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I got gay bashed today, but I'm gonna power through.


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soooo definitely a content warning cause there are some mildly graphic things discussed in here


so at around 1 pm today I decided to go on one of my classic mid-day walks (I live not too far from downtown Denver i and I don't have a car yet so I like to walk everywhere atm) and grab me some starbucks. gorgeous day, very mild. while I'm walking back, since I'm a pretty fast walker (east coasters know what i mean) I walk past a few other pedestrians, which is typical Joe behavior. I eventually get to a relatively busy intersection, which I cross at least twice a day at this point, and I'm waiting right next to this 50-something year old man. he was one of the people I had walked past earlier...


all of a sudden... I don't even realize that he's punching me in my chest for about 10 seconds cause it happened so quickly. so shocking. COMPLETELY out of nowhere. HUGE adrenaline rush. he's punching me like RIGHT above my heart, on the left side of my chest. dude. it went on for about 35 seconds at most but holy f*ck. one of the most horrifying experiences ever. all the while he's calling me a f*ggot and seems like he's about to push me over a fence down the hill. this is right beside the South Platte River btw, and like I said it's one of the busiest intersections in south Denver. I'm just cowering and saying "dude please f*cking stop, get off of me!" and he grunts and then eventually complies. he's then walking the same way I was headed. I do go up to a lady in a blue car who is stopped at the intersection after she rolls down her window and asks if i'm okay. that interaction... idk on one hand i'm thankful she did that but her and a few other cars were stopped and no one called 911 or anything. just a few faces of complete speechless awe. I text my sibling group chat and one of my brothers advises me to immediately call the cops. I do so but by the time they arrive the dude is out of sight. I give them a full description of the man, and they tell me they'll go out searching for a few hours and file a report. it's about 5 hours later now and no word, but I really hope they catch his ass and THROW him in jail, toss the key. no f*cking mercy dude. justice hurts.


so, at this moment, how i feel... well first of all, I'm furious. i'm so hurt, for all of my other LGBTQ siblings who have ever gone through anything like this. the adrenaline rush made me exhausted so I'll probably be resting up for the evening. I'm so enraged dude. my chest still hurts. lots of soreness right near my nipple and the middle of my ribs. i had extreme blurry vision for about an hour afterwards, and I let everyone in my family know what happened. I wouldn't wish this sh*t on anyone I've ever met.


I'm just thankful I'm alive you guys. like what if he had been carrying a blade? he only punched my chest but I could've sworn he was considering going up to my face. I need to get back into self-defense immediately. I'm gonna go buy some pepper spray or mace tomorrow. maybe a new pocket knife. it's a scary f*cking world, and some of us young adults think we're invincible sometimes. we're not. idk exactly why I wanted to make this thread but I just felt like telling y'all. if this has happened to you before too, I'm here to listen and discuss it further. love u guys

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2 minutes ago, JoeAg said:

and grab me some starbucks

What's your go-to Starbucks order sis? And glad to hear you're OK.

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I just keep thinking about how I was minding my own damn business. I'm trying not to blame myself but god it's f*cking hard sometimes. was i walking funny? did I give him the tiniest look that set him in a fury? who knows. hope he gets f*cking help but I hope he gets arrested first

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Just now, feelslikeadream said:

What's your go-to Starbucks order sis? And glad to hear you're OK.

this time of the year, a grande PSL and two sandwiches (double smoked bacon and bacon gouda, if they have those in stock) and thanks :emofish:

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Just now, Rotunda said:

I’m sorry you experienced that. I hope he gets what’s coming to him :chick3:

thanks :chick3: yeah I want him to somehow retroactively realize what the hell he did tbh

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7 minutes ago, JoeAg said:

I just keep thinking about how I was minding my own damn business. I'm trying not to blame myself but god it's f*cking hard sometimes. was i walking funny? did I give him the tiniest look that set him in a fury? who knows. hope he gets f*cking help but I hope he gets arrested first

it's always like this. I hate it.

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1 minute ago, JoeAg said:

thanks :chick3: yeah I want him to somehow retroactively realize what the hell he did tbh

you didn't do anything, this NOT your fault.

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I’m sorry that you had to experience that, that sounds terrifying. I feel for you and I hope you’re able to navigate this experience - and I’m furious this kind of thing can still happen to a person. Hopefully he’s brought to justice and in some way has to confront what a shitty thing he did. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be in your shoes, honestly.

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1 minute ago, The Kick said:

you didn't do anything, this NOT your fault.

ugh this is why being mentally ill is so f*cking difficult sometimes because I know at my core that I did nothing wrong, but at the same time I'm like "oh sh*t I shouldve been more prepared. where did my muay thai crazy instincts I had a few years ago go? ahhh I'm just a weakling" like this is the WORST time for intrusive thoughts and yet they still manage to sneak in :gaycat6:

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No CCTV at the place where it happened? Sorry to hear that and I hope he gets caught. Punch him back if they do!

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OMG, I'm so sorry to hear that :cries: I lived near Denver for a long time and always found it to be a welcoming, safe area. I hope something comes of the police report, even if it's unlikely. Were there any security cameras around that could have caught the altercation? Police are kinda worthless so it could be worth checking into to help their investigation.


Don't let this stop you from taking your mid-day walks! Walking around a city is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health, and one ******* homophobe shouldn't take that away from you. I can imagine you're pretty shaken up right now though, so it's understandable if you need time to feel safe again

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Sorry this happened to u. I hope they catch him.


Question. How did he know your where gay? Did he assume it because of what you wer possibly wearing?



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That's horrible.

Some of us are not violent but we need to start fighting back. There is no excuse for what that crazy did to you. 

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Just now, X~MoviePoP said:

Sorry this happened to u. I hope they catch him.


Question. How did he know your where gay? Did he assume it because of what you wer possibly wearing?



thanks, and yeah I was wearing somewhat of a feminine long sleeved crop top my ex girlfriend gave me at one point. it's so like... there are so many nuances here at play I'm just now thinking about because i'm definitely the most in-touch-with-my-feminine-side bisexual guy I know and a lot of bi and gay guys can have that more masc privilege. idk I like to think i straddle androgyny pretty well. like yeah i'm 5'6 but i can grow a pretty impressive beard/mustache. idk I think I need to bulk up again

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5 minutes ago, Jackson said:

OMG, I'm so sorry to hear that :cries: I lived near Denver for a long time and always found it to be a welcoming, safe area. I hope something comes of the police report, even if it's unlikely. Were there any security cameras around that could have caught the altercation? Police are kinda worthless so it could be worth checking into to help their investigation.


Don't let this stop you from taking your mid-day walks! Walking around a city is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health, and one ******* homophobe shouldn't take that away from you. I can imagine you're pretty shaken up right now though, so it's understandable if you need time to feel safe again

RIGHT? so I lived in Boulder for the past 7 years but two months ago I finally moved down here because I'm ready for a new chapter in my life, and yeah I figured it'd be just as safe as Boulder was. and yeah I'm not gonna let this stop me from my walks, they're sacred moments for me tbh

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7 minutes ago, Jude said:

No CCTV at the place where it happened? Sorry to hear that and I hope he gets caught. Punch him back if they do!

so yeah I have no idea actually, and that's a good question that you and @Jackson asked...


I'm tempted to go back a bit later tonight and try to get a good look at the stoplights, see if there's one up there. idk but first I need to chill a bit for sure lol

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Just now, JoeAg said:

so yeah I have no idea actually, and that's a good question that you and @Jackson asked...


I'm tempted to go back a bit later tonight and try to get a good look at the stoplights, see if there's one up there. idk but first I need to chill a bit for sure lol

Yeah, take your time to collect yourself. Wish you all the best. Hope you get the justice you deserve.

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1 minute ago, magazine said:

You need to sue that b*tch, babes! :clap3:

oh i TOTALLY want to, the cops said that if and when they find him i can take him to court with a swiftness

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God damn this is awful. Im so sorry @JoeAg I’ve been to Denver a few times and honestly would never expect this kind of thing to happen there in broad daylight.


I also hope this doesn’t stop you from taking those midday walks. F*ck that guy. He’s a piece of sh*t and has no power over you. So take all the time you need processing this, talk to a therapist or family/friends for support bc this is a traumatic attack. So sorry. Sending my support to you through this forum.

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all love hun, glad you are safe and alive... which is something that man wouldn't be in the very near future. :heart:

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You didn't fight back? :biblionny:


I would have blacked the **** out

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