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Muslim woman says Muslim woman should be stoned to death!


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She's talking about Mariam Hadid who is also a Muslim.


Absolutely disgusting. If anyone else said these words they would be CANCELLED and OVER. We need to hold these extremists accountable.



Edited by Delirious
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20 minutes ago, Danny789 said:

Yup all religions are equally bad. 

period i wouldnt agree on equally though because there are countries with dominated religions where death penalty applies for gays. :clap3:

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Obviously she’s an idiot but what’s with these constant threads about the actions of one random Muslim? It’s not like the video was even particularly popular.

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3 minutes ago, Robert said:

Obviously she’s an idiot but what’s with these constant threads about the actions of one random Muslim? It’s not like the video was even particularly popular.

Are there other videos where someone PUBLICLY posts a video on Tiktok saying that someone should be stoned to death?


The video is quite popular with 40k likes.

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you look so silly always taking the talking points of individuals out of context to portray this entire religion a certain way, whilst not knowing a single thing about it :rip: 


but bless your soul. i feel like someone from muslim origin probably really hurt your feelings growing up or something - which is why you constantly feel the need to slander muslims to this extent constantly.

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1 hour ago, State of Grace. said:

clap if you knew the OP before entering the thread

Its you again lol. Seethe


48 minutes ago, KatyPrismSpirit said:

you look so silly always taking the talking points of individuals out of context to portray this entire religion a certain way, whilst not knowing a single thing about it :rip: 


but bless your soul. i feel like someone from muslim origin probably really hurt your feelings growing up or something - which is why you constantly feel the need to slander muslims to this extent constantly.

Freedom of speech! :gaycat4:

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At this point is every thread about Islam on this site going to be by you? :deadbanana4:

Edited by Phantom
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Get ha deported :clap3:totally brainwashed these people into thinking stoning someone to death is the correct action to take. I can't say the word, but threats doesn't need to start with the first punch

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How about they start with herself, seems she would enjoy the idea :cm:

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1 hour ago, Phantom said:

At this point is every thread about Islam on this site going to be by you? :deadbanana4:

yes. someone needs to! :gaycat5:

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Of course she lives in Australia and not Afghanistan, where taliban - with the things she posts in her tiktok - would want her so badly with Mariam Hadid :toofunny2: I mean, it's funny but let's be honest if sharia - the true islam - is implemented, people like her will be the first to cry against it. 


But you know what's scary, most of the comments applaud her, and this is why islam desperately needs a reformation, this begins with free education, free media that should condemn such things, especially in societies where there is no place for freedom of expression. 

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12 hours ago, State of Grace. said:

clap if you knew the OP before entering the thread


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2 hours ago, SmittenCake said:


Clap if you know its the same handful of people trying to overturn freedom of speech and obsessed with silencing me.



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1 hour ago, Jotham said:


see it's always the same people who are trying to silence me. :bibliahh:

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People once again attacking the messenger instead of reacting to the actual topic :cm: Probably because they have no arguments

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4 hours ago, Dephira said:

People once again attacking the messenger instead of reacting to the actual topic :cm: Probably because they have no arguments

And its so funny how its always the same bunch of people like - chile

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The amount of things you post about bashing Muslims and Islam is really, really concerning. You don't do this for any other religion or group of people. I wonder why that is. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Mendes said:

The amount of things you post about bashing Muslims and Islam is really, really concerning. You don't do this for any other religion or group of people. I wonder why that is. 

Anyways. Argument invalid. :cm::bibliahh:


You wonder why that is? It's because I am a proud ex-muslim. That's why. Is there something else you'd like to add? :lakitu:


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