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Tweets in ATRL posts? Do you see them?


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Do you guys ever actually see tweets that get embedded into ATRL posts? Is there some trick that I'm missing? Every time somebody posts a tweet, all I see is a black field with nothing to see or click on.


And that's with Firefox and Safari.

This is what I see:



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I use Firefox and see them with no issue.

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Yeah - sometimes they are like that for me, and sometimes they'll even get their own 503 error. Usually, I just refresh the page and they show up or I keep refreshing until they do. 

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Most of the time I see them, but every now and then they'll get stuck like the screenshot you shared. Some times I have to refresh like 10 times.

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I always refresh and they show up. Also, if you right click, you can choose to open the frame in a new tab, and that always works for me on the first try

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I have trouble seeing them when the server is overloaded and there are constant 503s, but if I refresh a few times it usually shows up.

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1 hour ago, wastedpotential said:

I always refresh and they show up. Also, if you right click, you can choose to open the frame in a new tab, and that always works for me on the first try

I don't even get that option, weirdly. The post is simply blank. If I try to highlight within it, it fails because it doesn't see anything. :monkey:

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but if it has a video, most of the time it won't play. 

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5 hours ago, wastedpotential said:

I always refresh and they show up. Also, if you right click, you can choose to open the frame in a new tab, and that always works for me on the first try


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Sometimes I see a wall of 503s for every tweet in the thread :deadbanana2: it could be that one of your privacy extensions is blocking it, I think privacy badger tends to do that but you can re-enable tweets in it.

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I usually have to refresh. Once I just gave up because they just wouldn't load. That's why I never enter the Ukraine thread anymore. It's just pages full of errors...

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Most of the time, no. And I struggle to even reply to threads sometimes too because the reply box won’t open properly (so then I just don’t bother saying anything, so hihi).

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sometimes i have to refresh if it doesn't load


i think you may have to enable your 3rd party cookies in your browser to be able to view them



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most of the time I don't 



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