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Nancy Pelosi passes on torch to next generation, will not seek out leadership role


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Nancy Pelosi, aka the most effective progressive legislator of our generation, has announced that she will be passing on the torch to the new generation, while staying on to support new leadership.



An outspoken LGBT ally before it was acceptable to be one, she rose to prominence in the 80s for standing up to Reagan's homophobic response to the AIDS crisis. Later, she would go on to build her profile by calling attention to China's human rights violations in the 90s, culminating in her unprecedented rise to Democratic leader in the 00s, after mounting a unexpected challenge for the top spot.


She's responsible for all of the good things in American society today included major milestones like:

  • Raising the minimum wage
  • Preventing health insurance from turning people away
  • Giving over $4 trillion in government aid to save the US and global economy


And, due to her steely leadership, she has also had an indirect impact on positive outcomes like Trump losing in 2020 and nullifying the Republican Red Wave in the most recent midterms. 




It's pretty much a given that Democrats won't be able to do big budget items without her (for instance she had to force the House, Obama, and Senate to get on board with the Affordable Care Act). So we can kiss any big progressive policy agenda item goodbye for at least the next two decades. :monkey:

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A true leader. She’s made her mistakes and done things I disagree with like EVERY politician, but through and through she’s been inspiring and has always had the best interest of our country at heart. So much respect for this powerful, compassionate, and badass b***h. I hope she has an easy happy retirement :heart2:

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Biden is so REAL for this.


She really was the beacon of light & hope through all of our lowest moments like: the Iraq War, 2008 global recession, Trump, COVID, and his Insurrection.



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2 minutes ago, Stan.killah said:

AOC, your time has arrived :clap3:



AOC will never be Speaker :celestial4:

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her already demanding Jeffries take her place so she can maintain a defacto leadership role. :skull:


No one will ever forget her scolding Dreamers to be okay with mass deportations. :clap3:

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2 minutes ago, infrared said:

AOC will never be Speaker :celestial4:

You're probably right, since she will win the presidential election in 2028 :gaycat2:

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She had a GREAT run, and I'm extremely happy she realized they need some new blood. 

Now please, don't tell me the new Minority Speaker is going to be 60 years old instead of 80. Please please please.

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Good for her, she will go down in history!


I'm sure the stuff with her husband affected this decision, understandable if she wants to take on a less high profile role.

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The most effective progressive legislator of all time is going out on a high after securing an election win for the Dems, in a year in which almost all left-wing candidates had disastrous results :clap3

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40 minutes ago, getBusy said:

She had a GREAT run, and I'm extremely happy she realized they need some new blood. 

Now please, don't tell me the new Minority Speaker is going to be 60 years old instead of 80. Please please please.

I dont give a **** if they are 3000 years old. I care about what they stand for and if they will fight for working class people.

There was nothing progressive about nancy pelosi, im glad she stepped down.

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26 minutes ago, Dephira said:

The most effective progressive legislator of all time is going out on a high after securing an election win for the Dems, in a year in which almost all left-wing candidates had disastrous results :clap3

Progressive? Where?


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She did what she had to do and did an incredible job with the slim majority she had in 2021. :clap3: I will continue to pray for her family and husband. They did not deserve that. :shakeno:

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7 minutes ago, Distantconstellation said:

I dont give a **** if they are 3000 years old. I care about what they stand for and if they will fight for working class people.

There was nothing progressive about nancy pelosi, im glad she stepped down.

I didnt see any Republican passing something like the American rescue plan that gave billions to Americans for unpaid rent and child tax credits that cut poverty in half for most low income people. It was only because of Republicans that the child tax credit was ended. :coffee2:



New Data Show That the Child Tax Credit Fueled a Substantial Reduction in Child Poverty


The child tax cred­it expan­sion also led to sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tions in SPM child pover­ty rates for mul­ti­ple racial and eth­nic groups, with par­tic­u­lar­ly large drops for Black and Lati­no chil­dren.


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13 minutes ago, FightForTanas said:

I didnt see any Republican passing something like the American rescue plan that gave billions to Americans for unpaid rent and child tax credits that cut poverty in half for most low income people. It was only because of Republicans that the child tax credit was ended. :coffee2:



Was it also progressive when Nancy then let the same expanded child tax credit expire?

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On one hand, she was a disaster so good to see her gtfo. Hopefully she fully retires at the end of the term and never comes back :clap3:


on the other, she’s passing the torch to Hakeem Jeffries, who is worse than her in every single way, will probably declare open war on progressives and attempt to primary them to get them out of Congress. But at least the Democrats will be seen for whom they really are. A center-right (at best), anti-progressive and pro-capitalist imperialist party, rather than one that cosplays as center-left.

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She’s a legend and thankfully history will remember her for all of the good work she’s done.  :clap3:

Hopefully the next speaker is more progressive but I don’t think that’s likely. 

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Maxwell Frost your time has come :clap3:

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Kinda weird that there isn’t going to be a race and everyone has just accepted Jeffries as the next leader

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