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Have you ever seen a Harry Potter movie?



93 members have voted

  1. 1. If so, which one/s have you seen

    • The Sorcerer's Stone
    • The Chamber Of Secrets
    • The Prisoner Of Azkaban
    • The Goblet Of Fire
    • The Order Of The Phoenix
    • The Half Blood Prince
    • The Deathly Hallows pt1
    • The Deathly Hallows pt2
  2. 2. have you ever seen a harry potter movie?

    • yes
    • no

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Up until The Goblet of Fire. Then I realized I didn’t really like the films at all compared to the books and stopped watching them. :rip:

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Honestly i can say, I've never cared for Harry Potter as a kid and never will care as a adult.

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I watch them all around Christmas every year. 

I’m planning to buy the whole book set as my original books are back in my home country and I got the urge to read them all again recently. 

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Who havent tbh. Maybe 1% of the young population, I mean most people who were born before 2010 prolly have seen it all. Maybe the youngest gen arent super familiar.

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Yes. And they are still amazing. I watched one of them today actually.

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they have never been good outside of first 2


this is one of the rare examples where the source material was so butchered yet people still enjoyed it and praised it for some reason


the worst thing is terrible acting by the main trio and the shitty dialogues / scenes they have together, especially when you compare it to the older acting legends they had to act with 


we can drag the TERF all day but the main appeal of the books for me was their relationship and small moments they had together and their banter and she did that really well - none of that was good, what we got instead is Daniel Radcliffe wooden acting (Harry is actually pretty sassy and good with #clapbacks), Emma's Hermione being neurotic mess and Rupert Grint making some cringe faces and one-dimensional character that was supposed to be funny but totally was not







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I’m 25 and haven’t seen a single one, I’m more of a doctor who kind of guy .

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i haven’t seen a single one 

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nope, because it's full of witchcraft. 

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On 11/30/2022 at 10:18 AM, Park Jinyoung said:

For those asking who hasn’t… my man hadn’t until this year lmao we watched all of them this past spring we even watched fantastic beasts. He seriously had never seen them or read the books. I hadn’t seen the original series in like a decade? so it was nice to revisit.

I'm trying to do the same but he wasn't impressed with the first 2 movies :rip: probably because they are more child friendly than the others.


To be fair though, the only movies I LOVED from the franchise was THBP and DHP2. But I don't think we're gonna get that far the way we're currently going :rip:  

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The fifth movie onwards were terribly directed by David Yates. They plot didn't even make sense and was hard to follow. I remember reading an article saying Warner Brothers went with David Yates as he had promised to keep the production costs under a certain budget. 

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From Alan Rickman diaries:


HP. 6.15 pick-up.
To the Flight Shed . . .
Cold, wet, draughty but the crew seem miles away so Ralph and I can just get on with inching our way towards the scene. David Y. stubborn as ever about V[oldemort] killing me with a spell. (Impossible to comprehend, not least the resultant wrath of the readers.)
Great working with Ralph, though. Direct and true and inventive and free.
Back home and Rima (wife) (narrative brainbox) says ‘He can’t kill you with a spell – the only one that would do that is Avada Kedavra and it kills instantly – you wouldn’t be able to finish the scene.’



Can you believe how stupid David Yates is?

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45 minutes ago, AlanRickman1946 said:

From Alan Rickman diaries:


HP. 6.15 pick-up.
To the Flight Shed . . .
Cold, wet, draughty but the crew seem miles away so Ralph and I can just get on with inching our way towards the scene. David Y. stubborn as ever about V[oldemort] killing me with a spell. (Impossible to comprehend, not least the resultant wrath of the readers.)
Great working with Ralph, though. Direct and true and inventive and free.
Back home and Rima (wife) (narrative brainbox) says ‘He can’t kill you with a spell – the only one that would do that is Avada Kedavra and it kills instantly – you wouldn’t be able to finish the scene.’



Can you believe how stupid David Yates is?

This entire post cracked me up and then I looked at who posted it and died all over again lol it would be an Alan Rickman account (as it should be because he's iconic) but anyway - yes I've seen all of them because I'm not a monster, tf. 

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I’ve seen all of them multiple times, i’m rewatching them every few years during fall or xmas season 

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I've seen a small portion of the first film. I've honestly always hated the Harry Potter franchise and never understood the appeal. I wanted the first book when I was a kid (based on the cool cover art) and was so disappointed with the story and writing. I think I read maybe the first few chapters before I put it down and never picked it back up again. Awful.

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seen all of them except HBP cuz I don't wanna watch Dumbledore die:monkey:

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  • 2 weeks later...

im a huge HP fan.. like huge


read the books many times and seen the movies like 1000+ no joke


the wizarding world means a lot for me tbh.. 


my boyfriend actually gave me the best gift ever and flew me on my birthday (for the first time ever - never was abroad) to the studios.

it was like.. i cant describe how happy i was.


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