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Israel army kills 4 teens, attacks journos as illegal invasion of Palestine continues


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I was gonna way watch te defending this but they already here.


Every week tons of Palestinian kids, women and men are been killed, tortured and attacked, but they all silent, but when one die from Israel everyone jumps and say Palestinian are terrorists. 

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11 minutes ago, Negev said:



Seems your tweet is purposefully distorting reality:



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Israel is an illegitimate, apartheid state that needs to be defunded and abolished immediately.


The way our Western leaders love to preach about “human rights!” to other countries, yet turn a blind eye to the genocide happening in Palestine is SO ******* disgusting. I wish there was more that we as citizens can do to support Palestinians. BDS is a great initiative but we need something more.

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Coloniser Israel killing kids and attacking journalists again? :omg:

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Why do journalists and children continue to stay hanging out at checkpoints and occupied areas? 


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iLLeGaL InVaSiOn oF PaLeStiNe

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5 hours ago, Negev said:

There are daily unprovoked attacks done by Palestinians in Israel. 






There will not be a solution to this war if both sides don't stop this madness. Nor will the one sided, vague reporting on complex situations. 


There is no such thing as an “unprovoked” attack, against an active coloniser & it’s military arm. Their presence & apartheid goals alone, are a provocation. 

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1 hour ago, I♥Toronto said:

iLLeGaL InVaSiOn oF PaLeStiNe

lying-map.jpeg 57965ac0-22e5-11ed-ac1c-e7f696c78524-standard.png?dpr=1&fit=scale-down&quality=highest&source=next&width=700




It is one of the most blatant cases of hypocrisy that the international community has rightfully stepped up to help Ukraine protect itself from Russia's invasion and occupation of their sovereign land yet Palestinians are gaslighted as the world cheers on the illegal invasion of Palestine by occupying Israeli forces. 


Even the language that paints Israel as some land of a "pure culture" and paints Arabs as "barbaric Islamists" is no different than the "de-nazification" language that Putin uses to vilify Ukrainians as fringe extremists to try and suggest such claims denies them their right to self-determination. 


When will world governments do right by Palestinians and send them HIMARS to help them stop their invaders from brutally and mercilessly killing them? There's no moral reality that sees Ukrainians and Palestinians going through the same thing yet the powers that be provide missile systems to one yet then vilifies the other for throwing stones at advanced vehicles that just mowed down people's homes and possessions.  

Edited by Communion
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5 hours ago, Negev said:

There are daily unprovoked attacks done by Palestinians in Israel. 






There will not be a solution to this war if both sides don't stop this madness. Nor will the one sided, vague reporting on complex situations. 


Bich go *** off somewhere else.


you know damn well this is not a war since both sides aren’t even on the same scale of power, this is straight up genocide. They claim Palestinian opposition provoked attacks yet its always innocents death are reported after Israel’s “reaction” and no Hamas.

and to anyone who's going to use the “provoked” logic, remember that Putin was provoked by NATO, so you agree with his retaliation. 

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6 hours ago, Communion said:

Seems your tweet is purposefully distorting reality:



"My tweets are better than your tweets!!!!!" :bibliahh: 

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13 hours ago, Communion said:

Seems your tweet is purposefully distorting reality:



In this situation there's simply no other way, they must've been on high alert at these checkpoints , and all the heat in the west bank, gaza etc. is rarely initiated by Israel. IDF soliders are literally 18 - 21 and the government's goal is never to put young soldiers in these situations unless there's a reason. This tiring narrative of "illegal" "apartheid" and all these socially concious and politically correct terminologies are so tiring and they twist the reality of the situation. 


The only situation when Israel is likely to have soliders inside Palestinian territory is to prevent further escelation or terorrism. 


I feel very sorry for the people in the occupied lands. However Palestinian terrrorists keep provoking, attacking and killing innocents and then the political media is complaining about unethical or unjust killings of Palestinians. These teenagers that died shouldn't have been and nor did Noa Lazar. Everyone deserves peace but we must acknowledge that both sides have done ugly ****, and quit this one sided reporting. 

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the "most moral army in the world" according to israelis :pukey:

Edited by Luckitty
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this war won't end until modern day Israel and Zionism cease to exist. 

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