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Eco Warriors Vandalizing Buildings in UK

Horizon Flame

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Lowkey serving:



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People in the US are such ******* about protest.

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Spray your paint everywhere king!

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Enjoy your criminal damage charge, the UK don’t play bout paint on buildings

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I mean this makes more sense than a painting. Cars pollute and are largely unnecessary in LDN

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This makes more sense than a painting. Vast majority don’t need a car in London.

Edited by Robert
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Imagine if they go after Taylor Swift next? :deadbanana2: would be funny when Swifties drag these eco warriors 

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2 hours ago, Protocol said:

I mean this makes more sense than a painting. Cars pollute and are largely unnecessary in LDN


1 hour ago, Robert said:

This makes more sense than a painting. Vast majority don’t need a car in London.

Most people have cars for a reason, many of them are parents or live in a part of London/England where it’s a lot quicker to get into the city by car, and many women like my sister use a car to drive home after work or when it’s late as they don’t feel safe using public transport after a certain time. 


Not mention Trains and Buses are already packed enough as it is during rush hour, the fantasy these eco warriors have of people just ditching cars in London is illogical and they need to mind their own ******* business. 

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Making more mess for working class people to clean up and destroying any support you had, nice :deadbanana4:

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1 hour ago, nathanspears said:

Making more mess for working class people to clean up and destroying any support you had, nice :deadbanana4:

F there's no winning with y'all


*STOP making the lives of the working class more difficult by theatrical protests :fish2:*


*The lives of the working class being most disproportionately affected by the thing being protested*


Like :deadbanana: what do y'all want? 

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white activism is as good as terrorism. Lock it up

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6 minutes ago, Phantom said:

F there's no winning with y'all


*STOP making the lives of the working class more difficult by theatrical protests :fish2:*


*The lives of the working class being most disproportionately affected by the thing being protested*


Like :deadbanana: what do y'all want? 

I want them these posh kids to stop causing mess for working class people and go after the actual people responsible. Go after the big companies. It's all performative activism that does nothing for the cause. Do more local, grassroots activism.


You want people to switch to non-dairy products? Instead of pouring milk all over the floor why not set up stalls where members of the public can try non-dairy alternatives and try to convince them to change? Part of activism is getting people to join your cause, not annoy them.

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he is right and he should do it :clap:


it is a losing game tho, the world is already doomed.

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1 minute ago, nathanspears said:

posh kids


1 minute ago, nathanspears said:

causing mess for


1 minute ago, nathanspears said:

working class people

Sis, if you can recognize or interpret this as the problem in the protest then how come you don't realize the "actual people responsible" are also the affluent? 


And even if it's "performance" - which I think most people can reasonably make the case for - what is really accomplished by handwaiving the ones (affluent, yes) at least doing the bare minimum, symbolic or not? 


I think these protests are corny because of the performativity of it, sure, but I also recognize that the working class - someone y'all think are the ones that should actually be protesting - are quite literally trying to make ends meet in a system that is rigged against them. The large majority of retail workers, working for minimum wage will not be able to just join a protest so that the middle class can go "yes, these people are qualified and have suffered enough to protest" :deadbanana:

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