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German players put hands on mouths to signify how Qatar stifles free speech


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1 hour ago, C-Amber said:

Arab thrives when west is wealthy? Do you think America and all western country went to Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan to save the people? To be the white saviour of the poor arabs? Or they just want to make a mess and take the oil? Arabs are wealthy without any western help, they have majority of the oil in this earth, which is something the west only dream off. The west can't even have proper water in all parts of toilet to clean their asses because of water, here in Arab its everywhere, some huge parts of countries even get it for free.... and you taking about us needing west to thrive?


We ain't needing any white saviour, pretty sure yall countries have more issues, from racism to homophobia, from being killed in clubs or schools, from those football players staying silent about the racism of their own teammates and own country, but quick to talk when they went now visiting Qatar, which by the way they go there every single year during their vacations! Yeah but we need you? Funny.

You seem to wanna focus on the negatives, but in the US/Can, Western Europe and Australia gays can pretty much suck dick and eat ass in peace, to put it bluntly. And the shootings are a US-specific problem really. And since you went there, we have bidets in most places,so you can wash your behind with that. But it's kind of a waste of water. Toilet paper works just fine. But I do wish the invasions of the past 30/40 years never happened though, but again that's mostly the US fault.


And oil? Well maybe that's one more reason to hurry up with the green new deal. If the Arabics didn't have the oil money, they'd be/will be in trouble. And I don't want you people to suffer ofc. I just don't want our leaders to fold in front of the oil sultans anymore.

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2 hours ago, C-Amber said:

Arab thrives when west is wealthy? Do you think America and all western country went to Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan to save the people? To be the white saviour of the poor arabs? Or they just want to make a mess and take the oil? Arabs are wealthy without any western help, they have majority of the oil in this earth, which is something the west only dream off. The west can't even have proper water in all parts of toilet to clean their asses because of water, here in Arab its everywhere, some huge parts of countries even get it for free.... and you taking about us needing west to thrive?


We ain't needing any white saviour, pretty sure yall countries have more issues, from racism to homophobia, from being killed in clubs or schools, from those football players staying silent about the racism of their own teammates and own country, but quick to talk when they went now visiting Qatar, which by the way they go there every single year during their vacations! Yeah but we need you? Funny.

And what about their natural resources? Without them they would literally be nothing. 


I agree, you don't need a saviour just don't cry for one when times get rough and no one is willing to help.


And arab countries are great to live in? Look at the issues you have, girl. These countries freak out and go into a frenzy just when something slightly resembles a rainbow. :rip:


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Not people here defending Qatar and criticizing Germany just to own the libs. Someone actually said the human rights situation in Germany is comparable to Qatar, I am deceased at the brainworms

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"ThaNk yOu gErmaNy. yOU EndEd HoMophObia"
Yeah, **** Germany. Lets stan a country who puts gays and women on the same level as rats and pigs. :clap3:

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The Arabs in here defending their awful treatment of anyone who is different from them ?

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1 hour ago, A.R.L said:

Which part of the west are you even talking about? :rip: Because, that's not true here in Europe, there is enough water for everyone, and it can also be free in some EU countries. 


Again, which part of Arab world are you talking about? Qatar is a sahara, it has no mountains, no winter or natural springs, half of its water supply comes from the sea through a salt removal process, which can kill you. :rip:


Sorry, but all that oil and not a single innovation those countries can come up with. :toofunny3:



Another sad excuse for qatar, as if it is the only rich country in the Arab world, stop the lies. Those Syrians you're talking about used to live in qatar before the war, but during the war all the Gulf Arab countries refused entry to any Syrian citizen. Not to mention some of those Syrians who used to live there before the war immediately left their jobs and homes to seek asylum in Europe, smth which I don't agree with but it happened due to the fact that they didn't want to live all their life under the kafala system. 


qatar has spent millions of dollars destroying Arab countries, especially Libya, in retaliation for the gaddafi recordings against the qatari prince. So, instead of blaming the west, how about starting from your qatar first? Let's say qatar is a peaceful country and has no involvement in the war, they still share the same culture and language with those nations, aren't they? So why didn't they show the same union and sympathy that the Europeans showed towards the Ukrainians? 


You just lost me the moment you said "not a single innovation those countries can come up with.", your racism just jumped out really, so you think Arab countries didn't invent anything? Here are names of Arab people who broke boundaries in all fields of life that even west used everything they did, Google them and learn.


Mohamed M. Atalla

Mostafa El-Sayed

Rachid Yazami

Ahmed Zewail


These are just of few recent days scholars, if we talk history you ain't ready for it (simple the Coffee that everyone enjoys everyday started and made first in Yaman)



And yeah all Arab countries are destroying themselves and America armys, Britain army, Russian army only here to fix everything right?


45 minutes ago, Nexto said:

Egypt is literally facing its biggest water shortage in years. :rip: And MENA has 11 out of the 17 most water-stressed countries according to UNICEF reports, so not sure what you were trying to do here.

If you talking about North Africa, yes they are facing issues, but here in Gulf no, we have here almost 200 Water desalination plant، Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait have the highest desalinated water production capacity in the world. Where I come everyone using underground water, where everyone get it for free.


33 minutes ago, anti-***** said:

You seem to wanna focus on the negatives, but in the US/Can, Western Europe and Australia gays can pretty much suck dick and eat ass in peace, to put it bluntly. And the shootings are a US-specific problem really. And since you went there, we have bidets in most places,so you can wash your behind with that. But it's kind of a waste of water. Toilet paper works just fine. But I do wish the invasions of the past 30/40 years never happened though, but again that's mostly the US fault.


And oil? Well maybe that's one more reason to hurry up with the green new deal. If the Arabics didn't have the oil money, they'd be/will be in trouble. And I don't want you people to suffer ofc. I just don't want our leaders to fold in front of the oil sultans anymore.

I'm focusing on the negatives because everyone here focusing on the negatives in Arab countries, acting as if its Hell here. Every nation have its good side and bad side, east or west, but everyone acting as if they live in perfect place so they put their opinions of how everyone else should live because they feel superior.

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31 minutes ago, XO_Life said:

And what about their natural resources? Without them they would literally be nothing. 


I agree, you don't need a saviour just don't cry for one when times get rough and no one is willing to help.


And arab countries are great to live in? Look at the issues you have, girl. These countries freak out and go into a frenzy just when something slightly resembles a rainbow. :rip:


Believe they ain't stupid here, and they have many projects to expand everything so they won't rely on oil and petrol, damn they even teach them to us in schools and colleges till we get bored. 


I guess same thing can be said to you when you need a saviour.


Girl I can literally go take a walk comfortably in streets without worrying someone will kill me or shot me, I can send our kids to school not fearing a crazy man will come and kill them. Yeah we have issues, same as every other country in this universe, but thankfully we have our security that we can walk free. Even if a cop stopped our car we'll literally great him/her and joke with them, they'll even let us go without tickets if we just promise them to drive well. Now these things I can't say USA have it right? The most free country in the world, how is that freedom?

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7 minutes ago, C-Amber said:


You just lost me the moment you said "not a single innovation those countries can come up with.", your racism just jumped out really, so you think Arab countries didn't invent anything? Here are names of Arab people who broke boundaries in all fields of life that even west used everything they did, Google them and learn.


Mohamed M. Atalla

Mostafa El-Sayed

Rachid Yazami

Ahmed Zewail


These are just of few recent days scholars, if we talk history you ain't ready for it (simple the Coffee that everyone enjoys everyday started and made first in Yaman)

I was talking about the oil producing countries that you are proud of. Read again. By the way, all of those people you mentioned graduated from western universities. You can still give better examples than those names.

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15 minutes ago, C-Amber said:

Believe they ain't stupid here, and they have many projects to expand everything so they won't rely on oil and petrol, damn they even teach them to us in schools and colleges till we get bored. 


I guess same thing can be said to you when you need a saviour.


Girl I can literally go take a walk comfortably in streets without worrying someone will kill me or shot me, I can send our kids to school not fearing a crazy man will come and kill them. Yeah we have issues, same as every other country in this universe, but thankfully we have our security that we can walk free. Even if a cop stopped our car we'll literally great him/her and joke with them, they'll even let us go without tickets if we just promise them to drive well. Now these things I can't say USA have it right? The most free country in the world, how is that freedom?

I don't think they are stupid, they just didn't have as much time to develop their societies. 


You are gay right? Please explain how you can live freely and safe?

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I don't really understand why trying to  publicly support equality and LGBTQI rights (which should be BASIC human rights btw) is being taken as the west forcing their agenda onto the Middle East. That argument would make sense if people were coming in trying to control what the local population wears/eats/does but this a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT for fucks sake. Its 2022, globalisation is a thing, these countries need to be doing better.


I mean Qatar bidded to have the WORLD cup in their country, they should be willing to accept these countries and those people regardless of their beliefs and ideologies. If they're still so afraid of gay people and 'the gay agenda' they shouldnt have invited the entire world to come and watch a bunch of men kick a ball (in stadiums built off the backs and lives of migrant workers/slavery). 


People defending Qatar here are so misguided and brainwashed, I really feel sorry for you. 

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4 minutes ago, XO_Life said:

I don't think they are stupid, they just didn't have as much time to develop their societies. 


You are gay right? Please explain how you can live freely and safe?


They have the time, they developing really quick and quietly.


I'm BI women, and I've explained above about the freedom, I'm not talking about the freedom of sexuality, that's a long road that will take ages to be made happen (even though I remember in high school we had a section in school we called Love street lol were it's known lesbian students hang in there, and honestly in a school of 4K Muslim girl students nobody cared, other then normal girly gossiping chit-chat everyone will be where they want and hang with who they want). I'm talking about the freedom and safety to go anywhere in your city and around without the fear of being killed or taken, you can walk in general malls, streets, beaches, and all public places normally, I don't have fear of someone with a gun or a terrorist coming here. Of course nobody should go crazy and go to far places, pretty sure even in heaven there will awful people. As of sexuality I've been with girl before, it was more like young people having fun, later I've I got married to a man that a dearly love and care about, showing affection in public isn't in our culture, its viewed as "ew" by almost everyone, but walking and holding hands is normal. This is just my experience, of course it doesn't apply to nations of 60M people in Gulf, but its mostly a good life, women doing really good individual, and on the last few years they start raising in socials, especially snap chat, almost everyone in social is a businesswomen, we'll have women in SA setting trends at times, where everyone will jump and follow, then from Qatar or UAE or Oman or others, and it goes and goes. Our city started having so many shops that made by women, some design clothes, some create beauty products, some sell various stuff, even the government made huge stores in many locations just for them to use, as well women in power made Festivals to gather all these women in one place and do galleries for them to sell their stuff together and do ads for them.


Again it isn't perfect, but it isn't what foreigners trying to pin it, that everyone is oppressed and sad (sure there are some like this, but it can found everywhere in the world), this is where I live, and women and men here are mostly happy and in peace, and actually in Qatar and UEA they live more freely then any other Gulf country, even more than us. 


Sorry about the long writing, I just wanted to show you the idea about things here. It isn't hell, it's good place, but even in all good places in the world there is also bad things going on. I just hate it how majority of people in atrl trying to act we living in awful oppressed place when they never put foot in our countries. 

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27 minutes ago, C-Amber said:


They have the time, they developing really quick and quietly.


I'm BI women, and I've explained above about the freedom, I'm not talking about the freedom of sexuality, that's a long road that will take ages to be made happen (even though I remember in high school we had a section in school we called Love street lol were it's known lesbian students hang in there, and honestly in a school of 4K Muslim girl students nobody cared, other then normal girly gossiping chit-chat everyone will be where they want and hang with who they want). I'm talking about the freedom and safety to go anywhere in your city and around without the fear of being killed or taken, you can walk in general malls, streets, beaches, and all public places normally, I don't have fear of someone with a gun or a terrorist coming here. Of course nobody should go crazy and go to far places, pretty sure even in heaven there will awful people. As of sexuality I've been with girl before, it was more like young people having fun, later I've I got married to a man that a dearly love and care about, showing affection in public isn't in our culture, its viewed as "ew" by almost everyone, but walking and holding hands is normal. This is just my experience, of course it doesn't apply to nations of 60M people in Gulf, but its mostly a good life, women doing really good individual, and on the last few years they start raising in socials, especially snap chat, almost everyone in social is a businesswomen, we'll have women in SA setting trends at times, where everyone will jump and follow, then from Qatar or UAE or Oman or others, and it goes and goes. Our city started having so many shops that made by women, some design clothes, some create beauty products, some sell various stuff, even the government made huge stores in many locations just for them to use, as well women in power made Festivals to gather all these women in one place and do galleries for them to sell their stuff together and do ads for them.


Again it isn't perfect, but it isn't what foreigners trying to pin it, that everyone is oppressed and sad (sure there are some like this, but it can found everywhere in the world), this is where I live, and women and men here are mostly happy and in peace, and actually in Qatar and UEA they live more freely then any other Gulf country, even more than us. 


Sorry about the long writing, I just wanted to show you the idea about things here. It isn't hell, it's good place, but even in all good places in the world there is also bad things going on. I just hate it how majority of people in atrl trying to act we living in awful oppressed place when they never put foot in our countries. 

It's interesting that what you say sounds like Qatar could become more a matriarchal society in the future. And I think matriarchy would ultimately be much better for all minorities because women are more compassionate and understanding than most men in general.

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23 minutes ago, anti-***** said:

It's interesting that what you say sounds like Qatar could become more a matriarchal society in the future. And I think matriarchy would ultimately be much better for all minorities because women are more compassionate and understanding than most men in general.

They could be, nobody knows, but their women live well, all live well, Moza bint Nasser is one of the most famous women from Qatar, she's known as an icon, she's the former Emir wife, the mother of the current Emir, she's truly powerful women that impacted alot here







There are many powerful impactful women in Qatar and in Gulf in general that been making changes here, but the western media always showed the bad side, which is a false image. 

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Take the L and leave

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There is no freedom of speech in football. Just look at what happened to Mesut Özil when he denounced the treatment of Uyghurs in China.

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8 hours ago, Dephira said:

Not people here defending Qatar and criticizing Germany just to own the libs. Someone actually said the human rights situation in Germany is comparable to Qatar, I am deceased at the brainworms

mte :bibliahh:

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6 hours ago, C-Amber said:

They could be, nobody knows, but their women live well, all live well, Moza bint Nasser is one of the most famous women from Qatar, she's known as an icon, she's the former Emir wife, the mother of the current Emir, she's truly powerful women that impacted alot here







There are many powerful impactful women in Qatar and in Gulf in general that been making changes here, but the western media always showed the bad side, which is a false image. 

Is that impact in the room with us ?


Seriously these "activist" won't change much in the gulf. Men will always be in power. Most daughters need the approval of their dad/husband to do anything and a lot of of things women do are punishable by law. 

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Y’all applauding them when in reality the team captain just said that they’re not willing to give up their “dreams” to be “even more political”. 

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Sorry but all of this is performative and gross. These same teams and organizations remain mum when asked to speak out about other nations disgusting behaviors. In fact European stadiums have fined ppl who bring out political banners and make statements as well. Double standards. This whole charade in Qatar by tons of Western nations just feels like the West lecturing again and using an opportunity to do some PR when in fact time and time again the West drops the ball COMPLETELY in regards to human rights on the regular?

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1 hour ago, Letemtalk said:

There is no freedom of speech in football. Just look at what happened to Mesut Özil when he denounced the treatment of Uyghurs in China.

It’s freedom of speech only when it fits the narrative lol. These countries don’t even realize how hypocritical they look which makes things even worse :toofunny3:

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7 hours ago, C-Amber said:

There are many powerful impactful women in Qatar and in Gulf in general that been making changes here

Many?  Compared to what, the population of my home town?  It's quite telling that the first powerful woman you thought of is literally one of THREE wives to the former Emir (who she was married to at 18) who had a Qatari poet sentenced to THIRTEEN years in prison for criticizing him.  Do you not see how messed up this already is?  That's not gender equality.  :deadbanana4:

Edited by Archetype
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