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"Big boob trans teacher" is a scam, actually a far right anti-trans activist


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This lady is so controversial :skull: 


The way if a cis gendered woman did this (see: Heidi Montag) she wouldn’t get half of the defense that people give this person. There’s no reason for it in a school setting. You can be trans without needing comically large boobs, like :skull:  

If a trans man wore a huge dildo strap-on that showed through the pants, it would be equally as inappropriate, like come on now.

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Lol and people seriously were defending this person with their entire life..

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"aNd thErE wErE PeOpLE dEfEnDing HeR"


and? god forbid some people think this person was actually trans and decided to show some empathy towards them. not everyone immediately thinks every trans person is faking it like so many of you here on ATRL seem to think. i personally felt it was a little too over the top for anyone, but didn't try to invalidate their supposed transness. the fact that so many of you LGB people here on atrl are so openly transphobic is pathetic, and the MODS need to do their jobs and clamp down on it.

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7 minutes ago, Bang Up said:

"aNd thErE wErE PeOpLE dEfEnDing HeR"


and? god forbid some people think this person was actually trans and decided to show some empathy towards them. not everyone immediately thinks every trans person is faking it like so many of you here on ATRL seem to think. i personally felt it was a little too over the top for anyone, but didn't try to invalidate their supposed transness. the fact that so many of you LGB people here on atrl are so openly transphobic is pathetic, and the MODS need to do their jobs and clamp down on it.

i personally don't think we should be showing empathy towards teachers who sexualize themselves in front of minors, but to each their own!

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4 minutes ago, GardenPanty said:

i personally don't think we should be showing empathy towards teachers who sexualize themselves in front of minors, but to each their own!

except, that's not what i said.

this person's transness and them being a pervert are not connected. if someone is a pervert, they are a pervert and need to be admonished for that, but people are conflating transness with perversion and that's an issue. trans people can be perverts. cis people can be perverts. gay people, straight people, bi people can be perverts, BUT it's not their identity that makes them that, it's their perversion.


some of you severely lack any critical thinking skills and it's so sad.

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