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Do You Celebrate Christmas—Why (or Why Not)?


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Here in the states it’s always been a big thing—as a kid I used to get excited for holidays like Christmas but over the years I prefer to spend that time alone. 

Do you celebrate Christmas in your country and/or home?

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Not until last year. I was raised in a christian cult so I never experienced celebrating Xmas or bdays but now I'm free. Xmas is so fun!

Edited by Jude
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I don't simply 'cause I'm an atheist. I do like the overall christmas spirit tho with decorations, Mariah Carey and everything else.

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Not really but I love buying gifts for friends so I do that every year. 

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I do not cause retail ruined the holiday for me. Everyone turns into a needy kvnt and the crowds in public places are ridiculous. Not to mention I don't need anything so getting gifts is pointless. 


I did all my husband to decorate last year for the first time in years so we'll probably do that again. 

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Yes I do - I grew up Muslim but we have some Christian family members so we always celebrated Christmas with them (and they celebrated Muslim holidays with us). It's such a fun holiday so I plan to continue.

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I was raised Catholic, but celebrate a secular Christmas now. I love gift giving, decorating, visiting small towns that go all out for Xmas, etc. 

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I get together with my mom's side of the family on Christmas but I don't do it for the religious aspect. My family is religious but I just go to spend time with them.

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i'm agnostic but yes i do idgaf it's fun and my family and i always travel abroad to celebrate it

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Yes for Orthodox Christmas. But I am not religious so for me it's just an excuse for having an extra day off and eating food

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Yes, I love Christmas, but more as a consumer and someone who just loves the entire vibe of the season.


I'm not Christian so I don't celebrate the religious aspects of the holiday, but I love decorating my flat, going to the Christmas markets in the cities, going Christmas shopping, cooking (and eating :eli:) elaborate dishes and going to Christmas parties and of course listening to Christmas music almost all the time for basically all of November & December.


It's simply the best time of the year.



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Yup, my family is Roman Catholic and I was raised as such. As other people have mentioned, I really just enjoy the vibe of the season/holiday more than anything else to do with it.



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Love the vibes and spending time with my family 


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Yeah but I celebrate on Christmas Eve with my family and normally don't do **** Christmas day 

I used to go all out on presents but I don't get the same energy so I'm not spending as much this year 

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21 hours ago, Jude said:

Not until last year. I was raised in a christian cult so I never experienced celebrating Xmas or bdays but now I'm free. Xmas is so fun!

genuinely happy for you sis. 

Kathryn Bernardo, ha impact :clap3:









o.t. yes. i was actually depressed when i spent 3 Christmases in Japan where they don't really celebrate. well that and seasonal depression 



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7 minutes ago, popmusicisdead said:

genuinely happy for you sis. 

Kathryn Bernardo, ha impact :clap3:









o.t. yes. i was actually depressed when i spent 3 Christmases in Japan where they don't really celebrate. well that and seasonal depression 



Thanks sis. Wait, Kat is no longer a member of INC? Good for her. :clap3:

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I don’t really know how to celebrate anything really. I struggle to be festive, though I do appreciate the general holiday cheer.

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I was raised Muslim but I go to church for Christmas only because my Christian friends invite me and I like the festivity. In reality, I'm agnostic atheist who culturally appropriate religion's rituals and festivals. I'm every religion and not. :skull:

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Yes. I was raised on Christmas in the UK & it's just gotten bigger & bigger over the years. We tend to catch on a bit later than the US (Halloween seems to be getting bigger in the UK now too).


I love buying gifts for people. I know it's not about the money and the UK is going through a major cost of living crisis at the moment, but I've been buying little gifts over the last couple of months so I have something to give to people.


I also went to Church on Christmas Day last year & I plan on doing it again. 

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I was raised Christian but lately I've been in touch with my dad's side of the family roots (Jewish) so now I'm like, just loving the vibes (the presents) as a lot of you have expressed. :heart2: 


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