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Why is Islamophobia called out on ATRL?


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They throw gays from buildings, they beahead their own gays family members, they kill young girls due to their family honor tradition( among many other things they do based on ther beliefs) . Isnt it an irony that we are being warned for calling out a religion that literally wants us dead?


gays defending islam is like a contradiction


keep it cute and dont get me banned i just want to know why there’s this policy

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That's something that we unfortunately can't discuss nowadays anymore, not in this leftist woke world. 

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Because a mostof it isn’t rooted in religious ideology it’s rooted in racism. :turkey:

Christians have done or are doing similar or the exact same things and here we are on a forum that exclusively discusses women who love to bring up their christian faith and aren’t bashed for it. 

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12 minutes ago, Ferret said:

 Isnt it an irony that we are being warned for calling out a religion that literally wants us dead?


Is Islamophobia (Always) Racism?

Recent scholarship increasingly defines Islamophobia as a form of racism. The possibility that Islamophobia could also manifest itself as religious or cultural bigotry is generally overlooked. This article argues that although anti-Islam bigotry is intertwined with anti-Muslim racism, the two are conceptually distinct. Making this distinction allows us to better analyze, unmask, and critically assess Islamophobia. The article conceptually explores the similarities and differences between anti-Muslim racism and anti-Islam bigotry. It finds that although anti-Islam bigotry implies a prejudicial rejection of an essentialized idea of Islam, it understands religion or culture to be an individual choice and allows for the possibility that Muslims convert or assimilate. As such, it differs from anti-Muslim racism, which implies that the Muslim identity and the negative characteristics associated with Islam are innate and unchangeable. The article argues that contemporary Islamophobic political discourse in Europe is predominantly racist, although it hides behind a cloak of anti-Islam bigotry.



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6 minutes ago, Century said:

Because a mostof it isn’t rooted in religious ideology it’s rooted in racism. :turkey:

Christians have done or are doing similar or the exact same things and here we are on a forum that exclusively discusses women who love to bring up their christian faith and aren’t bashed for it. 

Exactly if there’s no “ Christianophobia” then why we keep getting warned for islamophobia :rip: we should be able to criticize the horrors of religions

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because this is ATRL not 4chan. maybe u guys should try to go there since they'll be more welcoming to discuss ur hatred for Muslims/Islam with u. 

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World Cup in GODtar has y'all too pressed 

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8 minutes ago, Communion said:

Is Being muslim a race though? A latin american  may be an islam believer and i will still oppose their views. ( i read the abstract completely but have no access to the full article)

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Because people like you and other ATRLers are unable to criticize Islam without resorting to racism and xenophobia. Its literally clear as day. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.


And before anyone quotes me, I was born and raised in a muslim homophobic country. I'm not muslim and lord knows how much I disagree with Islam (and all religions) but you don't see me acting like the fools on this site. It is entirely possible to condemn or call out the atrocities being committed against women, queer people, etc without drawing xenophobic and racist parallels to Muslims. (like the thread in Civics recently with ATRLers telling arabs/muslims to "go back to their country!!" :skull:)


Also Queer muslims literally exist and they are absolutely valid whether you like it or not. Stop bashing entire communities just to settle scores.

Edited by State of Grace.
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26 minutes ago, Ferret said:

Exactly if there’s no “ Christianophobia” then why we keep getting warned for islamophobia :rip: we should be able to criticize the horrors of religions

You took the wrong message from my post. You're inherently tolerant of christianity because of who you stan. :turkey:

Asking why you can't be hateful towards a religion that shares the exact same origin and has an equal legacy of violent extremism as the one that's accepted on here, but is practiced mainly by people who look different and live in a different part of the world than most of ATRL is sus. That's all I'm going to say on the matter about you personally. :thing:

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Gays defending islam throwing them from buildings already :rip: I guess you're never too woke to adore someone who wants you being killed just because they are considered a "minority" :rip:

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If criticising beheadings, honor killings, death penalty for gays etc causes your mind to jump to "that's racist"... Welp. :rip:


Edited by Miss Show Business
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3 minutes ago, ToxDust said:

Gays defending islam throwing them from buildings already :rip: I guess you're never too woke to adore someone who wants you being killed just because they are considered a "minority" :rip:

*checks posting history*

*sees multiple posts of this user being pro-republicans*



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If we can all agree that Christianity is problematic because of the way homophobia/sexism/etc are woven into its fabric, we should be able to say the same about Islam, yes. But a lot of people on here just seem to just be hateful. The large majority of users on here are from the Western world where Christianity holds a privileged status, we all focus on the celebs from that world, so this idea that we should have a "right" to islamophobia seems like an excuse to be bigoted and hateful

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50 minutes ago, Ferret said:

Is Being muslim a race though?

Muslims can be racialized, yes.


I mean, it becomes clear in how the point is to essentialize a group and uniformly paint them as one.


You just have to look at the last few posts on this thread: "So we can't criticize BEHEADINGS???" from people who are largely 1) not in countries where such happens and 2) despite deluding themselves, have no power to change such elsewhere (and whose governments actively make such worse for their material benefit).


Like why.. is anyone from a tiny Europe village concerned about "Islamic beheadings"?

Because they see... Muslims living in Europe? How are those Muslims connected to these ideas?


Surely when half of these people are often gays themselves who can't even go outside of their home holding a boyfriend's hand because they're afraid a random older man would smash their head in a brick or be attacked by the village babushka, should Islam let alone Muslims really be a high priority item of concern? And if it is to someone despite Islam largely having no immediate impact on their life, then of course people begin to realize the motivator here is not anti-Islam criticism or even anti-Islam bigotry but anti-Muslim racism


Like it's so very plainly obvious criticisms of Islam done in good faith are respected & those in bad faith are not - those who are criticizing in bad faith just lack the self-awareness to know people see what they're doing. :toofunny3:

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6 minutes ago, Communion said:

Like why.. is anyone from a tiny Europe village concerned about "Islamic beheadings"?

Because they see... Muslims living in Europe? How are those Muslims connected to these ideas?

Um. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Samuel_Paty


I guess you forgot about that whole thing.

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I wish no hate on people, but if the abrahamic religions could stop wanting me dead, that would be great.  

As for ATRL, I feel like a lot of things get lost in the weeds here.  Also the mods will be after you for pretty benign things so there is that too. 

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2 minutes ago, Nano said:

Someone: *points out that something being statistically rare means omnipotent fear of it is irrational, like getting struck by lightning*

You: *furiously googles the number of people who have been struck by lightning within the last 20 years to show that it happens because the point went over your year*


The irony too given your defense of the anti-gay stabbings and murders that have been committed by Orthodox extremists in Israel. :deadbanana4:

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