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Madison Cawthorn Gives Last Speech: Promotes Masc 4 Masc


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Madison Cawthorn Wastes Last Speech on House Floor Complaining About ‘Metrosexuals’

Soon-to-be-former Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) used his last speech on the House floor on Wednesday to rally his colleagues against the impending threat of “soft metrosexuals.”

In a fitting coda to a bizarre single term in office, Cawthorn wasted his final precious minutes on C-SPAN sounding the alarm on the death spiral of masculinity. “Our young men are taught that weakness is strength, that delicacy is desirable, and that being a soft metrosexual is more valuable than training the mind, body, and soul,” the 27-year-old said during his heated remarks.

“Social media has weakened us, siphoning our men of their will to fight,” he continued. “To rise in a noble manner, square their jaws and charge once more into the breach of line to defend what they love.”

Selections from Cawthorn’s gallery of greatest-hit controversies include sexual abuse allegations dating back to his college years; accusations of insider trading; being stopped for attempting to bring a gun through airport security (twice); being pictured wearing women’s lingerie; being filmed while nude and thrusting his crotch into another man’s face; and that time he heavily implied that members of his very own Grand Old Party made a habit of inviting him to cocaine-fueled orgies.

In the wake of his defeat, Cawthorn reportedly skipped town, vacating his D.C. office two months ahead of time, according to the Asheville Citizen Times.

....With that in mind, he wanted to “ask the young men of this nation a question.”

Will you sit behind a screen while the storied tales of your forefathers become myth? Or will you stand resolute against the dying light of America’s golden age? Will you reclaim your masculinity? Will you become a man to be feared? To be respected? To be looked up to? Or will you let this Nation's next generation be its final generation?





Thots on Mr. Masculinity's speech?


Edited by nadiamendell
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What a self-hating prick. I'm tired of the "Masc 4 Masc" narrative. 

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He's got much bigger problems than being masc 4 masc, i.e. the insane mishandling of campaign funds. He should be more concerned with answering the question of how he will paying his bills  

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There are billions of people who fit their narrative of how men and women should be, it blows my mind how threatened and how little they realize how small the margin is of people that they think are taking over their "standard". Like it really isn't that serious. There will never be a majority of, in this instance, flamboyant men that will erase "masculine men". They always keep themselves looking so stupid. 

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One clear-cut sign of projection is evidence that contradicts the statements made by a party. This madison creature is a walking example of conservative brainrot, they don't own mirrors, internal and external contradictions does not matter and all that matters is inflicting as much harm as possible whenever they can with their power.


These people must not be allowed to occupy any space that allows influence onto others.

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Can't wait to see his masculine Bloody Mary dance



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