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Do you have master's degree?

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Ok so if you do have it, or currently taking it, or planning to take it...


1.) What were considerations that you took before you made the decision to do masters? For example, which school/uni, which degree/subject. Among the US, the UK, and Switzerland, which one would you choose/recommend to study in?

2.) If you've finished masters, what's your tips and suggestions before, during, and after study completion? For example, what organizations/volunteering etc are recommended, how to network/survive the exams, what major change did having a master's degree have on your career afterwards?


Kim Kardashian Studies for Law School in Skimpy Bikini

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Ofcorse I do. I'm not gonna show my hole on onlyfans forever

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Nope, just a bachelor's degree. I managed to get into my career during placement and I just didn't bother going back to education because there was no point :cm:


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I am currently doing mine. Master thesis is the most challenging part I think because of the time limits and expectations. 

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10 minutes ago, nathanspears said:

Nope, just a bachelor's degree. I managed to get into my career during placement and I just didn't bother going back to education because there was no point :cm:


Same but I plan to take master's for the knowledge and experience I won't get at workplace for free by scholarship.

I have two and a half years experience in my field and feels like I'm ready to go back studying idk


Some of my friends do it too. Nothing is too late but personally I don't wanna be like 40 when I'm taking masters


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  • ATRL Moderator

Yes, I got mine automatically while earning my PhD.


My advice is that if you plan to get a PhD eventually, just do that without doing the MA first; most PhD programs are fully funded while MAs are not. I essentially got my MA for free. (Also, if you only want an MA, you can always get into a PhD program, get the free MA, then drop out :fan:)

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No, but I just finished my undergrad last year.


I'm planning on eventually getting my master's but I don't know when. I originally planned on doing grad school right after undergrad but I ended up getting a well-paying job so I'm thinking of working there for a few years to build up my finances and figuring precisely what I want to pursue in grad school.

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I got a postgrad in information tech but now I am retraining to be a dietitian. Pick your majors carefully guys :redface:

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I have a BSW. I wanted to get my masters by the age of 25 but that ship sailed a long time ago lol.
I want to go back eventually just don’t know in what exactly.

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I barely got my bachelors, TF I look like trying to be in debt and stress over a masters? Working a legendary corporate job in my dream field :gaycat5:

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My master's is in Journalism since nobody wanted to give my undergrad degree in Writing a second look :heart2: Hello debt!


I don't recommend going back to school unless the occupation you're aspiring for requires it (medicine, tech, etc.). Extended education is largely a cash grab and, unfortunately, you're largely paying for the extra byline on your resume.

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how much debt are yall in. 


thats what worries me 


if biden clears my debt i might take the plunge :redface:

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I have an MFA. Don’t get one unless you’re doing it for your (creative) work and your work alone :-*

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Currently completing my thesis work to get an MA in English Literature. It's hell. 

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i originally wanted to but then i managed to get a good job with a good salary without it so my motivation is gone. i realized i like working better than studying anyway.


i might reconsider if i can get my company to pay for my master’s degree which a few of my co-workers have done so it’s a possibility in the next few years.

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I have an MBA its useful for business careers.



Answer 1 - Honestly, it depends on your field (and hopefully where you see yourself having the most career and financial growth). In business, esp my interests its a good thing to have a Masters + my professors gave me the proper guidance.


Answer 2 - Grad school was a 100% easier than my undergrad years. Mainly cause it focuses on your concentration. My #1 advice is make sure that’s what you really wanna do, make a weekly goal checklist, and connect with your teachers and/or research big companies in your area you can see yourself working to become a great candidate. And always have a backup plan in case things go to sh-


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I was planning on starting my masters last year, but I got a really good job right before applying for admission, so my plans have changed a bit. I definitely plan on trying to get into the program I want in 2023/2024.


Americans talking about loans and debt, meanwhile people in several parts of the world are literally paid to study. :toofunny2:

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2 hours ago, Devin said:

I have an MBA its useful for business careers.


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Answer 1 - Honestly, it depends on your field (and hopefully where you see yourself having the most career and financial growth). In business, esp my interests its a good thing to have a Masters + my professors gave me the proper guidance.


Answer 2 - Grad school was a 100% easier than my undergrad years. Mainly cause it focuses on your concentration. My #1 advice is make sure that’s what you really wanna do, make a weekly goal checklist, and connect with your teachers and/or research big companies in your area you can see yourself working to become a great candidate. And always have a backup plan in case things go to sh-



-Did you go to school in Europe or USA?

-I’ve been contemplating and researching the pursuit for a US MBa for a number of years now. 

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Currently kissing old professors asses trying to get letters of rec for my applications as I write this

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I need to finish my bachelor firstly but i am planning on it. I mean it's like 2 additional years max ánd it will be a great and useful achievement. why not.


Personally my only consideration for obtaining a master's degree after a bachelor is to obtain more knowledge in a specific field that can be useful. Bachelors tend to be very broad and with the master you have the opportunity to dive deeper into a field that you want to specialize yourself in. 

Edited by KatyPrismSpirit
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