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Kanye blamed Rihanna for domestic abuse & more in edited Netflix interview

Gui Blackout

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This man has such a warped perspective of the world it's just sad

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1 hour ago, Oxy said:

It’s an obvious reply in any domestic case

An “obvious reply” to sociopaths and misogynists maybe, what the hell is this comment :rip:

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3 hours ago, GoodGuyGoneGhetto said:




2009 was a ruthless year to be a Rihanna fan.

- She was demeaned, denounced and made fun of across the entire internet.

- Parodies were made regarding her assault.


- Twitter/FB/Vine were in constant debates regarding her assault, many people of whom didn’t believe her and blamed her for what happened to her.

Fast forward to 2022, and people still make fun of her abuse and still use that infamous photo to discredit her. 

This woman doesn’t owe anybody f*cking anything which is why I could care less about the JDxSF situation.

Quoting this, because a lot of members here were probably too young to remember or be on the internet back in the late 2000s and how awful it was to see a lot of the hate and mockeries Rihanna received (you would NEVER see anything like that in 2022, let alone videos going viral openly berating and mocking the situation)

Thank you for saying this, it really makes me admire her strength during that time, and her strength to not let that incident define her. And yes agree on the last part, after all she has been through, I trust Rihanna’s choices. 

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7 minutes ago, RockStarShit101 said:

But he was on her side during that time and they made a song together with Jay-Z which was Run This Town. :huh:

This bipolar egomaniac even spoke OUT against Chris Brown in 2009 and 2010 and 2011. 

What warranted this opinion, NOW, in 2022?


The man is genuinely SICK. 



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7 hours ago, Ricardo1993 said:

I think we need to be mindful about how we go about topics like this. I'm disappointed with Rihanna's choice to include Johnny in her show but this almost comes across as "She should know better!" and she should but trauma is very complicated and nuanced. No excuses but it's not as simple as black and white. Mariah "Believe All Women" Carey saying "We love Luke" after her remix with Dr Luke went #1. Gaga still supporting Richy, not firing him, leaving cute emojis on his posts while there's an ongoing investigation about the sexual assault allegations against him is also not the best look. 

Ricardo spilled :clap3: 


I must've done something to piss Kanye off. He keeps coming for my faves :biblio:. Must be an ATRLer.

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Another day another proof that Kanye is absolute GARBAGE! 

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this is absolutely vile, how did netflix just let it flow? the audience speaking on it JUST NOW, people are so sick and such sheep .. kanye needs to be locked & the key thrown away .. such a disgusting piece of **** of a human. the FACT he still HAS supporters after everything is revolting.

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18 minutes ago, fountain said:

Why have these big companies been protecting and enabling this man for so long? 


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5 hours ago, Headlock said:

An “obvious reply” to sociopaths and misogynists maybe, what the hell is this comment :rip:

Sweetie, I’m not defending nobody but what I’m saying that this type of reaction is common in society, they immediately say this in any domestic abuse cases. 

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11 hours ago, C-Amber said:

Chris Brown is an abuser, who kept doing it to other women

Kanye is racist, disgusting, mentally ill person

Rihanna is dumb and I even think she likes these kind of people the way she kept hanging with them, dating them, collab with them and even defended them as some point.


They all deserve the lashings.


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Nothing he says surprises me anymore, and ever since his "path to God" and Jesus redemption arc he's been saying crazy misogynistic **** about his own wife and daughter that people have been ignoring. Unhinged LOON.

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14 hours ago, Ricardo1993 said:

I think we need to be mindful about how we go about topics like this. I'm disappointed with Rihanna's choice to include Johnny in her show but this almost comes across as "She should know better!" and she should but trauma is very complicated and nuanced. No excuses but it's not as simple as black and white. Mariah "Believe All Women" Carey saying "We love Luke" after her remix with Dr Luke went #1. Gaga still supporting Richy, not firing him, leaving cute emojis on his posts while there's an ongoing investigation about the sexual assault allegations against him is also not the best look. 

This. we are allowed to criticize Rihanna and her questionable antics while still pointing out that Kanye is utter trash and needs to be locked up.

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Wow and he has daughters too. He is so trash. Before I thought he was just saying things for attention and I still supported him but this last year has shown he is vile. I don’t think it’s even mental health issues I think he really believes what he says

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I am so glad we don't have to pretend he's a genius anymore. MBDTF is unlistenable and for so long I felt like Mugatu in that scene in Zoolander, I'm living in Crazytown.

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Grade A ******* clown. His face should be put on a pamphlet for new celebrities on what NOT to do to ruin your career and musical legacy. I knew there had to be more to the story than just him owing people money on why virtually none of Kanye's old industry acquaintances really **** with him anymore. Jay, Bey, Rih, etc. used to be so tight with him back in the day and now they don't even know him. They saw the crash coming years ago.

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