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"You've lost weight, you look great!!"


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How would you feel if you heard this comment in a social situation where the person giving the statement isn't really a close friend of the person receiving it?

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it's totally fine to compliment someone for losing weight if they used to be lazy and fat. stop trying to normalize unhealthy lifestyle choices 

Edited by liver
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Person is just trying to compliment you and I’d let it go. 

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I would assume that the person receiving it would feel good at first because it's a compliment and they would feel like their efforts are being paid off, but I would also feel bad for them because they might think "wait so the person complimenting me thought I was fat/unattractive before?" :gaycat6:

Edited by Kavish
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I wouldn't like that. People should just refrain from making comments about others' bodies, simple as that. 

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I'd be grateful.

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“Thank you so much!”

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I strictly do not comment on anyone's weight because you never know if they're trying to lose or gain weight. Some might take it as inspiration to go on, but others might overthink it. Shutting the **** up is the best thing I've done the last few years! :) 

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It would make my day :jonnycat: fatties need to stop making weight loss compliments into something bad

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It’s an amazing compliment and one of the greatest compliments we could receive. It’s almost in the same category as “You look better as you get older!” And “You’ve grown into your looks haven’t you”

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Idk but I'd love it if someone said that to me :gaycat1:

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I would rephrase it "omg looking so good! as always!" :heart2:

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Anytime someone comments on my appearance even if it's a compliment, it makes me uncomfortable :deadbanana2:

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People shouldn't be making comments on people's weight gains/losses unless that person invited that conversation, compliment or not. 

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I started going to the gym again last July and so far I’ve lost 10 kilograms (22 lbs) and people had said I look great. For me, that was really nice and motivates me to continue working out. :)

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i understand how some people might take it in a bad way as you never know someone's circumstances, however i'd probably think about it positively for weeks afterward lmao .


i started losing weight and i eat it up everytime someone mentions it

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