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Have you ever seen a Harry Potter movie?



93 members have voted

  1. 1. If so, which one/s have you seen

    • The Sorcerer's Stone
    • The Chamber Of Secrets
    • The Prisoner Of Azkaban
    • The Goblet Of Fire
    • The Order Of The Phoenix
    • The Half Blood Prince
    • The Deathly Hallows pt1
    • The Deathly Hallows pt2
  2. 2. have you ever seen a harry potter movie?

    • yes
    • no

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I find it interesting when someone under 30 has never seen a single Harry Potter movie even if not in full, but most of it.ย 

Edited by Gorgeous
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When I was in primary school (elementary) an 8 year old in my class died of cancer after a horrible year-long battle, and his parents kindly paid for our entire school to go to the cinema to see the first film. It was very kind of them! :heart2:

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i actually used to be really into watching movies remade on The Sims when i was younger . there was this channel which made all 4 films in The Sims (the other movies hadnโ€™t been released yet) , so i watched all of them before i watched any of the actual movies . it was a trip finally getting to see the real movies :thing:ย 

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6 minutes ago, May said:

i actually used to be really into watching movies remade on The Sims when i was younger . there was this channel which made all 4 films in The Sims (the other movies hadnโ€™t been released yet) , so i watched all of them before i watched any of the actual movies . it was a trip finally getting to see the real movies :thing:ย 

I can't believe there's people out there who do thisย :rip:ย 

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I've only seen Sorcerer's Stone,ย Chamber Of Secrets andย Goblet Of Fire, but I've read all 7 books

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Saw the first two in theaters, and then did not see the rest until the box set of films came out.

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I've seen all but I am 30 lol so I grew up with them and the books. I was a huge fan but I don't use anything Rowling associated now.ย 

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Nope. And I only got a couple chapters into the 2nd book and thought it wasnโ€™t that good so I never developed an interest in it at allย 

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For those asking who hasnโ€™tโ€ฆ my man hadnโ€™t until this year lmao we watched all of them this past spring we even watched fantastic beasts. He seriously had never seen them or read the books. I hadnโ€™t seen the original series in like a decade? so it was nice to revisit.

Edited by Park Jinyoung
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I saw the first four when I was younger but by the time Order of the Phoenix came out I was a bit older and didnโ€™t care anymore and never got around to seeing the last few.

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Yes, all of them. Many times. I'll just randomly get the urge to watch Harry Potter every now and then. Same with the Twilight series.

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Yes i've seen all of them several times and read the first four books, fantastic universe made by an evil person

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Iโ€™ve seen the last 2 ones and I liked it. Iโ€™ve seen the others except the very first one and they seem to be forgettable. Though Chamber of Secrets Harry is my gay awakening.

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I've seen them allย  haven't watched them in nearly a decade though I did try but its so cringe now

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I plan to watch them all by this Christmas for the first time :thing: I've seen the first couple when I was little

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