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Does ATRL foster a hateful community?

Sweet Sexy Savage


64 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this forum TOXIC?

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From attacking every pop girl and boy with sassy shade, micro aggressions towards poc artists and so much time and energy spent from many individuals who get cosigned with kiis for some pretty disgusting comments when it came to one’s body, ethnicity, race, cultural background and what not… do you think this forum has created a encouraging environment to be hateful and/or prejudice? 

Edited by Sweet Sexy Savage
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Of course and it's nothing new. Not every discussion here is problematic, but since ATRL is deeply rooted in stan culture, which is 100% toxic, you can't deny the obvious problems in the behaviour of some users on here. Although in the few years I've been here, I think it has gotten a lot better, but the toxic part is a root problem that's not easy to get rid of.

Edited by The Next Day
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Sometimes, yes. I'm a part of another forum, and the difference is night and day. This forums popularity is the primary reason I use it. Although, this forums popularity may also be the reason it attracts more toxic users.

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A lot of the time yeah, which is why I try to limit my time on here :celestial6:


People 100% have the right to say whatever they want, but at the same time it's clear a lot of people here don't want to offer constructive criticism or differing opinions in a decent manner.


They simply jump at the chance to spew hateful insults and be nasty when the opportunity arises for someone they seem to dislike which is weirdo behavior because none of us know these celebrities (or each other for that matter) personally and a lot of people treat them like they're blood related and have to go down swinging for someone they'll never know or meet, even if it means being racist, insensitive, cruel, etc.  to other celebs/users :toofunny3:


You can state your thoughts and opinions, even make jokes, without being vile towards others :cm:



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I think back in the day everyone was p clear that most of the things said on ATRL were jokes and partially being ironic. That was during a time when stan culture was rooted mostly in jokes and everyone knew it was so dumb and ridiculous that you should laugh at it. Now it feels v toxic, sexists, misogynistic , racist, etc. people take the internet too seriously now.

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As someone else said, any big anonymous forum usually is that way. All we can do is try to individually make this a better place by being the least toxic versions of ourselves 

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38 minutes ago, Shendelzare said:

it's not this forum, it's the anonymity that many forums/sites have

At this point, I think it’s just the Internet in general. Almost any large group of people online will eventually be angry and vindictive. It would take extreme amounts of moderation to stop it, and then everyone would just turn on the site/moderation (while probably having the same views but expressing them more privately.) There is no perfect solution anywhere.

Facebook and TikTok aren’t anonymous and have all the same problems. Everyone loves cheap gossip, drama, and getting to feel superior to another group. Platforms with content curated by an algorithm tend to be the worst, since everyone will be grouped with people with the same hateful views. :deadbanana:

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32 minutes ago, Shendelzare said:

it's not this forum, it's the anonymity that many forums/sites have

That is just not true. I've been on many forums, including stan forums, and you'd never find even 10% of the vileness and hatred on here anywhere else. It's weird to me how people choose to come visiting this site full of people they clearly despise. I come once a month or so to check on the latest tea but I don't see how so many people can be here daily with the constant negativity. Let alone the fact that this site's servers are a nightmare 

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It's the entire internet but yes its an toxic world 



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Absolutely 100%.  There is this weird cycle of hatred going on.  Where one person attacks a fan base, so that fan base attacks another which continues indefinitely.  Like I have particular hard feelings toward a couple groups on here and it is not healthy. 

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A lot of the time, yes :redface:

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Perhaps but it's also less toxic than it was in a very long time imo and pales in comparison to some Discord or Twitter corners.

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Omg yes... people judging your character for being a fan of certain celebrities is just mind boggling to me. I've been on this forum long enough for it to not affect my life in any way shape or form, but sometimes it is annoying having to constantly defend yourself for viewing things differently. 

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You only have to read two or three threads to know the answer is yes

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yes. and to think we still have the SYG thread in 2022 ( I know it's kinda hidden and not accessible to everyone, but still)

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3 hours ago, imabadkid said:

I think back in the day everyone was p clear that most of the things said on ATRL were jokes and partially being ironic. That was during a time when stan culture was rooted mostly in jokes and everyone knew it was so dumb and ridiculous that you should laugh at it. Now it feels v toxic, sexists, misogynistic , racist, etc. people take the internet too seriously now.

All of this!!! It really became hyper toxic somewhere in the late 2010s to present. It almost feels like mob mentality with certain key members that facilitate this mentality in the first place. Coupled with the social media’s rise of contrarianism increasing in users and conservative extremist views being magnified by politicians, it’s the reason why ATRL has the certain user base it does now. 

Edited by Sweet Sexy Savage
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The moment I saw users making fun of Britney's mental health,calling her "gurney" and laughing at a "drag" that was calling for her death and then pissing on her grave

(and even now, ppl still attacking her clumsy posts and handling of her social media, despite her getting her First tablet recently)

was the day I was sure that ATRL has a large hateful community (and stans in gen, are horrid)



not everyone here is like that, but a Lot of users just come here to obsess over someone they dislike and act Inhumane :deadbanana:

It would be good if they were just downplaying an artist's success..but lots of users literally go overboard and even look for ways to evade rules so they can "dRaG!1!" :toofunny3:

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Yes, the flamebait and trolling is far worse than any other forum I visit. :mazen: And to think many of the trolls do it to solidify their faves as the "greatest of all time".  :mazen:


Plus the racism, internalized homophobia, and transphobia is appalling and should always be called out. 

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yes :dies:

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yes :dies:

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