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Biden: ''Trans women must sign up for military draft.''


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This is saying A LOT 
Maybe another war truly is right around the corner… :cupid:

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Maybe that idiot Trump made several points for once when he banned trans people from American imperialistic military. I always found it funny how neolibs were crying about sending trans people to WAR and now this zombie Biden and his war hawk team heard y'all. Like if a President would ban my gay ass from the draft, I wouldn't cry being sent to be just a dead meat for elite politician in power who are safe in their own little rooms. We should out-woke Biden by telling him to only send registered Republicans to draft. Ben Shapiro and Candance Owens in a battlefield would be a kiiii




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4 hours ago, Miracle said:

This is disgusting. What the hell is this? This is literally saying transgender women are not real women



That's exactly what it's saying because that's how it really is. :clap3:

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That doesn't make sense but do you do Joe.

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9 minutes ago, UnusualBoy said:

That doesn't make sense but do you do Joe.

It does if you don't consider trans women to be women, as Democrats have performatively claimed to for years now.


Joe Biden has fooled all of these people into thinking he's some progressive-minded pioneer. When he was the opponent of progress for pretty much his entire legislative career. lmao

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12 minutes ago, UnusualBoy said:

That doesn't make sense but do you do Joe.

Nothing this 220 year old mummified creature does makes sense.


And for those suggesting men and women should be drafted equally. Believe me, Russia and China will draft only men and destroy American’s diverse team. 

This isn’t a movie that can teach everyone about equality, this is survival.

About transwomen, I think they should just not draft anyone that went through a full transition or is on hormone medication.


If they haven’t gone through any heavy process of transition they have the capabilities of a man to fight and can indeed be drafted.




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Who cares honestly, the more problematic issue is that there is a military draft in the first place :celestial5:

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35 minutes ago, Diar7 said:

That's exactly what it's saying because that's how it really is. :clap3:

 @Juanny calling trans women not real women and celebrating them being sent to war is definitely against the ztp, I assume?


I won’t engage and give the poor troll potential dupe the attention they’re seeking. 

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1 hour ago, Ayanaa said:

You're right but it's still demeaning for transwomen having to sign up. 

i agree, i just don't think it's a huge deal atm.


at the end of the day, the gov't will do everything to ensure it has as many bodies as possible if a war were to break out.

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32 minutes ago, Trent W said:

Nothing this 220 year old mummified creature does makes sense.


And for those suggesting men and women should be drafted equally. Believe me, Russia and China will draft only men and destroy American’s diverse team. 

This isn’t a movie that can teach everyone about equality, this is survival.

About transwomen, I think they should just not draft anyone that went through a full transition or is on hormone medication.


If they haven’t gone through any heavy process of transition they have the capabilities of a man to fight and can indeed be drafted.






this right-wing talking point. russia and china draft men and women. :rip: :rip:


thinking diversity = weakness is stupid as hell. y'all really think the military is out here enlisting blue-haired, non-binary tiktokers when in actuality they're still enlisting the same kind of rugged men and women they always have. :rip: :rip: you know, because enlisting is VOLUNTARY and the "weak" people y'all cry about aren't even interested in enlisting.


trans women who've transitioned may have to sign up for the SSS, but they will not be forced to enlist during a draft. their transition would be justifiable cause for deferment or exemption.


use your brains, people.

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18 minutes ago, Trent W said:

Nothing this 220 year old mummified creature does makes sense.


And for those suggesting men and women should be drafted equally. Believe me, Russia and China will draft only men and destroy American’s diverse team. 

This isn’t a movie that can teach everyone about equality, this is survival.

About transwomen, I think they should just not draft anyone that went through a full transition or is on hormone medication.


If they haven’t gone through any heavy process of transition they have the capabilities of a man to fight and can indeed be drafted.




First of all, this is extremely sexist.


Second of all, war between the United States against Russia or China will not be conventional anyway, so the physical strength of individual able-bodied soldiers is a moot point.


Third, the "global superpower" Russia is getting spanked by a third-rate military aided by our weapons and intelligence. If our boots were on the ground, and they would be if nuclear Armageddon wasn't being threatened as a deterrence, Russia would have been invaded and Putin would have been captured and decapitated months ago.

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3 hours ago, diogozsz said:

I’m actually surprised at these “but if trans women didn’t have to serve many cis men would come out as a trans!!!!” comments. It’s giving 60 year old conservatives commenting on FOX News’ Facebook forums. Have some sense.

It’s clearly been a long time since the US has used the draft because people literally used to shoot themselves or flee the country to avoid the draft. Have you forgotten?


OT: They need to make cis women sign up for the draft too.

Edited by Domination
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1 hour ago, Bloo said:

Abolishing the draft is a smarter way to go about draft equality, Joe. 


Those arguing this is needed to keep our numbers up need to look harder at how large our military already is compared to every other country in the world. This is dumb, illogical, and unnecessary. We already have so many structures to incentivize (poor) people to go into our needless wars (e.g., post-service job prospects, student debt relief, military propaganda). Inflating that massive bubble to lock in such a tiny group of people into a system that shouldn't exist to begin with is ridiculously stupid.

I used to agree with you (re: abolishing the draft) but it’s actually pretty important when you consider that if we didn’t have the draft and actually did go to war, the wealthy and powerful would quite literally never go. You could say that’s the way it is now, and you’d be right, but that’s only because the draft hasn’t been used in ages anyway. 


Either way, poor people lose. Abolishing the draft would be just another way for the rich to start wars and then let the poor fight them.

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Honestly I think I’d rather kill myself than be drafted into what would probably be another pointless war. 

also to the user that said everyone (or no one) should be drafted, I agree. Women who are mothers should be exempt unless their husband and the child(rens) father would rather stay home instead. 

it’s scary that this is being talked about though. 

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6 hours ago, Gorgeous said:

Not to sound transphobic but do you really think all these politicians believe in trans rights and the non binary crap behind the scenes??? Its an ideology adopted by the political class and promoted by them in order to gain power and vote :ahh: I'm not saying that trans and non binaries aren't real, but promoting all these movements under their wing clearly comes with a price 

Yeah especially when the president is a man who is pushing 80. Let his son come out as trans and see what happens. Precisely why these people shouldn’t be allowed to be older than 45. Old people have horrific views and just because they’re the president and belong to the Democratic Party doesn’t mean a thing. Just 20 years ago the same party wasn’t in favour of gay marriage. 

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4 hours ago, ConceptD said:

Yeah especially when the president is a man who is pushing 80. Let his son come out as trans and see what happens. Precisely why these people shouldn’t be allowed to be older than 45. Old people have horrific views and just because they’re the president and belong to the Democratic Party doesn’t mean a thing. Just 20 years ago the same party wasn’t in favour of gay marriage. 

Honestly, no. People who are younger than him have far worse instincts when it comes to military intervention and war. Buttigieg being president right now would be a total disaster, and we'd probably be committing ground troops against Russia and pushing even closer toward a nuclear response than Biden's arguably more measured approach.

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Abolish America so you don't need a draft!

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9 hours ago, IvyTower said:

 @Juanny calling trans women not real women and celebrating them being sent to war is definitely against the ztp, I assume?


I won’t engage and give the poor troll potential dupe the attention they’re seeking. 

This, ban it

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11 hours ago, Domination said:

I used to agree with you (re: abolishing the draft) but it’s actually pretty important when you consider that if we didn’t have the draft and actually did go to war, the wealthy and powerful would quite literally never go. You could say that’s the way it is now, and you’d be right, but that’s only because the draft hasn’t been used in ages anyway. 


Either way, poor people lose. Abolishing the draft would be just another way for the rich to start wars and then let the poor fight them.

Donald Trump is living proof that the rich can pay for ways to dodge the draft. His father paid a doctor to claim he had bone spurs so he could get out of the draft for Vietnam. That’s a trivial problem for them. So, I’m not seeing how the draft balances anything with respect to economic class?

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11 hours ago, est. in 90s said:

I read somewhere that even disabled men are included in the hypothetical draft :rip:

Disabled men must register, once drafted they would be classified as unfit for service when they report for induction.

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12 hours ago, IvyTower said:

 @Juanny calling trans women not real women and celebrating them being sent to war is definitely against the ztp, I assume?


I won’t engage and give the poor troll potential dupe the attention they’re seeking. 

Yes. They've received a ZTP strike and a 3 month ban. Thank you for reporting it.

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