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Why Are Meat Eaters So Bad In Debates?


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Why can’t carnists hold their own against vegan ideology? Why can’t they provide ethical or environment arguments on the level that vegans can? Why do they turn to insults so quickly? 

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both sides are annoying


everyone should just cut down on meat consumption but it's unrealistic to expect that everyone will stop eating meat completely

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Because they simple don't care about what vegans say

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I just don't care about the environment or the future of this planet. :toofunny3: Vegans can miss me with their "ethical" bullsh*t. 

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cuz im gonna eat however much meat I want for however I long I want regardless of what some pretentious holier than thou loser has to say :cm: And I dont need to seek validation from the other group so :cm:

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3 minutes ago, jezebelvictoria said:

I just don't care about the environment or the future of this planet. :toofunny3: Vegans can miss me with their "ethical" bullsh*t. 

Keep that energy when costs rise, more weather extreme hit and criminal activity rises.

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Nature wins, every organism eats other to survive and we all die in the end. Life sucks and is meaningless. Enjoy your chicken legs ladies and gentlemen until maggots eat your flesh on one sweet day!

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5 minutes ago, XO_Life said:

Keep that energy when costs rise, more weather extreme hit and criminal activity rises.

I don't have to worry about any of that. :michael:

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Do meat eaters know they are wrong? 

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Vegans have a flawed strategy because the majority of humans do not find eating animals inherently immoral (morality being a man made concept) the true fight has to be to end factory farming and the way to do that is not by shaming other people but by pressuring our governments to invest into lab grown meat. That really is the future, not a plant based society. 

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1 minute ago, Danny789 said:

Vegans have a flawed strategy because the majority of humans do not find eating animals inherently immoral (morality being a man made concept) the true fight has to be to end factory farming and the way to do that is not by shaming other people but by pressuring our governments to invest into lab grown meat. That really is the future, not a plant based society. 


3 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Do meat eaters know they are wrong? 


that's why NO sane person ever takes vegans seriously 

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Makes me laugh how vegans don’t want us to eat animals because they’re defending the lives of animals who…eat other animals :skull: 


I will never stop eating meat, stay mad about it.

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Regardless of your opinion on the topic, climate change is going to increase the cost of meat to the point that it'll be unaffordable for anyone but the rich. That's why the World Economic Forum is openly suggesting that poor people should start eating bugs.

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11 minutes ago, Danny789 said:

Vegans have a flawed strategy because the majority of humans do not find eating animals inherently immoral (morality being a man made concept) the true fight has to be to end factory farming and the way to do that is not by shaming other people but by pressuring our governments to invest into lab grown meat. That really is the future, not a plant based society. 

Everyone eating meat (when the world is going to hit 10B people) just isn’t feasible. Why do meat eaters think meat should be a delicacy for rich, Western countries?

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12 minutes ago, Ms. Togekiss said:



that's why NO sane person ever takes vegans seriously 

Because vegans call them *gasp* WRONG???! For real?

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5 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Everyone eating meat (when the world is going to hit 10B people) just isn’t feasible. Why do meat eaters think meat should be a delicacy for rich, Western countries?

It’ll more be like it’s a normal cuisine for upper middle class and above people around the world but poorer people won’t be able to afford meat unless it’s from McDonalds… which is actually the reality for a lot of people in 2022.


People aren’t just going to give up meat unless they’re either extremely passionate about the environment, never really liked meat, and/or can’t afford it anymore.  

I grew up barely eating meat and I think that’s probably the best way forward for most people in the future until society can get to the point that they don’t care if they stop eating meat.  It’s going to be a gradual thing and cuisines that are meat-dependent around the world will need to successfully find alternatives to supplement real meat in popular dishes. 

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Don't paint us with one brush. I'm a meat eater but I fully concede that vegans are right :celestial5: I just don't have the self discipline yet

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9 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Everyone eating meat (when the world is going to hit 10B people) just isn’t feasible. Why do meat eaters think meat should be a delicacy for rich, Western countries?

What an interesting leap to bring up classism, when currently a vegan diet that is not just grains, beans, and soy is really expensive and not realistic for a lot of people around the world. Not even taking into consideration food deserts and isolated villages where growing crops isn’t feasible 

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8 minutes ago, Harrier said:

Don't paint us with one brush. I'm a meat eater but I fully concede that vegans are right :celestial5: I just don't have the self discipline yet


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8 minutes ago, Tusk said:

Who says plants don’t feel pain? There is research saying they can. 


They react to stimuli but they don’t have nerves or a brain so it’s impossible for plants to feel pain. 

Edited by Danny789
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10 minutes ago, Tusk said:

Who says plants don’t feel pain? There is research saying they can. 


Ok facts!!!


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50 minutes ago, Danny789 said:

Vegans have a flawed strategy because the majority of humans do not find eating animals inherently immoral (morality being a man made concept) the true fight has to be to end factory farming and the way to do that is not by shaming other people but by pressuring our governments to invest into lab grown meat. That really is the future, not a plant based society. 

Couldn't have said this any better. Plenty of omnivores 1000% support more ethical standards in the industry and eventually transitioning to more lab grown meat, assuming this technology vastly improves over the coming decades.

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i actually fully agree with vegans even though i still eat white meat :skull: 


i just don't think i can give up chicken and seafood 

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