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Kelly Clarkson says she's not above spanking her kids and finds nothing wrong with it


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10 minutes ago, Blue Rose said:

yes and that did not achieve anything positive so why keep going?

Idk I never plan on having kids anyway

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To the people that say science has "proven" spanking is inherently bad, this just isn't true... There are countless flaws with research in this area because it's basically impossible to isolate spanking in qualitative research on parenting.



Physically abusive parents (e.g., punch, hit with physical objects, etc.) generally all fall under the "spanking parent" category. It is near impossible to truly design a robust study on how explicit spanking (i.e., you did this bad thing and this is the measured consequence) affects the development of children. All the qualitative studies are abundant with problems. So, sure, you can make an argument but pointing to science and acting like it's proven is just silly.

As someone who got spanked as a kid and had a physically abusive parent (i.e., punches to the face and verbal threats I won't put online), I can honestly say I've never struggled to make sense out of the spanking personally. Further, I find it beyond bizarre for people to say an explicit spank (i.e., this is a measured punishment directly because you did bad thing A) is the same as abuse. It just comes off as someone who hasn't experienced actual abuse from a parent to discern just how wildly different the two are. They aren't comparable. Abuse is random and senseless to the point where you don't know why it's happening—leaving you feeling like it can happen at any moment. I got punched in the face at one point by a parent for disagreeing with how a video game console worked, not because I misbehaved or broke a rule. Comparing that to me being spanked for repeatedly doing something wrong as a kid is just a false comparison.

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6 hours ago, FightForTanas said:

The fact that you feel so comfortable saying this about white kids but if someone said something about black kids it would automatically be labeled racist. :dies: 

Yes because there is no such thing as reverse racism 


What I said is nothing compared the oppression white unleash on POC. So stop that kind of stupid thinking 

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Spank me queen

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4 hours ago, Literature said:

It's very important to teach children how to respect their parents and learn right from wrong and spanking, in moderation, is a perfectly fine tool for that :clap3: nowadays you'd think the kids run the household, the way it is in the west



reminds me of this 



Omg this is so true.

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46 minutes ago, MonsterJohn said:

Yes because there is no such thing as reverse racism 


What I said is nothing compared the oppression white unleash on POC. So stop that kind of stupid thinking 

according to every dictionary on earth being prejudiced against people based on skin color = racism. 


how convenient it is for you that "you cant be racist" towards people of a specific skin color :mandown: the levels of irony within that statement alone 

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6 minutes ago, Literature said:

according to every dictionary on earth being prejudiced against people based on skin color = racism. 


how convenient it is for you that "you cant be racist" towards people of a specific skin color :mandown: the levels of irony within that statement alone 

Stfu, you are serving white lives matter now

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Love Kelly, but this is lazy parenting. 

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2 hours ago, MonsterJohn said:

Yes because there is no such thing as reverse racism 


What I said is nothing compared the oppression white unleash on POC. So stop that kind of stupid thinking 

what? You brought up her race out of nowhere. I was simply pointing out the fact that if someone said the exact same thing about black kids of a black celebrity they would get banned and called a racist. You really feel comfortable generalizing an ENTIRE race? Stop being ignorant. 

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1 hour ago, Literature said:

according to every dictionary on earth being prejudiced against people based on skin color = racism. 


how convenient it is for you that "you cant be racist" towards people of a specific skin color :mandown: the levels of irony within that statement alone 

not him using that old "we cant be racist" line to excuse any ignorant thing he says about any other race. At least you tried to educate him. :cm: 

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You’re a **** parent if you can’t figure out a way to discipline other than physical abuse, sorry. :michael:

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the thing is it is easy for parent to cross the line and turn it to abusive punishment. it happens a lot and no child deserves that, that's why we should not take that risk of supporting spanking.

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I definitely agree with her. My dad slapped the Straight out of me once for yelling back at him and trust me when I say I never yelled at him ever again. I grew up just fine and we have a great relationship.



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The same people who agree with spanking must think that conversion camp works :eli:


Spanking children works to an extent, but it's a temporary fix and isn't sustainable outside of the household. The only thing beatings teach is for children to be more secretive and discreet about their bad behavior out of fear of YOU, while not actually knowing why the behavior is bad.

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22 hours ago, Bang Up said:

I was spanked as a child, and looking back I don't think it really did anything to or for me. All I remember about it now is thinking, "I can't believe my parents hit me like that". This idea that we should spank our kids because our parents spanked us doesn't make much sense, and we should strive to do things differently from a generation that has clearly lost its marbles nowadays.


Our kids should respect us, but not fear us, and hitting them make them fear us. Spanking can lead to your kid refusing to open up to you and refusing to be honest our of fear of the repercussions. Just be open with them and communicate why things are bad.

This. Growing up in an Asian household, it is very common for parents to spank their children. I was lucky I wasn’t spanked much as a child compared to other kids, and while it didn’t really affect me mentally, it has made me less willing to open up to my parents throughout my adolescence, especially my dad. I was, however, yelled at pretty often and it has a more  serious long-lasting impact on me than the little spanking here and there when I was about 5 or younger. 


That said, i really can’t stand behind the idea of parents using either physical force or verbal insults to “teach” their children. It’s still wrong no matter the scale because it is still a form of abuse. Parents “don’t know any better” just because they were brought up the same way is a shitty excuse for a lack of attempt at raising healthy and functional children and fostering a loving, non-toxic family environment. 

The amount of broken children raised by broken parents who continue the vicious cycle of abuse is a very real and saddening reality that modern society still faces. There gotta be more tremendous efforts to attempt to change the dynamics of family through proper education, especially in less developed cultures around the world. 

It’s crazy how we require licenses for some of the most useless things while parenting, and giving birth to actual human beings who can’t consent is treated as something you “just do” without any requirements and repercussions. It’s ridiculous. Children don’t even have a say in what circumstances in life they’re gonna be born into, the least they could have is  some respect and empathy. Sadly not enough people in the world think this way, when it’s proven that most parents just think of their children as something that they “own” and whom owe them their lives. No, parents. Your children owe you absolutely NOTHING, while you owe them everything. You brought them into this world, you CHOSE this responsibility. 

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5 hours ago, xclusivestylesz said:

Growing up, my pops never laid a hand on me. He always chose to the sit down and discuss the issue. My mom? She threw down. I remember running away from her MANY times. Guess which way I was able to learn? Now that I'm past that point I can look back and say that my mother was the "better" parent. As much as they both cared, my moms love was on a different level. She always showed it and she's still showing it in my adult life. As much as my mom used to hit me imma love her until the day I die. She is the reason why I was able to snap out of destructive behaviors. I would've probably been dead if it wasn't for the fear I had for my mother, finding out. She never once "abused" me so don't get this twisted. She never harmed me. This isn't stockholm syndrome or whatever. She instilled the fear in me for doing certain things. I respect and love her. She's my queen and Im thankful she took the time out of her long ass work day to 'discipline' me. 


There's nothing wrong with beating your kids. Y'all seem to think hitting your kids when they **** up is automatic child abuse. There's a difference. 

Ur dads style didn't work?

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Some of you ATRLers when a child misbehaves:



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If you think teaching your kids that violence is the solution to resolving an issue, that's a huge problem. Kids are not going to understand context. Your child could have other psychological issues you're not addressing and instead of understanding them, you default to violence. All it teaches them is unwanted behavior == get slapped. Who cares why that behavior may be "unwanted". There are countless reasons why a child may be acting out and hitting them is not going to get them to open up about it. What if they're being abused at school and don't know how to express that?


We are not perfect people and we are not all-knowing beings. Your ignorance over your child's mental well being is intrinsically linked to your responsibility as a parent to make the effort to understand them. Resorting to hitting your child is a failure as a parent to provide your child the proper care all because you couldn't be bothered to understand the issue. 


Saying it's "oversensitivity" is like saying using a barber to bloodlet you over an MD diagnosing an illness. Just because it's "old school" care and "gets results" doesn't mean it's the correct choice.


I can't imagine a parent telling their child through their actions that they'd prefer hitting them over communicating with them. The lack of patience and responsibility as a parent to understand your child is astounding. 


Teach your children the proper tools to communicate. Teach them how to express their emotions. Be patient with your children and for the love of all things, educate yourself so you understand your children better because nobody has the answers to everything. 

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"My parents spanked me, and I did fine in life, and I feel fine about it, and I do that as well," :deadbanana4:

No, you didn't do fine.. you became an abuser who believes hitting kids is okay.


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35 minutes ago, flower moon said:

"My parents spanked me, and I did fine in life, and I feel fine about it, and I do that as well," :deadbanana4:

No, you didn't do fine.. you became an abuser who believes hitting kids is okay.


The reach :skull:

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I personally would not spank my children and think it’s a very counterproductive approach to parenting and teaches fear and submission. However, I can see why some parents may do it and don’t necessarily shame that. 

I was spanked and I turned out great and gay af :gaydonnacat1:

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I was whooped with a belt as a kid, and basically everyone I know was too. I wouldn’t say I suffer any trauma from it, but I do think it’s a generally dumb way to disciple a kid and kinda just feeds into peoples’ anger issues.

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