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Biden CONFIRMS He Will Run in 2024


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21 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

Imagine still stanning this 81 y/o man in 2022 after losing two primaries :deadbanana2:




This is something serious that affects us all worldwide and some of you still acting like it's some pop girls stan fight.  I'm not even from the US and i love Bernie because he's the best choice for the world. Now on the other hand when you go online, especially Twitter, you see a bunch of people obsessively stanning Biden because he's a centrist Democrat and disliked by progressives but there's nothing to like about him and they can't tell you what great things he supposedly is doing. 

Also let's not talk about Bernie losing two primaries when we know he's never been given a fair treatment by the Democrat establishment media and the DNC did everything to stop him or calling Bernie old when Biden is only two years younger and barely there mentally or physically. :skull:

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1 hour ago, NausAllien said:

Kamala is unelectable (more despised than Hilary)

I’m not American so I don’t know much about the current public opinions of politicians but why? I thought she was more popular than Biden after the election and even considered to be future president? 

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God if you’re real please k-word him in his sleep by the end of next year. We’re literally doomed if he runs again. :biblio:

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9 minutes ago, PopKills said:

I’m not American so I don’t know much about the current public opinions of politicians but why? I thought she was more popular than Biden after the election and even considered to be future president? 

I don't know who told you that, but she's DESPISED by everyone, Ds, Rs and independents.


Just take a look at her Real Clear Politics' average favorability rating:




Yeap. That's a -14 favorability, and it doesn't even take into account the slight bias polling has in favor of Dems. Her favorability is worse than Biden's (-10) and Trump's (-12). The only two people more hated than Kamala are Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi (-32 and -23 respectively).


And let's not forget how POORLY Kamala did in the Dem primaries, leading her to drop out shortly after the Iowa caucuses.


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1 minute ago, NausAllien said:

I don't know who told you that, but she's DESPISED by everyone, Ds, Rs and independents.


Just take a look at her Real Clear Politics' average favorability rating:




Yeap. That's a -14 favorability, and it doesn't even take into account the slight bias polling has in favor of Dems. Her favorability is worse than Biden's (-10) and Trump's (-12). The only two people more hated than Kamala are Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi (-32 and -23 respectively).


And let's not forget how POORLY Kamala did in the Dem primaries, leading her to drop out shortly after the Iowa caucuses.


She actually dropped out before any primaries took place to avoid embarrassment. There was speculation about the timing being about the California ballot being printed, so her name was not on it  :skull: 

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9 minutes ago, NausAllien said:

I don't know who told you that, but she's DESPISED by everyone, Ds, Rs and independents.


Just take a look at her Real Clear Politics' average favorability rating:




Yeap. That's a -14 favorability, and it doesn't even take into account the slight bias polling has in favor of Dems. Her favorability is worse than Biden's (-10) and Trump's (-12). The only two people more hated than Kamala are Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi (-32 and -23 respectively).


And let's not forget how POORLY Kamala did in the Dem primaries, leading her to drop out shortly after the Iowa caucuses.


Oh wow, I’m shook. media in my country really did paint a false picture of her after the election :rip:

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not atrl being conservative and actively rooting against the only dem candidate with a chance in favor of trump just because they’re mad that they’re broke and can’t afford gas as if losing fundamental human rights is any better :jonny5:

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Y’all don’t have ANYONE in their late 30s - early 50s who can muster up some campaign money and put their best foot forward ? 

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Pls NO 


I mean I think I would cry harder if Kamala or *gasp* Pete were the candidates, but this conservative bag of bones is surely not the best America - ESPECIALLY working class Americans - can do? 


& can they first indict Trump because :deadbanana: with no Covid this time (I mean "no" in the dumb, "over it sense" - the virus hasn't, and will not have gone anywhere even by '24) Trump will win. 

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2 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

There won't be any significant challenge if he does decide to run again. And there shouldn't be — a divisive primary battle is NOT something we need.



This is probably the reason he’s running tbh. I don’t see him seeing that second term through though

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3 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

Imagine still stanning this 81 y/o man in 2022 after losing two primaries :deadbanana2:


Oh shut up. Joe is 79, and demented. Bernie is still sharp as ever. And you know the Establishment interfered with the 2020 primaries. Like Bernie was competitive at first but then suddenly everyone else dropped out and endorsed Joe...

Edited by anti-bitch
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2 hours ago, Taylena said:

This is something serious that affects us all worldwide and some of you still acting like it's some pop girls stan fight.  I'm not even from the US and i love Bernie because he's the best choice for the world. Now on the other hand when you go online, especially Twitter, you see a bunch of people obsessively stanning Biden because he's a centrist Democrat and disliked by progressives but there's nothing to like about him and they can't tell you what great things he supposedly is doing. 

Also let's not talk about Bernie losing two primaries when we know he's never been given a fair treatment by the Democrat establishment media and the DNC did everything to stop him or calling Bernie old when Biden is only two years younger and barely there mentally or physically. :skull:

This! Thank you.

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This will simply not work UNLESS Biden starts caving into progressive demands (I guess I should say demands of the base, since nearly all the "demands" are widely popular).


DeathSantis is smarter and a lot more organized evil than Trump, and literally the only hopes we have are a) those two demons take each other out and/or b) Trump gets convicted.


If establishment Dems think that SIX more years (at this point) of what has been going on is what the GP wants...lol. The only swing in popularity Biden has now is over student debt relief, and that too for a small (but not insignificant - the Pell Grant addition was great) amount forgiven. The "well, he handled Covid better" line of reasoning will not hold up since Covid policies are coming to a (premature) end.


So what do you have left? Are you going to try the "you saved Democracy once, now we ask you to do it again? TRAMP is coming" route again? Because if so good luck :heart:

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3 hours ago, CandleGuy said:

Is there a chance he loses in the Primary?

There probably won't be any official primary at all if Joe is running. The parties have both learned that allowing actual primary contests against incumbent presidents tends to heavily weaken them for the general, and Biden has a heavy lock on the primary electorate. The centrists who vote in primaries greatly love and adore him. It's the independents who don't like him, and who are locked entirely out of the process in pretty much all of the states that matter for delegate counts.


If there's a "primary" it'll be a no-hope gadfly like Nina Turner or Marianne Williamson, but there won't even be any debates because Biden looks like a damn fool whenever he opens his mouth on live television. He also lost every single debate in 2019 and 2020, and he got elevated to the nomination after all his centrist competition dropped out and paved the way forward for him while Elizabeth Warren did her job and siphoned the progressive vote off of Bernie (and proceeded to get ignored for VP in favor of the unelectable Kamala Harris :lmao: )

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WELL.. goodbye Democrats


Can the GOP at least send a decent candidate.. or are they willing to back TRUMP again??

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Nina Turner 2024 or Marianne Williamson 2024 pls




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Well it's over. Dems will flock to Biden no matter which other Dems run for candidacy, and we'll have to put up with 4 more years of gaffs and complacency. 

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Well, it’s over. Hope the American gays have an exit strategy. 

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19 minutes ago, Bloodflowers. said:

Nina Turner 2024 or Marianne Williamson 2024 pls




I’m sorry, but Nina couldn’t even win in a deep blue district representing Cleveland, Ohio. They’re both unelectable jokes, as is any progressive at this point. The Democrats are a “center-right to neo-con” party that don’t even want us in their coalition and it’s time we accepted that fact that they’d rather embrace Rick Wilson and Steve Schmidt than Bernie Sanders at this point.

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