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Trump and Fox News are having a nasty breakup


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“Trump Is The Republican Party’s Biggest Loser,” read the headline of the Wall Street Journal editorial board. “What will Democrats do when Donald Trump isn’t around to lose elections?” the editorial read.


The New York Post featured Trump as “Trumpty Dumpty.” The subhead was, “Don (who couldn’t build a wall) had a great fall — can all the GOP’s men put the party back together again?”

On her primetime show on Wednesday, Laura Ingraham cited DeSantis’ victory, referring to the strategy for winning as the future of the GOP. She said that the GOP in 2024 has to be focused on winning and “not just making a point or settling a score.” She also said that if voters “conclude that you are putting your own ego or your own grudges ahead of what’s good for the country, they’re going to look elsewhere.” She didn’t specifically name Trump as that person, but the point seemed to be pretty clear.


On his social media platform Truth Social, Trump, as he has done before, called for another media outlet to go pro-Trump. He wrote, “Despite having picked so many winners, I have to put up with the Fake News. For me, Fox News was always gone, even in 2015-16 when I began my ‘journey,’ but now they’re really gone. Such an opportunity for another media outlet to make an absolute fortune, and do good for America. Let’s see what happens?"

Yes as pointed out on the article they were like this in 2015 too but so was everyone esle. But it looks like Trump is becoming irrelevant in Republican circles to the point his own former VP might run against him. This is gonna be an interesting election run if this goes down.

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i can't wait for the insults to start really flying between Trump and DeSantis... i know Trump can come up with better than "Ron DeSanctimonious" :deadbanana2:

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Y’all really need to stop reading too much into this ****. Fox News despised Trump during the 2016 primary, but guess what! They fell in line after he got the nom. Trump has a personality, and charisma that onesie-twosie Desantis lacks. He could very well get nominated again, and guess what these loser news outlets will do? Fall in line again!

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A Venn diagram of Trump's base and Fox News' viewers would nearly be a circle. I predict they will try to start dragging him, but will notice viewership begin to slip as his viewers get turned off by the rhetoric. In the end, they will come running back and start sucking his ***hole again to try to win those viewers back. People who think that the republicans can simply get rid of Trump and Magats without significantly cutting into their base are kidding themselves. Trump has embedded himself into the party too deeply with a cult of personality that has radicalized too many GOP voters into being his devout followers. DeSantis being called the new leader is funny cause he could barely handle getting grilled by a former moderate republican during those governor debates from what I hear, Trump will quickly make him his *****. DeSantis should stay in Florida where he already has a nice little kingdom cause I don't think his image will survive the brutality of a presidential election cycle especially one with Trump involved. And if they do try to force Trump out still, Trump is a narcissist who will go kicking and screaming and will inflict heavy damage on the GOP party during the fight to make him leave. On the other hand keeping Trump around will continue the trend of Dems gaining ground in many parts of the country as normal people are increasingly turned off by the GOP and its politics, just like what happened on Tuesday. The GOP is stuck in a catch-22 and its gonna be hilarious to watch them try to get out of it :bibliahh:

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My family is unfortunately conservative and Fox News viewers so I catch some clips and i was surprised to hear that they said they have a Trump problem and he can’t be the nominee. Hoping for a fierce Trump V Desantis battle to put that final nail in the Republican party’s coffin

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The EPITOME of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" :bibliahh: **** conservatives, they reap what they sow

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DeSantis is gonna win easily if its just him vs Biden.. It will be a repeat of 2016. Hope Trump runs again so that the vote gets split. The straight dude bros have already started worshipping desantis like anything... 2024 will be nightmare 

Edited by coolblue
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This is bad. At the end of the day Republicans will rally around either Trump or DeSantis, they don't care. All this talk about a "rift" in the Republican party is giving "Hillary can't possibly lose against Trump" teas 

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2 minutes ago, Dephira said:

This is bad. At the end of the day Republicans will rally around either Trump or DeSantis, they don't care. All this talk about a "rift" in the Republican party is giving "Hillary can't possibly lose against Trump" teas 

Except there are clear signs of a rift though, the fact that even Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, New York Post, etc are coming for him like this speaks volumes.


And if Trump loses to DeSantis do you really think he’ll go quietly and all of his supporters will just accept it? :toofunny3: 

This election will be a mess. 


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1 hour ago, A Bomb said:

Y’all really need to stop reading too much into this ****. Fox News despised Trump during the 2016 primary, but guess what! They fell in line after he got the nom. Trump has a personality, and charisma that onesie-twosie Desantis lacks. He could very well get nominated again, and guess what these loser news outlets will do? Fall in line again!

Trump is a loser 3 elections in a row - his hold has soured. Independents don’t like him and the more he loses the more republicans move on

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If trump is why fox news dies, he'd truly be worthy of having won the presidency.

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40 minutes ago, CaptainMusic said:


Except there are clear signs of a rift though, the fact that even Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, New York Post, etc are coming for him like this speaks volumes.


And if Trump loses to DeSantis do you really think he’ll go quietly and all of his supporters will just accept it? :toofunny3: 


Idk, Trump and DeSantis supporters seem like the same people to me, and DeSantis is actually smarter and more coherent.  Seems like the perfect candidate for racists, gun-lovers, and anti-abortionists to rally behind, in addition to the fiscal conservatives who would vote for him.

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We shouldn't take it for granted, that's for sure. Run with the momentum and keep pushing wedge issues. It looks like Biden's strategy of "MAGA Republicans are not real Republicans" worked better than Democrats could have imagined. Yes, we know a lot of Republicans are MAGA extremists but you can still reach out to those who might want to change their mind or suddenly feel like they don't want to be grouped up in that bunch. 


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