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Trump Caught on Tape Giving Away Docs

Horizon Flame

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Imagine how many other documents he gave away to foreign countries. :deadbanana2: He is literally a foreign agent at this point. Yet he's still free. :deadbanana2:

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17 minutes ago, FightForTanas said:

Imagine how many other documents he gave away to foreign countries. :deadbanana2: He is literally a foreign agent at this point. Yet he's still free. :deadbanana2:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

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14 minutes ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

Whataboutism 101 :bibliahh:

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48 minutes ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

Are you joking?  Tr*mp only cared about “mending” relationships with the most autocratic and dictatorial regimes on the planet while tarnishing our relationships with our allies.  WHY would anyone want to do that?  So we can be on good terms with Putin, who is currently bombing innocent people in Ukraine, or the CCP, which I don’t think I even need to remind you of what they’ve been up to??  Like, is that who you want to be on good terms with?  Also re: starting and engaging in war, plans to leave the Middle East have been in place since the Obama administration, and Biden actually followed through by leaving Afghanistan despite the consequences it had.  Let’s also mention how if it were not for Biden, affordable healthcare (ACA) would not be an option, student loan forgiveness would not be happening, student loan repayments wouldn’t have been paused for an additional year, and the whole of the US economy would have completely flopped if it were not for the pandemic-era relief programs enacted by the Biden admin.  None of this is perfect and should be much better, but Trump would have done none of that.  Miss us with that “But Tr*mp” crap, there is no vindication for that poor excuse of a human being.  

Edited by Archetype
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1 hour ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 


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1 hour ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

The meltdown. :rip: 


Putin’s ***** Donnie is going to jail. ?

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1 hour ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

???? the delusion 

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1 hour ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

what in the ***k did I just read :lmao: 

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2 hours ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

 I cant even take this seriously. :clown:

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3 hours ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

okay russian asset.

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3 hours ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

You’re delusional if for one second you believe any of this horse ? you’re spewing.

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Cameltoe Chariot
4 hours ago, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 


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LMAO yet he's still walking free. After Jan 6. and this mess I don't ever think those corrupted judges/politicians would ever do anything about that criminal

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On 10/18/2022 at 1:54 PM, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

You're such a joke. Rofl :ahh:

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On 10/18/2022 at 1:54 PM, DonSiblon said:

So? At least with him he was trying to mend relationships with other countries and the USA, unlike the puppeteers behind Biden’s corpse who’ve done nothing but amplify tensions and put their hands in wars we should have no business in. 

Yes, treason for the win!




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9 hours ago, Lose My Breath said:

Yes, treason for the win!




You know what should be considered treasonous? While you go around being distracted by 'But Trump!1! :isudumblmao:"

- $18.2 Billion USD in "security assistance" to Ukraine. 

- Biden waiting to announce a 'student loan forgiveness' plan just before the mid-terms knowing well in advance the courts would block it. 

- Nancy Pelosi going to Taiwan (against Military orders) flaring tensions between China and Taiwan + China and USA, putting OUR lives at risk, talking about 'we stand with Taiwan'. 










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On 10/18/2022 at 2:42 PM, Archetype said:

Are you joking?  Tr*mp only cared about “mending” relationships with the most autocratic and dictatorial regimes on the planet while tarnishing our relationships with our allies.  WHY would anyone want to do that?  So we can be on good terms with Putin, who is currently bombing innocent people in Ukraine, or the CCP, which I don’t think I even need to remind you of what they’ve been up to??  Like, is that who you want to be on good terms with?  Also re: starting and engaging in war, plans to leave the Middle East have been in place since the Obama administration, and Biden actually followed through by leaving Afghanistan despite the consequences it had.  Let’s also mention how if it were not for Biden, affordable healthcare (ACA) would not be an option, student loan forgiveness would not be happening, student loan repayments wouldn’t have been paused for an additional year, and the whole of the US economy would have completely flopped if it were not for the pandemic-era relief programs enacted by the Biden admin.  None of this is perfect and should be much better, but Trump would have done none of that.  Miss us with that “But Tr*mp” crap, there is no vindication for that poor excuse of a human being.  

While they are dictatorial regimes, they're also some of the biggest, powerful nuclear-trigger-happy nations in the world and aren't WE as the people are safer with our country having neutral relationships with these nations? Trump visited all these leaders on good terms and what did we get with Biden? Their missiles pointed at us. HAPPY? :lmao:


By the way, it was TRUMP'S plan to pull troops out of the middle east. While Biden was still interested in snooping around to find ISIS :lmao: 



How's the student loan repayment program going by the way? Oh that program just announced before the mid-terms? That program they knew damn well would be blocked by the courts? WE DID IT JOE :lmao:



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10 hours ago, DonSiblon said:

While they are dictatorial regimes, they're also some of the biggest, powerful nuclear-trigger-happy nations in the world and aren't WE as the people are safer with our country having neutral relationships with these nations? Trump visited all these leaders on good terms and what did we get with Biden? Their missiles pointed at us. HAPPY? :lmao:

Girl, WWIII is apocalypse.  They can point their nukes at any country all they want.  The moment they fire *one* is the moment the world goes up in flames.  Stop acting like that **** matters, because it doesn't.  Trump didn't go to these dictators to make "amends", he went to them because he LIKES them.  He likes authoritarian dictators who suppress and control their own people.  That's his thing, don't act stupid.  It was never about "healing" and this is obvious by the way he directly talked back about all of those very leaders near the end of his presidency.


10 hours ago, DonSiblon said:

By the way, it was TRUMP'S plan to pull troops out of the middle east. While Biden was still interested in snooping around to find ISIS :lmao: 


Do you have short term memory?  This started during the Obama administration.  Trump also moved troops out of ME, and Biden cleared out of Afghanistan.  We still have troops in the ME to ensure US oil reserves and US business is protected and also ISIS, both of which are bi-partisan issues.

10 hours ago, DonSiblon said:

How's the student loan repayment program going by the way? Oh that program just announced before the mid-terms? That program they knew damn well would be blocked by the courts? WE DID IT JOE :lmao:



Wait, do you NOT want middle to low income people to have some of their student loans forgiven?  Why would you celebrate and laugh at this?  First you applaud a former president for buddying up with some of the most evil leaders on the planet and then you mock people who were tricked into getting into debt to further their education in hopes of a well-paid job.  Are you just a bad person or what?

Edited by Archetype
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