because of the guilt?

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11 hours ago, shookspeare said:

both sides are annoying


everyone should just cut down on meat consumption but it's unrealistic to expect that everyone will stop eating meat completely

Wow! I wasn't expecting a 100% sensible first post :clap3:

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I've met many friendly vegans who dont feel the need to berate and demonize people who eat meat. They just mind their business and accept that everybody chooses to live the lifestyle they want to live in. You can tell these specific vegans are genuinely happy and content with their lives as opposed to the miserable ones who attack meat eaters and treat them as if they are the spawns of satan himself. One of the most disgusting things I've read on twitter was a vegan calling asians and africans barbaric and nasty for consuming meat of all kinds as if europeans dont do the same :biblio: 

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The fact that people eat some veins, muscles is already so disgusting, some of em even suck bones :dies: What's next? Drinking their blood? I'd throw up :dies:

Meat eaters are just so greedy, they take lives of cute animals because it's good :dies: 


The ''but animals eat other animals as well'' argument like ummm they HAVE to do it to survive and they can't tell the difference between good and bad while humans can and we don't need meat anymore to survive. 

Edited by Henry Torres
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2 hours ago, Henry Torres said:

The fact that people eat some veins, muscles is already so disgusting, some of em even suck bones :dies: What's next? Drinking their blood? I'd throw up :dies:

Meat eaters are just so greedy, they take lives of cute animals because it's good :dies: 


The ''but animals eat other animals as well'' argument like ummm they HAVE to do it to survive and they can't tell the difference between good and bad while humans can and we don't need meat anymore to survive. 

we don't need to but we want to :michael:. People also drink blood from animals too so that's already been done. No one cares tbh.

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Being a vegetarian is an honorable thing and clearly not for everyone. I applaud all vegetarians, really.


I tried to stop eating meat even when it was hard but I finally ''almost'' became pescatarian only and that's because I still can't give up fish and chicken but definitely consume a lot less chicken meat now than it used to be. It's also nice that fast food chains are offering more options for vegans right now. I hope to one day switch from almost pescatarian to only pescatarian and then finally 100% vegan.


One thing for sure is that I find it cruel and completely unnecessary the way some countries can eat anything that moves, seriously people don't need all that.


The worst part of the story is about the demons who would torture any living creature for meat or fashion, I wish them all the worst :mad:, and they will get it because the consequences of loving animals vs abusing them are always visible in life as clear as day.

Edited by A.R.L
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They realize that they have 0 logical, rational or ethical arguments for their position. As a human reaction, instead of admitting their own faults, they would rather lash out and insult people who don't eat meat. 

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17 hours ago, jezebelvictoria said:

I just don't care about the environment or the future of this planet. :toofunny3: Vegans can miss me with their "ethical" bullsh*t. 

this is the exact mindset boomers have these days which is why the world is in the state that it is, and will only continue to get worse.

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4 hours ago, mercurialworld said:

this is the exact mindset boomers have these days which is why the world is in the state that it is, and will only continue to get worse.

And? I don't care about this planet especially after I'm dead. 

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5 hours ago, mercurialworld said:

this is the exact mindset boomers have these days which is why the world is in the state that it is, and will only continue to get worse.

Ageism is a bad look, sis. 

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1 hour ago, jezebelvictoria said:

And? I don't care about this planet especially after I'm dead. 

well hopefully reincarnation isn't reality because you would not be happy with what you just said :cm:


1 minute ago, Horizon Flame said:

Ageism is a bad look, sis. 

this is the exact mindset baby boomers have these days which is why the world is in the state that it is, and will only continue to get worse.

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There is no sound argument against Veganism, the reduction of harm to sentient beings wherever practically possible, not morally, not ethically, not sustainably - and most people don’t actually understand what Veganism actually means & foolishly attribute it to a personality type. It challenges the ego & what it always boils down to is hypocrisy, logical fallacies, lack of knowledge, systemic indoctrination or a carelessness that people don’t like to acknowledge about themselves. 


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I think most people that eat meat doesn't care about what vegans say. It's the vegans that are most vocal about it...most people that eat meat just wave and smile. 

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On 12/4/2022 at 9:57 PM, byzantium said:

If you are going to lecture me on the virtues of vegan diets, yet still drive a car you better be ready to get some humility. 

Comparing paying to kill a animal to driving a car 


You proved the OP's point, by being disingenuous :redface:

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On 12/4/2022 at 8:10 PM, CaptainMusic said:

Makes me laugh how vegans don’t want us to eat animals because they’re defending the lives of animals who…eat other animals :skull: 


I will never stop eating meat, stay mad about it.

"I wOnT sToP eAtInG mEAt cUz LiOnS tHoUgH"




You could at least be more original with the logical fallacies 



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15 minutes ago, Armani? said:

Comparing paying to kill a animal to driving a car 


You proved the OP's point, by being disingenuous :redface:

It all relates to environmentalism and sacrifices one is willing to make. 

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Humans are omnivores for a reason. Both sides need to chill out. Humans need both vitamins from plants and amino acids from meat, we’re complex living system not a political playground.  :cm:

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1 minute ago, Kassi said:

Humans are omnivores for a reason. Both sides need to chill out. Humans need both vitamins from plants and amino acids from meat, we’re complex living system not a political playground.  :cm:

Amino acids come originally from plants, time to check back into science class:cm:

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4 minutes ago, Armani? said:

Amino acids come from plants, time to check back into science class:cm:

Tell that our HUNTING and GATHERING ancestors :cm:

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3 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Tell that our HUNTING and GATHERING ancestors :cm:

Not a argument :rofl:


We don't do numerous things anymore like our ancestors. It's 2022

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