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Biden CONFIRMS He Will Run in 2024


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Unless a miracle happens it seems locked in for republicans in 2024 :rip: horrifying.

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5 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

There won't be any significant challenge if he does decide to run again. And there shouldn't be — a divisive primary battle is NOT something we need.

Majority of Democrats don't want Biden to run a 2nd term, my dear. His presidency is already divisive. 

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Boy just retire, why do all these old ass people always want to run in the USA. I don't think it's that common in other countries, just retire and enjoy your fortune

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7 hours ago, FightForTanas said:

The alternative is still worse and everyone here knows it. :cm: 

I agree, however it’s not like having Biden as president isn’t almost equally as bad. :rip:


OT: This was expected, obviously. But Jesus, why can’t these literal walking mummies give up and let younger people take over. This man is LITERALLY senile and doesn’t even know where he is half the time :deadbanana4:

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he will run for 2024-2028? goodluck with that :rip:

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Pictured: Pete Buttigieg dragging Biden's rotting corpse to one of the presidential debates:




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mess :rip: He's made good progress so far, but grandpa needs to retire and enjoy his golden years. Why can't we enact age limits. You can't be an air traffic controller after 56 but you can be in government for for another almost 20 years?? Madness. We need fresh, young blood without ties to previous administrations. 

Edited by xXavril
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17 minutes ago, Illuminati said:


Should I hesitate to ask why an ATRLer is laughing at W E.B Dubois of all people? :smiley:

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1 hour ago, Communion said:

Should I hesitate to ask why an ATRLer is laughing at W E.B Dubois of all people? :smiley:

To start off, not voting isn't gonna have the effect it may had in 1950s :toofunny2: I was laughing at the user because it confirmed my previous suspicions about them.



Best of luck to American atrlers:clap3:

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20 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

To start off, not voting isn't gonna have the effect it may had in 1950s :toofunny2:

Why not? Have material conditions for black Americans now become equal and equitable to white Americans? And if not, then how can you laugh at the idea of any black American not finding comfort in voting? 

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3 minutes ago, Communion said:

Why not? Have material conditions for black Americans now become equal and equitable to white Americans? And if not, then how can you laugh at the idea of any black American not finding comfort in voting? 

I know you want to have your gotcha moment by overanalyzing my use of emotes but an ATRLer sitting on their ass at home and not voting while telling everyone else that it's their fault the world has gone to **** isn't gonna inspire a movement. Dubois would be embarrassed.


It's appalling to see some of the loudest members here be proudly complicit in the destruction of their own country especially at a time when far right is seizing power and human rights from people :dies:

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Mess... but as an independent voter I will vote for him again because it's better another 4 years with him than with republican pro putin nazi :gaycat2:

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7 hours ago, hector.adriel said:

I agree, however it’s not like having Biden as president isn’t almost equally as bad. :rip:


OT: This was expected, obviously. But Jesus, why can’t these literal walking mummies give up and let younger people take over. This man is LITERALLY senile and doesn’t even know where he is half the time :deadbanana4:

 There is no world in where Biden would nominate supreme court justices that would strip womens reproductive rights, LGBT rights, immigrant rights, rape victims rights and more. This kind of thinking is exactly what got us 4 years of Trump in 2016 when people said Hillary would have been just as bad as Trump. Do you REALLY think she would have nominated 3 supreme court justices that would have overturned Roe V Wade? :doc:  Its not like the GOP just have different ideas than the Dems they really are ready to burn the entire country down to stay in power. As we witnessed on January 6th. Its actually terrifying to think what would happen if we had a Republican president with a GOP majority in the house and senate. :dancehall:

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1 hour ago, Illuminati said:

I know you want to have your gotcha moment 

Gotcha moment? Is this projection that you know you've said something unkempt and tactless and you're feeling guilty?


Again, it's a pretty simple question. 


Has electoralism resulted in absolute equality for black Americans? If not, how do you feel entitled to mock a member for feeling the way they do over voting being ineffective? What gives you the right to mock poor Americans or black Americans or disabled Americans?


Did that user attack anyone for voting? You can make up random insults to attack marginalized Americans by calling them "loud", but everyone reading would know that's just you attacking the messenger instead of actually having a coherent argument about the message. 


I mean, "loud"? Sis, aren't you one of the loudest members here regarding European affairs to where you center European suffering so much to the point you push apologia for when European nations are nationalist and xenophobic? Should marginalized Americans have to listen to someone so loud from thousands of miles away?


It's deeply troubling when people with immense more privilege try not to just disagree with but actively mock and try and degrade Americans who lack the privileges they do. Feel free to disagree, totally. Vote wherever you are to your hearts content. But the immense and frankly ignorant privilege it takes for anyone to mock people who suffer in ways they will never experience for not being giddy about the project of electoralism is gross. You sound so bold that you must be from a country with universal healthcare. Must be nice. :smiley:



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34 minutes ago, Communion said:

Gotcha moment? Is this projection that you know you've said something unkempt and tactless and you're feeling guilty?


Again, it's a pretty simple question. 


Has electoralism resulted in absolute equality for black Americans? If not, how do you feel entitled to mock a member for feeling the way they do over voting being ineffective? What gives you the right to mock poor Americans or black Americans or disabled Americans?


Did that user attack anyone for voting? You can make up random insults to attack marginalized Americans by calling them "loud", but everyone reading would know that's just you attacking the messenger instead of actually having a coherent argument about the message. 


I mean, "loud"? Sis, aren't you one of the loudest members here regarding European affairs to where you center European suffering so much to the point you push apologia for when European nations are nationalist and xenophobic? Should marginalized Americans have to listen to someone so loud from thousands of miles away?


It's deeply troubling when people with immense more privilege try not to just disagree with but actively mock and try and degrade Americans who lack the privileges they do. Feel free to disagree, totally. Vote wherever you are to your hearts content. But the immense and frankly ignorant privilege it takes for anyone to mock people who suffer in ways they will never experience for not being giddy about the project of electoralism is gross. You sound so bold that you must be from a country with universal healthcare. Must be nice. :smiley:



It was an emoji :skull: It sounds like you're the one wildly projecting here


Again best of luck NOT voting and waiting for the progress to come :clap3:

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9 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

It was an emoji 

An emoji that constituted you not minding your business and not leaving marginalized Americans alone. 


Now unless you're gonna offer people to hop onto your healthcare plan in case voting doesn't result in the changes we've been told are just one important election away for multippe elections, you're probably better off stopping this nonsense while you're behind. :smiley:

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If it’s against trump it’s the best option tbh. The Dems have no one else who could win right now. 

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18 hours ago, RussianRoulette said:

Get Bernie or go home.

And he will lose 3 elections in a row like the loser he is :redface: let it go girlies

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Omg? :skull: 

Hang it up FLATSCREEN, he’s gonna be 86 in office if he wins wtf :skull: 

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I mean what choice do Dems have? Kamala? :deadbanana2:


Bernie is also old and it's proven that Americans are too selfish for socialism

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who is generally the runner-up if Biden is uncapable to serve a 2nd term?  Why doesn't that Beto run?

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1 hour ago, spree said:

who is generally the runner-up if Biden is uncapable to serve a 2nd term?  Why doesn't that Beto run?

It can only be Kamala. If it's not her, the KHive terrorists will tank whomever else it is by smearing them as a racist/sexist. Hell, they'll do that to anyone who dares run against her in the primary.

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