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Keir Starmer says teenagers should not socially transition without parental approval

Kitty Kat

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Unless they're emancipated, that's as reasonable a take as you're going to get from a leading British politician. The alternative is banning the practice for any and everyone who isn't a legal adult. Which is probably what US Republicans are likely to do when they seize power again, and what the Tories could end up passing on their way out before General Elections take place.


Edit: Oh, social transitioning. Missed that part. Well, I fail to see how you're going to get a school to consent to changing how they address or discuss a student with their preferred name and pronouns without legal consent from parents. Some places are even making moves to ban social transitioning altogether, even with parental consent, so...

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I’m sorry… but who is this and why would we listen to their obviously incorrect take?

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Why is it that people who look like a Ronald McDonald gone floozy get this type of attention and clout and a platform to spout off this type of bullshit? 

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11 minutes ago, loveisdead9582 said:

I’m sorry… but who is this and why would we listen to their obviously incorrect take?

It wouldn't let me fit this in the title but this is the leader of the Labour Party in the UK who is currently at 50+% in every poll.

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"Parents should be allowed to tell their gay child they're actually straight and ban them from telling anyone they know that they identify as gay until they're 18" teas.


I mean:


If the desire is to allow parents to effectively prohibit things like school officials from using names or pronouns or not scolding forms of dress, and essentially that the parent has a right to deny a child of the right to self-identity as trans, how is that not conversion therapy? 

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I googled him and wow, he has ZERO qualifications so I guess we should throw his take in the bin, along with all the others, yeah? Good talk.

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