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your biggest regrets in life?


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not accepting a scholarship in the UK because I thought I was marrying someone else

not being able to go to Canada because a friend ****** me over

believing someone else was willing to marry me and taking me out of this shithole of a country

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believing in people in general, then feeling like **** when their empty promises were up

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i should've moved back to chicago summer of 2020, but with the pandemic I had no idea what was going to happen. I'm happy with everything now, but ultimately think this would've been best :celestial5:

Kinda also wish i realized my career path in college and not two years after graduating but again, things have worked out so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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That I ever trusted the 16 year old I met on a chat room when I was 12 :gaycat6: I wonder how different my life would be if I didn’t meet up with him and his 38 year old “friend” 

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Saying "sorry" when I was actually right in attempt to fix friendships.

Not being brave enough to flirt or open myself romantically to anyone.

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Not being more outgoing, there's a lot of people that I've wanted to talk to but I'm shy and have trust issues and think that everyone will end up hurting me one way or another 


oprah winfrey GIF

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38 minutes ago, discotitzz said:

That I ever trusted the 16 year old I met on a chat room when I was 12 :gaycat6: I wonder how different my life would be if I didn’t meet up with him and his 38 year old “friend” 

oh no. :dancehall: 

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I'm not quite sure because I'm so lost in the choices I've made in life that I don't know where I'm headed and don't know what I regret

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dated my ex for 2 years too long



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Not taking adhd meds for the past ten years and rn 

not trying harder in school or just being a stem student bc I was naturally good at math/science 

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I don’t regret anything major. It’s just small things like not buying a piece of art when I had the chance. 


I value the relationships/friendships and experiences I have/had, and if I were to hypothetically change the past I would potentially lose those so I don’t really have any regrets. Even in terms how I think, I value where I’ve gotten so nothing really stands out. In the past I’ve regretted the school I ended up going to, my major and not cutting ties fast enough in an abusive situation but really I made the best decisions with what I knew at the time so it’s all fine to me now.

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4 hours ago, discotitzz said:

That I ever trusted the 16 year old I met on a chat room when I was 12 :gaycat6: I wonder how different my life would be if I didn’t meet up with him and his 38 year old “friend” 

What happened?

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43 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

Not taking adhd meds for the past ten years and rn 

not trying harder in school or just being a stem student bc I was naturally good at math/science 

You regret studying stem or NOT studying stem?

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14 minutes ago, °ColdFire° said:

What happened?

They raped me. 

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-Not learning languages when I was younger

-Not having started consistently going to the gym since I was 18

-Maybe would have picked a different major (something in management maybe or a foreign languages degree)

-Investing more in some guys

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11 hours ago, discotitzz said:

They raped me. 

Sending you love. As a preteen I also looked online to chatrooms and websites hoping to find guidance and a community.


If you feel comfortable answering...did the criminal system take care of them?


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29 minutes ago, Ombre said:

You regret studying stem or NOT studying stem?

Not studying. 

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53 minutes ago, Ombre said:

Sending you love. As a preteen I also looked online to chatrooms and websites hoping to find guidance and a community because I had a very homophobic environment. I deeply regret it because it also sent me down a bad path in life and ultimately I met up with someone who took advantage of me. I just wish I had family and friends that were accepting and maybe it all could have been avoided. Im bitter and so regretful. I dont even feel like the same person.


If you feel comfortable answering...did the criminal system take care of them?


Thank you for your kind words x And I’m sorry to hear that you had your own bad experiences as a result of not being accepted at home, thus seeking validation externally. 

unfortunately not. My parents handled the whole situation terribly and convinced me that litigation would “tear our family apart” due to the stress. I regret that.

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Changing schools

In my old school I had a life, a sense of humor, personality, friends, I was more outgoing and positive

But after going to a different school... everyting changed, to put it mildly

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so many. mostly have to do my indecision:gaycat7:

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2 hours ago, discotitzz said:

They raped me. 

I am so sorry. What they did to you is absolutely disgusting and I truly hope they are getting or will get some sort of punishment, if not one from the judicial system.

We all, if may put all of us gay people in the same basket, suffer from so many things that leave us vulnerable and sensitive. I am currently struggling a lot with coming out and how to proceed as a gay man in life.


However, I am sending you all my love and peace! 

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38 minutes ago, °ColdFire° said:

I am so sorry. What they did to you is absolutely disgusting and I truly hope they are getting or will get some sort of punishment, if not one from the judicial system.

We all, if may put all of us gay people in the same basket, suffer from so many things that leave us vulnerable and sensitive. I am currently struggling a lot with coming out and how to proceed as a gay man in life.


However, I am sending you all my love and peace! 

Thank you for your thoughtfulness :hug: I hope you will be able to navigate coming out and living as a gay man in a way that is comfortable and true to you. Sending you love and peace as well x

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