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How advanced are you in Microsoft Excel?

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Okay so... on a scale from 1-5, how sophisticated are you in using Excel?


Also, does anyone know a credible free/cheaper Excel certification? For English we have IELTS for the more prestigious one and we have EF SET for the cheaper option yet still holds credibility. Any Excel equivalent to this?

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Unfortunately, there is no such assessment.

I'm 3.5 out 5, since macro development and very complex formulas are part of Excel.

Edited by Fastlane
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I know how to sum columns :redface:

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im a 1


literally all i know is how to resize tables and how to do conditional formatting. that's it :rip: but im lucky i dont rly need to use it often at all. im also generally tech-savvy enough that if i did need to do something on excel, id be able to follow a tutorial pretty easily and could probably get it done with minimal stress.

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Hm hard to quantify it since I haven't even tapped into most of the features Excel posseses like most people.





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For me, a 3

I learned how to do more in college and at internships but I've forgotten how to do a lot of it since because I haven't had enough practice. I think I could remember if I had a refresher. But I still put it on my résumé and it's been helpful in getting jobs

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47 minutes ago, byzantium said:

I would say a 3 or 4.  I am at the VLOOKUP and SUMIF level of proficiency.  

That would be a 2 at best :cm:


I'm at 3.5 - 4 i think

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It's pretty much all I do at work including macros and VBA, so I'd say a 5

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approx 1.  currently being coached at work to get much better!


i had never even heard of v look up this time last week :deadbanana:

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38 minutes ago, Sept said:

That would be a 2 at best :cm:


I'm at 3.5 - 4 i think

Tell me more about how cool you are. :cm:

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as long as the tables look pretty it’s all good 

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I loathe excel. It’s fun to do if you’re doing smth in your free time but using it for a school project or work? hate it.

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1, I just try to make the tables look pretty with a cute color palette :-*

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I work online for Microsoft and I'd say im at a 3 in Excel proficiency. 

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maybe like a 2 or 3. i took some classes in college but tbh i forgot most the advanced stuff

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I'm around a 3. I took an Excel class last year. There are so many tricks in Excel and it is so helpful in the workplace. Everyone needs to know how to use it.

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