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1/3 of Spotify Charts are Catalog Songs


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And overall streams are probably even bigger share for 18+months old songs :deadbanana4:


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Tinashe's All Hands on Deck is better than anything released in the last 18 months, so this makes sense :clap3::clap3:

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yeah this is tiktok impact. 

tiktok makes album tracks feel like singles when virals happens, and that's increase A LOT streams even without the label support with playlisting (some are smarter than others).  

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Ah, and not only tiktok. it's the main reason but it's not only that. 


streaming platforms in general makes it easier to listen to a full album and "chose your favorites" and just share with ur friend and etc than before. 

before streaming platforms people had to or buy the album to listen to non-singles or dowload illegally and u just couldn't just share a link with the song, it was way harder.

now for example u listen to the whole project, put ur faves on the playlist (most of them wouldn't even be a single) u friend listen to ur playlist and start liking a song and etc etc etc 

it's way easier for non-singles get traction!

that's a very good thing! 


for example boyfriend by selena g got playlisting and a MV 

souvenir didn't, it does double it's daily streams and it will end up surpassing it even without any tiktok viral! just cuz people like it and share it with their friends and stuff way easily than before. 

and i don't even need to talk about taylor's catalogue (cruel summer, for ex) 


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what a boring trend and boomer state we live in, worst since 2003-2005 chart or ever... :celestial3:

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Social media tried to kill pop stars with influencers/random singers but it backfired eventually.


You can’t make a star and career without calculation and years of honing raw talent.


The “manufactured” music stood the test of time.

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1 hour ago, Polgg48 said:

what a boring trend and boomer state we live in, worst since 2003-2005 chart or ever... :celestial3:

this has always been the case, it’s just now streaming *accurately* tracks what everyone is actually listening to. Prior to the streaming era, so many ppl consumed older music using physical units like vinyls/cassettes/CDs and that wasn’t reflected on the charts since those purchases were mostly made when those units were released. It’s super likely artists like the Beatles or Elvis “out streamed” the vast majority of artists in the 70s/80s but the charts wouldnt tell you that. 

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2022 has been a TURRIBLE year for hits. I can count on one hand the amount of new albums that I've listened to. Meanwhile, through TikTok and playlist suggestions I have discovered some real gems of old music. I can imagine a lot of people can relate.

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10 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

this has always been the case, it’s just now streaming *accurately* tracks what everyone is actually listening to. Prior to the streaming era, so many ppl consumed older music using physical units like vinyls/cassettes/CDs and that wasn’t reflected on the charts since those purchases were mostly made when those units were released. It’s super likely artists like the Beatles or Elvis “out streamed” the vast majority of artists in the 70s/80s but the charts wouldnt tell you that. 

Yeah. I'm surprised people seem to not understand this. 

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Streaming is only allowing us to finally see what people actually listen to. 

back then the chats were all hype/initial sales and then the CD is either not played or it’s played to death. None of this would have been reflected over time. 

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I mean it's this the way everyone streams their music anyway?


I have a playlist of older songs that I like and I add new songs to it if I end up liking them. 

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We as a world live in a perpetual state of nostalgia and melancholy. It's no wonder that all cultural aspects of our lives have basically been downgraded to rehashing old sounds, aesthetics, fashion, etc., etc. It goes hand in hand with the state of the world and the multiple crises. Nostalgia is a form of escapism.

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56 minutes ago, Listentoyourheart said:

We as a world live in a perpetual state of nostalgia and melancholy. It's no wonder that all cultural aspects of our lives have basically been downgraded to rehashing old sounds, aesthetics, fashion, etc., etc. It goes hand in hand with the state of the world and the multiple crises. Nostalgia is a form of escapism.

Well said. I also think the older one gets the less they tend to actively seek out new music because 1) trends are always changing at a rapid pace so it's hard to keep track; 2) for most people childhood is the time they most cherish in their lives if at that age they were lucky enough to be blissfully uanware & shielded from the responsibilities and hard truths that come with being an adult, so it makes sense that we get such strong attachments to the media we grew up absorbing since they're the closest thing we have to re-experience those primal thrills that vanish with age

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