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Rant: Horrible Roommates


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I'm not looking for a solution; I'm just here to complain lol 


1. I have a hunch my roommate is not hygienic. We have lived together since early July, and I honestly cannot remember the last time homegirl has made her bed or picked crap off her floor. This is not me being nosy-- she leaves her damn bedroom door wide open.


-Her office desk is messy, and it's in our living room. 


-When has my roommate last done the dishes? That's a great question! 


2. This is the second time my roommate has caught a cold. Yes, she works with kids. But so do I. How do you get a cold one month after the other? To make matters worse, she got me sick last time! I guess that's typical for two people living together, but if you're a clean person, I'd think the germs wouldn't be as easy to spread, especially if you're isolating yourself in your bedroom. 


3. Her boyfriend is a complete jerk. He reprimanded me in my own apartment for not recycling, when... hello! I take out the garbage because my roommate is too lazy to! And dude, you don't pay our bills! 


4. She might not be clean, but she's the queen of throwing parties. It's so-and-so's birthday: let's throw a party! It's Christmas. Let's throw a party! I'm glad the next party is at her parent's, but Jesus. 


A majority of the time, he yells at my roommate to sit down when she's just trying to be a good host at parties; she tells me he yells at her to go to sleep. I get that my roommate can over-extend herself, but if this is the person you so-call love, surely, you can find other ways to get your point across. 


I've tried telling my roommate to do the dishes after she dirties them-- I'd phrase it as, "We should get into the habit of doing our dishes." That didn't work. She had a complete meltdown. 


Also, she makes no effort to manage her anxiety. I get therapy is too expensive, but she's against any medications for it, so gone is my ability to have an adult conversation with her about contributing to the apartment. I also have to hear her groan about how much she hates work. 


I roomed with her because we got along as friends since high school, but I absolutely cannot tolerate living with her. 


Any of you have horrible roommates? 



Edited by zasderfght
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i had a housemate exactly like this once and let me just tell u, it only gets worse and worse. mine got so bad to the point that she went an entire YEAR without EVER cleaning her room or changing her bedsheets. she got us fruit flies and rats. she had a tank of dead fish that she was too lazy to dispose of. the rest of us tried everything and eventually it descended into us literally screaming at her to move out.  she was gone 2 days later. trust me sis, either get out or force her out. ppl like this do NOT improve.


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I know you're not looking for a solution, but I'd never clean someone else's dishes, I'm not their maid or mom. Yikes. I'd buy a set of cutlery and dinnerware and would only eat from them and clean them. Let her clean her own ****. 

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I had the same situation where I ended up living with my best friend since high school and she was terrible to live with. My only advice is to get out as soon as your lease is up. Have a conversation and tell her that it's not working for you and you both need to find new living arrangements by (x) date.

Edited by Indie
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I had a horrible roommate once. In college, I lived in a very old 3 bedroom house with a friend and another guy we found off Facebook that needed a room... worst idea ever.


I caught this Facebook guy on MULTIPLE occasions running out of my room the moment I would get home. I always kept the door closed when I'd leave to campus or work, but this guy would just enter as he pleased. The first time it happened, he said he was just checking if I was home. Fine. The second time it happened, I was actually still in my room since I had skipped class that afternoon :rip: Then the few times after that, like I said, I would be returning from campus and I would just catch him sprinting out of my room... I flipped my **** cause I was so bothered and disturbed that he would just invade my personal space. He never even had a good reason for it. Needless to say, I ended up having to get a deadbolt lock on the door so I could trust he wouldn't enter again :deadbanana:


Now aside from the invasion of privacy, this mofo would never pay his bills on time. His parents were sending him money weekly, but he'd just blow it all on weed :rip: and because he would blow his money, he never had the cash to even buy himself groceries- so he'd start eating me and my roommate's food without asking! Do you know how maddening it is to come home drunk from the bars and realize your late night munchies have been eaten by someone else?! :deadbanana2: 

He never cleaned his dishes, never volunteered to clean the house, never payed us back for any of our food he'd steal... and when we'd confront him about the issues, he'd just cry and play victim that he was going through a difficult time :rip: like fine, but why do we have to pay for your bullshit?? Nnnnn


The following school year I decided to live on my own because I just couldn't do it again. 

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I can’t type everything out but I had a roommate who **** himself. Just live by yourself if you can  

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I've been there. This is why they say not to live with friends because instances like these can put a strain on the friendship. Dishes and maintaing the common area clean was a huge issue than unfortunately never got better no matter how many times it was brought up. The best thing you can do is wait it out and go your separate ways. But I would at least sit her down and have a conversation about being considerate, throwing parties all the time and staying up late can get maddening (this was also an issue with me)


I stopped cleaning everyone else's dishes and just did my own, you should do the same until she's forced to do them. Also I hope the boyfriend is paying some type of rent if he's staying over more than 3 days a week, technically that's a 3rd roommate. Or at least have him pitch in somehow 

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im in the same boat. he has no personal hygiene, doesn't clean, and his room/bathroom stinks :gaycat6: he had a habit of leaving the doors open and the STENCH would go out. omfg. i just close the door and try not to waste my energy about it.


on top of that, he cooks smth in the morning which idk the oil is prolly years of accumulated grease "flavor" and the whiff i have to endure every day. i tried to talk it out by saying open the exhaust. I deff wont prevent you from your food, but pls be mindful of the other ppl. it's like talking to a goldfish. im just counting my days till one of us leaves :deadbanana4:

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I literally felt your frustration reading your post. People like that are the worst, especially if they're self aware of their trashy ways. Hope your situation gets better. :bird:

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This holy anthem shading trash roomates shall be your godsend.


play it and let her hear it :coffee2:



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I had 3 roommates; One was a Pyromaniac and got arrested for arson. Tried blow up a car in the apartment parking lot ? 

the other roommate was a junkie and was sent to a psychiatric hospital for multiple suicide attempts.

the last roommate was a Nudist and kept getting fined for randomly stripping on campus. 
It was a crazy 2nd year of college for me??

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1 hour ago, May said:

i had a housemate exactly like this once and let me just tell u, it only gets worse and worse. mine got so bad to the point that she went an entire YEAR without EVER cleaning her room or changing her bedsheets. she got us fruit flies and rats. she had a tank of dead fish that she was too lazy to dispose of. the rest of us tried everything and eventually it descended into us literally screaming at her to move out.  she was gone 2 days later. trust me sis, either get out or force her out. ppl like this do NOT improve.



6 minutes ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

I had 3 roommates; One was a Pyromaniac and got arrested for arson. Tried blow up a car in the apartment parking lot ? 

the other roommate was a junkie and was sent to a psychiatric hospital for multiple suicide attempts.

the last roommate was a Nudist and kept getting fined for randomly stripping on campus. 
It was a crazy 2nd year of college for me??


29 minutes ago, Stan.killah said:

I literally felt your frustration reading your post. People like that are the worst, especially if they're self aware of their trashy ways. Hope your situation gets better. :bird:


36 minutes ago, Mark! said:

im in the same boat. he has no personal hygiene, doesn't clean, and his room/bathroom stinks :gaycat6: he had a habit of leaving the doors open and the STENCH would go out. omfg. i just close the door and try not to waste my energy about it.


on top of that, he cooks smth in the morning which idk the oil is prolly years of accumulated grease "flavor" and the whiff i have to endure every day. i tried to talk it out by saying open the exhaust. I deff wont prevent you from your food, but pls be mindful of the other ppl. it's like talking to a goldfish. im just counting my days till one of us leaves :deadbanana4:


49 minutes ago, 305 said:

I've been there. This is why they say not to live with friends because instances like these can put a strain on the friendship. Dishes and maintaing the common area clean was a huge issue than unfortunately never got better no matter how many times it was brought up. The best thing you can do is wait it out and go your separate ways. But I would at least sit her down and have a conversation about being considerate, throwing parties all the time and staying up late can get maddening (this was also an issue with me)


I stopped cleaning everyone else's dishes and just did my own, you should do the same until she's forced to do them. Also I hope the boyfriend is paying some type of rent if he's staying over more than 3 days a week, technically that's a 3rd roommate. Or at least have him pitch in somehow 


53 minutes ago, St. Charles said:

I can’t type everything out but I had a roommate who **** himself. Just live by yourself if you can  


1 hour ago, James_Dean said:

I had a horrible roommate once. In college, I lived in a very old 3 bedroom house with a friend and another guy we found off Facebook that needed a room... worst idea ever.


I caught this Facebook guy on MULTIPLE occasions running out of my room the moment I would get home. I always kept the door closed when I'd leave to campus or work, but this guy would just enter as he pleased. The first time it happened, he said he was just checking if I was home. Fine. The second time it happened, I was actually still in my room since I had skipped class that afternoon :rip: Then the few times after that, like I said, I would be returning from campus and I would just catch him sprinting out of my room... I flipped my **** cause I was so bothered and disturbed that he would just invade my personal space. He never even had a good reason for it. Needless to say, I ended up having to get a deadbolt lock on the door so I could trust he wouldn't enter again :deadbanana:


Now aside from the invasion of privacy, this mofo would never pay his bills on time. His parents were sending him money weekly, but he'd just blow it all on weed :rip: and because he would blow his money, he never had the cash to even buy himself groceries- so he'd start eating me and my roommate's food without asking! Do you know how maddening it is to come home drunk from the bars and realize your late night munchies have been eaten by someone else?! :deadbanana2: 

He never cleaned his dishes, never volunteered to clean the house, never payed us back for any of our food he'd steal... and when we'd confront him about the issues, he'd just cry and play victim that he was going through a difficult time :rip: like fine, but why do we have to pay for your bullshit?? Nnnnn


The following school year I decided to live on my own because I just couldn't do it again. 


1 hour ago, Indie said:

I had the same situation where I ended up living with my best friend since high school and she was terrible to live with. My only advice is to get out as soon as your lease is up. Have a conversation and tell her that it's not working for you and you both need to find new living arrangements by (x) date.

Listen to this bop to cleanse your sanity! ?



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I can relate and I hope you find a better place ASAP.


I had TWO horrible apartment mates in college. BOTH unhygienic, don’t clean after themselves, the dished would be in the sink for 3 weeks straight, CHEAP (they want the AC and heater to be off during all seasons!) . I stopped inviting my friends over cuz it’s embarrassing and inhospitable and was being invaded by pests shortly before I left. 
After that experience I’d rather pay half of my salary on the rent rather than share a space with anyone who isn’t family. Lesson learned.

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22 minutes ago, StormFury said:

Okay now THAT is insane. And in your second year damn, what was freshman year like?

Freshman year I was in dorms so it wasn’t crazy, but off campus living is kinda insane. lol 

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One of my roommates who lives opposite of me (we're 6 people in a three storey house) used to bring girls almost every night last year and he would bang them all night :rip: He has kinda stopped doing this the last few months. He has gotten kinda ugly so maybe miss thing isn't as lucky anymore. He let his hair grow and it doesn't suit him at all and everytime we pass each other in the kitchen I squeal in disgust at his greasy long hair and bald patch in the middle of his scalp.


We got a new roommate this September and well.. she's nice, sorta, but she's giving a mean girl vibe but hey, at least she's the only one who cleans the shared spaces :toofunny3: kinda puts me and the 3 other guys to shame :toofunny2:

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4 minutes ago, Pendulum said:

everytime we pass each other in the kitchen I squeal in disgust at his greasy long hair and bald patch in the middle of his scalp

This random drag SUNT me :redface:

Edited by Limitless
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Some of these stories, damn :hoetenks:


My flatmates were okay. My only problems with them was in my first semester. One of them left the dishes unwashed in the sink for a long time - two weeks at one point - and there was no space for everybody else to wash theirs. Another always forgot to turn on the exhaustor when cooking and filled the kitchen with smoke. :rip:

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I am the horrible roommate, unfortunately 

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16 minutes ago, ATWK said:

One of them left the dishes unwashed in the sink for a long time - two weeks at one point - and there was no space for everybody else to wash theirs. 

..and that's how we got ants in our kitchen :rip:at this point if I see any dishes on the counter or in the sink, I'd rather wash them and put them in the dishwasher myself 

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Ugh, I definitely don’t miss having roommates. When I did I would literally pretend as though I was living by myself. I didn’t engage or spark conversation with any of my roommates. It was so awkward and I always felt like a guest in my own apartment. They however were more than happy to get to know me/wanna hang out etc but I just made myself seem very unapproachable until

they got the hint lol. I mostly stuck to my room for the most part and only utilized the kitchen/bathroom. They were like besties and were always in the living areas, it got on my nerves how extroverted they were. That bathroom was a literal nightmare at times too (hair everywhere, cigarette butts in the toilet, just gross). The girl also had kids visit her on weekends which was annoying because they definitely snooped around my room while I was at work. It wasn’t  at all shocking to know the father has full custody tbh… I was living in NYC so roommates were the best option for me at the time (I was a bartender), but I eventually found affordable housing that was within reason in Jersey City and been at peace ever since. I just absolutely refuse to be exploited by landlords for 2000/mo+ for a studio/1 bedroom. That’s just a set back and I’m trying to own a place sometime soon. 

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My roommates are also very anti hygienic, they don't wash dishes, they spill drinks or leave crumbs on the table and they don't clean them, they don't take the trash out even if the trash can is full, they rater throw the trash on the floor, we've had problems with cockroaches, maggots and even rats because of them and on top of all that they like to stay up late laughing and playing loud music even on weekdays, but complain about me using the blender in the morning because I wake them up :rip: 

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They are the bloody worst.


In uni, I had to deal with roommates who:

- Don't clean up after themselves

- Leave stringy hair all over the toilet, sink and shower

- Leave doodoo stains in the toilet

- Leave mouldy food in the fridge or outside on the counter

- Play loud TV/music/video games all night

- Have loud convos

- **** their partners/FWB to the point where you can hear the bed creaking and the sex noises


It got to a point where I paid extra to live alone because it was frustrating to deal with all that, the poor hygiene being the worst of all.



Some people have ZERO home training!

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