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Eco-idiots glue themselves to car showroom floor; get left in dark as staff go home


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ECO-ZEALOTS who glued themselves to the floor of a Volkswagen dealership moaned they couldn't use the toilet or get food after staff went home.


Unimpressed employees at the showroom in Germany locked the doors, switched off the lights and dialed down the heating at the end of the working day.


They had stormed the showroom in Wolfsburg in protest of Volkswagen, the second-largest car producer in the world. The eco-idiots then glued their hands to the ground on the Porsche pavilion floor in the company's Autostadt building on Wednesday.


But they were left disgruntled when the staff refused to offer them a container to relieve themselves in while letting the temperature drop.


One of the activists wrote in a Twitter thread: "@VW told us that they supported our right to protest, but they refused our request to provide us with a bowl to urinate and defecate in a decent manner while we are glued and have turned off the heating."


The activists staged the bold sit-in in the hopes of encouraging the government and big firms to decarbonise the German transport sector.





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They really thought the poor employees would stay there all night with them, keep them warm and feed them? :rip:

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Good. Let them starve to death.

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They don't seem to be glued in the second image where they sit in a circle :devil: Go home

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Good, it gets them more attention, which is the point.


Can they score a hit gif, though?


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Good. Hope they learn their lesson and let humanity carbonate itself to death in peace. :clap3:

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...while rats like these or stupid soup girls make no points with their protests. The way these climate activists are turning into religious fanatics. 

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VW supported them, they could've kicked them out but instead allowed them to stay. Now they're acting like they're being oppressed or sth. And NOT "Scientist Rebellion", man if this is what the "scientist rebels" come up with then we're screwed:redface:

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A lot of you were mad when the soup incident happened which could be justified because of the possible destruction of a historic piece of art which ended up not being particularly benefitial to the cause they were representing anyway, but the amount of anger seen on this thread for a fairly inoffensive protest seems like a bit much lol. I wonder what the source for such vitriol could be? :celestial5:

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1 hour ago, Jotham said:

The one in the center and to the right. :smitten:

MTE :gaycat5: he wouldn’t need a bowl if i was there 

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they should get jobs :biblio:

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4 hours ago, Jotham said:

The one in the center and to the right. :smitten:

not as cute as the one to the left in front of the car with the ponytail


OT: stupid world! ?? they should’ve thought a bit longer before deciding to do that 

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4 hours ago, Jotham said:

The one in the center and to the right. :smitten:

not as cute as the one to the left in front of the car with the ponytail


OT: stupid world! ?? they should’ve thought a bit longer before deciding to do that 

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The way they are so entitled as to think the people they are protesting have to provide accommodation for them. :rip:


Like ***** i'm not going to go protest the police and expect police to hand out water bottles for us. The ****? you dumbasses. 

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7 hours ago, Kavish said:

At least they're being peaceful and not damaging property unlike other eco protests we've been seeing.




Are you referring to the Van Gogh soup can protesters? They didn't damage ****. :rip:

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11 hours ago, LCTV said:

The employees:



the employees were probably like: "I don't get paid enough for this sh*t" and ran after the bell rang:dies:

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