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“Warner Music must not silence victims with NDAs and hush money” , Dorothy Carvello


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Last week, Dorothy Carvello nominated herself to the Board of Warner Music Group

Carvello is seeking to become WMG’s agitator-in-chief. For years she has alleged sexual assault by current and former WMG executives against herself, other former Warner employees and WMG female artists.

Carvello added in the kicker that Warner Music Group has not been properly paying its artist royalties going back as far as 40 years.

Her thesis is simple: Warner Music Group cannot attract top female artists or employees in a corporate culture that she believes is beyond broken. She contends that change must happen from within, not from silencing victims with NDAs and hush money.





source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sexual-assault-universal-proxy-cards-181206543.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJ1GJkWZ79ov7Ql48ftWz9uVPRph1SV99ZAvQNihC2wUYlZNyVUGKQkzK5e42xsl6ZH0ASPydbjMLKy_xh1FnKCAtwQQgA4la84sNfsSaAwUl8B-OhAwSxkUwKJDsagvoDzlV2dlCf2eg0ojG4RA8nT_IV0w2NqBWAObRoqfRRpX

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