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Thoughts on the ‘fat’ fiasco related to the Antihero MV?


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Taylor has deleted the scene with the ‘Fat’ on the bathroom scale on YouTube now as well Apple Music due to the issue raised by people on twitter.


I have had ED in the past as a guy, and I was 50kg which at my height, I was thin thin. The reason was that I had body dysmorphia and at the time, every time I had looked in the mirror, I saw the fat showing in my midsection, which I now consciously understand is something everyone has.


Watching the Antihero MV, I honestly related to Taylor feeling like she was fat even though she was stick thin during the 1989 era. You can tell from the Blank Space MV that she was practically skeletal and her ribs where showing.


The issue raised by ‘fat activists’ on twitter was that seeing the word ‘fat’ is triggering them and claiming that showing ‘fat’ in the MV is giving a negative connotation to the word.


To me, this is exactly what Demi did during the yoghurt thing. Project your struggles upon others by invalidating theirs is peak privilege. If you tell me that when I was having ED that seeing myself as fat in the mirror was fatphobic, I will punch you in the face no matter who you are.

Edited by Meev
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She has her own struggles which are all valid, but she's still a public figure with a huge platform. She could've conveyed what she wanted by using other means/term. Doubtful she came up with something given she couldn't change the adjective 'sexy' referring to a baby.

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On her defense tho, the use of the word 'fat' is easier to understand for most, well, caused by the negative usage of it. 

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it was stupid and people were overreacting as usual

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9 minutes ago, Meev said:

on twitter

Always the common denominator.:cm:

Edited by ToMmY
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It's really dumb, the song is literally about self-consciousness and self-doubt which every person in the world has. Since it's not like an overweight person is called "fat" in the video, I fail to see how it has anything to do with fat-shaming. Unfortunately most Twitter activists have the intellectual capacity of a walnut despite being very loud. 

Edited by Dephira
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It was about an ED, that's how she (and many other) felt/feel. She should've kept it tbh. 

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It’s weird cause all these fat people I saw on twitter always claimed they’re fearless, confident, proud of their weight and being fat is the new beauty standards or something, and they suddenly start to meltdown just because they saw the word fat :rip:

Edited by Monster Queen
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being fat is universally not desirable so idk why fat people are so offended that Taylor struggles with not wanting to be fat 

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From another perspective as someone who had, and still struggles, with an ED I can see why the issue was raised. Not only can it be harmful for people who are ‘fat’, but it can also feed into existing EDs.


Of course this is something Taylor has struggled with herself and this was her way of expressing it, but seeing someone who has never remotely been “fat” refer to herself in that way can be harmful.


Obviously this wasn’t done with bad intent but people who just completely dismiss the criticism are lacking nuance.

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Twitter activists are trash. As someone who struggled with weight when I was younger, these people are absolutely hopeless.

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i use to be fat. i was unhealthy and sad. now that im skinny i still sometimes think im fat.


people who complain about the video always like to victimise themselves

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I don't think the scene was fatphobic, just tired and straight from a bad Wattpad story.

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Anyone with brain cells sees nothing fatphobic about that scene :rip: 


The fake activists stay doing the most

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The scene was powerful. Taking it out was a horrible choice, and she/her team shouldn't have done it.


Art is meant to reflect reality, and that was her reality.

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1 hour ago, OreGuy said:

She has her own struggles which are all valid, but she's still a public figure with a huge platform. She could've conveyed what she wanted by using other means/term. Doubtful she came up with something given she couldn't change the adjective 'sexy' referring to a baby.

If you have not experienced ED, you do not understand the experience. That scene was quintessential ED.


1 hour ago, Nip Tuck said:

From another perspective as someone who had, and still struggles, with an ED I can see why the issue was raised. Not only can it be harmful for people who are ‘fat’, but it can also feed into existing EDs.


Of course this is something Taylor has struggled with herself and this was her way of expressing it, but seeing someone who has never remotely been “fat” refer to herself in that way can be harmful.


Obviously this wasn’t done with bad intent but people who just completely dismiss the criticism are lacking nuance.

I have to say, I can’t think of anything more triggering than being accused of fatphobia when I have ‘fat’ thoughts while having ED. I swear, people don’t understand that when people with ED are thinking they are fat, it is not the same as average or fat people thinking they are fat. I feel that people tend to invalidate the experience of people with ED seeing themselves as fat as they only have the experience of a normal person evaluating their body.

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people are overracting as always

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33 minutes ago, Meev said:

If you have not experienced ED, you do not understand the experience. That scene was quintessential ED.


I have to say, I can’t think of anything more triggering than being accused of fatphobia when I have ‘fat’ thoughts while having ED. I swear, people don’t understand that when people with ED are thinking they are fat, it is not the same as average or fat people thinking they are fat. I feel that people tend to invalidate the experience of people with ED seeing themselves as fat as they only have the experience of a normal person evaluating their body.

I literally have an ED myself and like I said I understand that was her way of expressing it BUT that doesn’t mean any and all criticisms are invalid. 

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Fats should be skinny if they are not good with it.

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2 hours ago, liver said:

she, beyonce and lizzo are idiots for changing their art cause some weirdos cried about it on twitter  


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