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Homophobic tweet goes mega viral. Are we done?


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4 hours ago, midnightdawn said:

Do you think the same about the 1936 Berlin Olympics? Everyone should just go to these events and not saying anything and give the oppressive leaders a global platform to improve their image and not mention any of the things happening behind the scenes?

Completely different situations. What are the global ramification of Qatar's homophobia? I can understand people calling out FIFA and Qatar's corruption but this is a cultural issue that is not going to be fixed by white people playing the moral police and I say that as someone who comes from a very homophobic culture.

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1 hour ago, Embustera said:

Most straight people are homophobic. Y’all just don’t like the reality.

Well why should we like that supposed reality? 

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Conflating human rights as "Western values" is exactly why anyone that isn't a straight male remains oppressed there

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Being homophobic is not an eastern value, that is a personal choice and a cultural norm that is dependent on the people who choose to be homophobic and intolerant.  

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Knuckle dragging scumbag.

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33 minutes ago, La Reina said:

Conflating human rights as "Western values" is exactly why anyone that isn't a straight male remains oppressed there

it's disgusting and it's making me feel sick. ive seen so many gay people who live in qatar try to justify the homophobia as part of the "culture". people conditioned to hate themselves to the root to the point where they dont even realize it. and theres people defending this mess on this website too

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The Middle East lives in the Stone Ages so this is no surprise. It's just hilarious that when they vacation they go to the West to drink, ****, and do all the "sins" they can't do in their own countries. And their "values" being throwing gays off buildings and beheading women who were raped isn't the flex they think it is :huh:

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Honestly I respect if people find homosexuality uncomfortable to witness and be around (but they must tolerate it and keep their hatred to themselves and their circle)  but not including someone because of their values isn’t a very nice value to have. 

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It went viral because the majority will always defend homophobia and queer genocide because they still, in a lot of locations ,consider it a religious and cultural right and those "must be protected". That view is supported from not viewing homosexuality as a natural or human process in the first place, but rather as something 'new" or to the stupidest- "invented" and something they're being forced to adjust to so they begin a passive build up of annoyance.  That's why there's so many people making the WC critics out to be the insensitive aggressors while the polite soft spoken Qataris are trying to calmly explain to you why it's a necessity for them to oppress their women, minorities and have slaves. "Everyone is equal and welcome to enjoy, unless you wear a specific colorful shirt that reminds us some of you exist" When it doesn't affect you but the affected voicing their concern ruins your "vibe" , that's all it takes for propaganda to come swooping in to validate your prejudice and suddenly human rights aren't that important since nobody laughs at your homophobic jokes anymore *shakes fist* alphabet mafia ruining everything etc. 



Also because an important step in dictatorships and religious cults is to very clearly define a minority within their community and vilify them as the enemy to get their primal brains go bzzzz with all the sweet uniting tribalism. We will always be used as a tool to be trampled on by the regimes populations to distract them from how much they're ******* their life over. I don't have much hope for the future esp with the upcoming climate crisis. 

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2 hours ago, Ombre said:

Completely different situations. What are the global ramification of Qatar's homophobia? I can understand people calling out FIFA and Qatar's corruption but this is a cultural issue that is not going to be fixed by white people playing the moral police and I say that as someone who comes from a very homophobic culture.

Sport can be used to highlight injustices (like boycotts during apartheid South Africa). It's not going to "fix it" but it puts pressure on leaders to do less terrible things.

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7 hours ago, The7thStranger said:

Qatar has a population of millions. The world has 8 billion. 200k is nothing.

Exactly! Because 8 Billion people use Twitter ??‍♂️

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I just simply wouldn’t go to these trash hate filled countries. You should know as a gay person what you are going to get and it’s all fun, games and viral tweets until someone actually kills you which is a very real possibility in these places. All to watch football. 

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8 hours ago, Yog said:

200k is hardly mega viral :rip:

450k now

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How are you gonna complain about western values but host the World Cup?

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7 hours ago, anti-***** said:

And forcing women to veil themselves.

Nor be able to go out, study, work, marry, obtain a divorce or travel without the consent of male chauvinists, their values also tell them to steal people's passports to make them work like slaves to death and deport them on the first flight once they are diagnosed with at least hep b, if they get cancer, their kafil health care system won't cover a penny, also if they want to own a project, they have to be sponsored by a qatari kafil and share the profits with them, what great values. :fan:

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feels like elon brought all the incels and alt right crowd over to twitter :rip: 

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1 hour ago, KnightOfAllRealms said:

Then they should respect the values of Western land where Hijabs are not accepted and Islam demands are not taken seriously :hippo: or **** right out of the western country 

But instead al jazeera makes countless reports about criticizing the west for not allowing the hijab in the secular institutions and how the muslim community is suppressed in the west when every qatari knows the average muslim living in the west is in close proximity to a mosque and benefit from human rights that they will never find in qatar itself. :rip:

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3 hours ago, Embustera said:

Most straight people are homophobic. Y’all just don’t like the reality.

Imagine saying "most people are racist and you just have to deal with it". Yeah, that's why people are working to change outdated perceptions and prejudice. Are you homophobic? It certainly sounds like it.


By the way most people are not homophobic, it's just you. A Guardian poll said 62% don't want Qatar to have the world cup because of its stance on gay rights.



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What do people expect... stop supporting Qatar and expecting them to fawn over gays...



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