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Has anyone here watched "Veep" ?


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I'm honestly so shocked at how bad S6 is :skull: they made Selina so unlikable and JLD's acting feels forced and so overacted, and wtf did they do to the iconic Mina? :skull: it was like a completely different character.


Does it get better on the final season? Or should I just rewatch S1-S5?



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Best comedy of all time, with Julia being the best performance in a television series ever. I said what I said, she deserved that seventh Emmy.


As for your point, it does get better for the final season, especially the finale is not to be missed. Regarding Selina “becoming” unlikeable, I’m not sure she ever was. She just reveals more of her true nature as the show goes along and she gets closer to her goal. She is an evil person.

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YES! i’m actually re watching it right now, it’s so funny and incredible how it was able to “predict” so many things. one of the best TV shows and performances of all time tbh 


however I do think that when the show changed showrunners and especially the last couple of seasons were too mean. like it wasn’t that funny anymore, just mean and kinda painful to watch 

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Yep watching season 3 and I love it! Not looking forward to 6 now, but at least someone said 7 is better

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Best comedy show EVER...

But when Jonah got trump'd the show lost me, still I love how they wrapped everything in the finale.

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The first five seasons are brilliant but I never got around to watch the last two after the negative reactions. Still at its peak it made me laugh the most out of any show I've ever watched, JLD is that girl :jonny5:

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One of the best comedy of all time, if not the best comedy of the last 10 years. 


Yeah season 6 was a bit of a weird shift but I still liked it, season 7 is an amazing final season. 

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“Being Vice President is like being declawed, defanged, ballgagged and sealed in an abandoned coal mine under two miles of human ****. It is a fate WORSE than death. Besides: I’m not gonna die! Because I got the heart and the **** of a high school cheerleader who has only done anal!” 

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  • ATRL Moderator

I love every season, but 6 and 7 are definitely the weakest.


Best comedy ever (after The Comeback) :clap3:

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It's lowkey cringe but has very high highs. I still love the croissant joke so f-ing much! I need to get into s3 and beyond but some chars are so annoying..

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Scott Borchetta

This show has the scene that has made me laugh the hardest I've ever laughed. I replayed that series of scenes hundreds of times and they never stopped being funny.

Love this show so much omg.

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One of the best shows of all time, that croissant joke gets me every time

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One of the best things I've ever seen on TV for sure.


This had me HOWLING:



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Selina was never meant to be likeable tho, but yes, one of the best comedies, if not THE best comedy ever. The fact they were able to keep up that level of quality for 7 seasons is something. Ryan Murphy could never. 


12 hours ago, feelslikeadream said:

Best comedy ever (after The Comeback) :clap3:

the way your taste just keeps serving :jonny5:

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Kind of the best comedy series of all time idk 

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22 hours ago, Khal said:


Still one of the most legendary tv scenes :ahh:

i am still SOOOOO mad that Anna didn't get an Emmy for this episode, this was delivered to perfection.

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Just watched the pilot and it was... really bad??? does it get better? cause it's giving painfully unfunny/annoying parks & rec

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