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Israeli settlers terrorize town, burn hundreds of olive trees


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’24 hours of hell’: Israeli settler gangs terrorize Palestinian town under army protection


Huwwara has been under near constant attack since Thursday afternoon, when groups of armed settlers began attacking several points in the town as they were escorted and enabled by the Israeli army, attacking several points in the town, primarily on the main road, vandalizing dozens of storefronts and vehicles. The settlers also burned olive trees, and attacked several homes, a local amusement park, and a cafe on the outskirts of the town.



Israeli settlers continued their attack on the Palestinian town of Huwwara in the northern occupied West Bank for the second day in a row on Friday, vandalizing several storefronts, vehicles, and homes, while Israeli forces fired live ammunition at Palestinians in the town. 


At around 1 p.m., as Friday prayers were ongoing in the town, groups of armed and masked Israeli settlers began attacking homes and storefronts off the main road of the town, that connects Huwwara and the surrounding villages with the city of Nablus to the north. 


“They started throwing rocks at passing cars, breaking the windows of the stores and vandalizing them from the inside, vandalizing vehicles, trying to set them on fire, and attacking homes during prayer time, when most of the men in the village were in the mosque, and it was just the women and children who were at home alone."


Following Friday prayers, dozens of local youth from Huwwara took to the streets to confront the settlers and soldiers. Israeli soldiers fired live ammunition, rubber-coated steel bullets, sound grenades, and tear gas at locals, causing a number of injuries. 

At least two Palestinians were injured with live ammunition, with one reported to be in serious condition.



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Heartbreaking videos of a farmer and his family, lamenting the loss of the Olive grove they'd worked to nourish for 10 years, after the soil was poisoned and the trees were burned.


Colonisers do not respect the land, nature, nor the people which they occupy, pillage and destroy. They have no right or claim to indigeneity, they are illegal European settlers, doing as European settlers have always done.  






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It's wild how this is essentially condoned by the ''International'' (Western) community. All because you are on America's good side. I can't imagine to know what Palestinians must feel. It must feel like it's a totally hopeless situation. There's literally nowhere to run.

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1 hour ago, FOCK said:

Colonisers do not respect the land, nature, nor the people which they occupy, pillage and destroy. They have no right or claim to indigeneity, they are illegal European settlers, doing as European settlers have always done.  

Literally stop. I don't know why this keeps needing to be repeated, but literally half of Israel's Jews are Middle Eastern. The fact that Westerners don't know this shows how little they actually know about this entire conflict.


By the way, this is horseshit. What's actually happening: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-palestinians-jewish-settlers-storrm-town-pepper-spray-soldiers-rcna53240



Jewish settlers storm town and pepper spray Israeli soldiers in West Bank

“This is a very serious incident that embodies shameful and disgraceful criminal behavior that demands strict and swift justice,” the Israeli military's chief of staff said.

Jewish settlers stormed through a Palestinian town in the occupied West Bank, the Israeli military said Thursday, throwing stones at Palestinian cars and using pepper spray on troops who were trying to disperse the settlers.


The military said dozens of settlers ran through the town, throwing rocks at Palestinian cars. The settlers used pepper spray on the battalion commander as well as another soldier. The settlers sprayed another two soldiers at a nearby checkpoint, the military said.

Police said the settlers fled the scene by car. They said a 20-year-old suspect was arrested and that more arrests were expected.

In a statement, the military’s chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi, condemned the violence.


“This is a very serious incident that embodies shameful and disgraceful criminal behavior that demands strict and swift justice,” he said. In a tweet, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid called the settlers, “dangerous criminals.”


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1 hour ago, Nano said:

Literally stop. I don't know why this keeps needing to be repeated, but literally half of Israel's Jews are Middle Eastern. The fact that Westerners don't know this shows how little they actually know about this entire conflict.


By the way, this is horseshit. What's actually happening: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-palestinians-jewish-settlers-storrm-town-pepper-spray-soldiers-rcna53240




A. I’m not a “clueless westerner” & you don’t know my personal affiliation to this matter & I am of semitic descent. 


B. There is literal footage and imagery of settlers being protected by the IDF. 


C. None of it is bullshit, as these settlers are exactly what I stated they were, European descended illegal settlers. 


D. No one has been charged with the crime of burning and poisoning the fields or the property destruction of a Palestinian town, nor the murder of a Palestinian youth, nor the estimated 650,000 illegal settlers for… illegal settlement.


E. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid called the settlers, “dangerous criminals”, and that’s exactly what they are. 


F. Israel set this precedent, by encouraging these people to immigrate and allowing them to occupy & steal more territory, at Palestinians expense, turning a blind eye, until it’s inconvenient for them, in this case. 


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I was about to say the zionists would sprint in here with their bad-faith arguments and hasbara-lite but they're already in here :deadbanana: Luckily two can play at that game!


Maybe the uhhh olive trees were throwing rocks? Taking other trees as hostages?

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16 hours ago, Nano said:

Literally stop. I don't know why this keeps needing to be repeated, but literally half of Israel's Jews are Middle Eastern. The fact that Westerners don't know this shows how little they actually know about this entire conflict.


By the way, this is horseshit. What's actually happening: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-palestinians-jewish-settlers-storrm-town-pepper-spray-soldiers-rcna53240




"Jews aren't indigenous" is one of the dumbest arguments people have against Israel, I'm sorry :deadbanana2:  

Glad that the Israeli government is rightfully condemning and taking action on these criminals. Settlers stay causing problems

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On 10/21/2022 at 1:14 AM, Nano said:

Literally stop. I don't know why this keeps needing to be repeated, but literally half of Israel's Jews are Middle Eastern. The fact that Westerners don't know this shows how little they actually know about this entire conflict.


By the way, this is horseshit. What's actually happening: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-palestinians-jewish-settlers-storrm-town-pepper-spray-soldiers-rcna53240

Are you really trying to paint police and soldiers as sympathetic?



Of course the Israeli government's hypocritical stance on who is indigenous or not is a central topic when they deny Palestinian diaspora whose families lived in the borders within the last 100 years the right to return while also literally subsidizing and paying for largely Europeans - whose ancestry would require going back thousands of years to maybe find some kind of connection - to move to the country, into housing literally built on the recently bulldozed communities of Palestinians. :toofunny3:

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1 hour ago, Communion said:

Are you really trying to paint police and soldiers as sympathetic?



Of course the Israeli government's hypocritical stance on who is indigenous or not is a central topic when they deny Palestinian diaspora whose families lived in the borders within the last 100 years the right to return while also literally subsidizing and paying for largely Europeans - whose ancestry would require going back thousands of years to maybe find some kind of connection - to move to the country, into housing literally built on the recently bulldozed communities of Palestinians. :toofunny3:

WTF? They are truly disgusting. Poor child and man :!ohno:

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2 hours ago, Communion said:

Are you really trying to paint police and soldiers as sympathetic?



Of course the Israeli government's hypocritical stance on who is indigenous or not is a central topic when they deny Palestinian diaspora whose families lived in the borders within the last 100 years the right to return while also literally subsidizing and paying for largely Europeans - whose ancestry would require going back thousands of years to maybe find some kind of connection - to move to the country, into housing literally built on the recently bulldozed communities of Palestinians. :toofunny3:

The kicker is, even granting the generous and ridiculous “my ancestors 2000 years ago” rhetoric - Israel policy doesn’t even require, ask for or even accept, proof of heritage/lineage. :rip: Just move here and take the Palestinian homes, y’all. No questions. 






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