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Billy blames flop movie on straight people


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1 minute ago, FLAallday said:

He was able to sneak into the back row of a screening of a movie he starred in?  

He’s not actually famous so why is it surprising? Like no shade because I enjoyed the movie but he is not a real celebrity. What has this man actually been in? What is his claim to fame? Some mildly popular YouTube skit series? A small supporting role in the last flop season of American crime story? He has less than 1 million followers on Instagram.

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All this conversation comparing it to Love Simon… I remember many folks on old ATRL stomping on Love Simon’s next when it came out because it’s numbers were “disappointing” as well. 

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idk i think most people are turned off by his persona 


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Had no idea this film exist


Anyway he knows exactly what he is doing, this tweets will make people talk & get more attention to this movie, those tweets are soooo much 

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The way I just KNEW the bitter ATRL gays would bash him/the movie. Why are gays here so mean and bitter about a gay film? A MAINSTREAM GAY FILM. Ya'll didn't have that representation growing up, let's change that for the new generation so they don't have to go through the same crap.

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The movie was good. If anything I think the gay demographic not showing up was the problem tbh :rip: I thought it'd get support but seemed the gays didn't care. Sad cause I'd love to see more gay romcoms not straight to streaming.. 

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10 minutes ago, Ivan_brit said:

Had no idea this film exist


Anyway he knows exactly what he is doing, this tweets will make people talk & get more attention to this movie, those tweets are soooo much 

People SHOULD know about this movie. It was so good.

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The audience howled with laughter start to finish, burst into applause at the end, and some were wiping away tears as they walked out.


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Both his comment and the comments in this thread are quite messy. :skull: 


I mean, I don't know if the movie is even good, but it can be bad and homophobia can be a factor-- like these are not mutually exclusive concepts. That being said, I think it's a bit inappropriate to immediately say that a movie is flopping because of homophobia when homophobia actually affects regular degular queer people on the daily, while Hollywood stars like him do not experience the same effects and certainly not at the same magnitude. And if he did, it wouldn't be because his movie flopped. 


Just say art not the bling and keep it moving Ms. Eichner. 

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1 minute ago, hardbrit said:

The way I just KNEW the bitter ATRL gays would bash him/the movie. Why are gays here so mean and bitter about a gay film? A MAINSTREAM GAY FILM. Ya'll didn't have that representation growing up, let's change that for the new generation so they don't have to go through the same crap.

there are so many better, more representative gay movies … that’s why. it’s a mainstream movie that mirrors the exact same formula of basic straight rom cons and does nothing to improve on it. worse is that now that this flopped after having a theatrical release, it will be harder for “mainstream” gay films to be released.


one of the best gay movies i’ve ever seen is “Weekend”. it’s a no frills , direct to VOD movie that was written by a gay person, for gay people and does an amazing job of showing you a true gay experience / story without a modicum of consideration for a straight viewer. it goes to show that you don’t need a budget, a big ass studio behind you .. u just need truth ! real experience ! not some been there done that ass rom com fantasy that we have seen one billion times over in heterosexual form

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He should be mad at straights…gays…women…men…humanity…since no one was here for it lol

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He's always come off as conceited to me. I still remember when he accused Ross Mathews of ripping off of him, even though Ross is way more talented and funny. :toofunny3:

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25 minutes ago, shookspeare said:

maybe if it had Hot Girl by Charli XCX on its soundtrack the GP would have gone to see it

I second this, Bodies x3 was an acclaimed smash! :clap3: 

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22 minutes ago, Protocol said:

He’s not actually famous so why is it surprising? Like no shade because I enjoyed the movie but he is not a real celebrity. What has this man actually been in? What is his claim to fame? Some mildly popular YouTube skit series? A small supporting role in the last flop season of American crime story? He has less than 1 million followers on Instagram.

It’s actually parks and rec tbh

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1 hour ago, Protocol said:

Brokeback Mountain: $83.0M

Love, Simon: $40.8M

Moonlight: $27.8M

Call Me By Your Name: $18.1M


While Brokeback was a success, it also had two straight leading men stars in the lead roles, and it had immense media and award season hype. Love, Simon was highly sanitized/PG and appealing to the teenage female gaze (the Harry Styles of gay movies). And those are literally the only two gay movies of recent history that can be considered remotely a hit.


Moonlight and CMBYN were flops. Those are not impressive totals, and they were also buoyed by huge award season hype which Bros does not have.


So no there isn't really a track record of gay movies doing well at all. While this opening is disappointing, it's not unexpected. By and large, straight people do not come out for gay content. Fire Island wasn't a huge streaming hit. Queer as Folk is cancelled after one season.

In what universe is $28 mil domestically and over $60 mil globally on a $1.5 million dollar budget a flop?

Edited by Rotunda
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My gay friends (white) saw it in theaters and loved it, said it was as good as Bridesmaids.

I don't personally plan on seeing it, despite being gay I feel a bit awkward watching gay media when its really raunchy and Billy has never been my cup of tea so there are two big strikes against it right off the bat.

It's funny tho, most gays can't stand each other so why would they ever bank on us to turn up to support a movie in theaters when we only tend to do that with movies featuring female celebrities we stan.  :toofunny2:

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1 hour ago, KKW said:

He really thinks another movie about gay white men is groundbreaking

the true gag.

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I mean, obviously a gay-led movie will turn off Middle America - so yes that’s a real issue. But also, I feel like rom-coms aren’t that en vogue anymore either. The more popular ones seem to be put on streaming. 

The wild thing to me is that this movie had the same budget as the JLo rom-com Marry Me (which didn’t break even), and JLo is a rom-com queen. I can’t imagine putting $20 mil behind this kind of project regardless of quality. 

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Just now, Rotunda said:

I mean, obviously a gay-led movie will turn off conservatives and bigots - so yes that’a a real issue. But also, I feel like rom-coms aren’t that en vogue anymore either. The more popular ones seem to be put on streaming. 

The wild thing to me is that this movie had the same budget as the JLo rom-com Marry Me (which didn’t break even), and JLo is a rom-com queen. I can’t imagine putting $20 mil behind this kind of project regardless of quality. 

If they spent $10m and put it right on netflix it would have probably gone over better and been considered a hit like "High School".

Also like, with peace and love, what on earth cost $20m assuming that isnt including marketing? It certainly wasn't to pay stars. :oh:

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2 hours ago, CaptainMusic said:

People supported Brokeback Mountain, Moonlight, Call Me By Your Name and Dear Simon.

Opening weekend:

$11.8M - Love, Simon

$547,425 - Brokeback Mountain
$404,874 - Call Me By Your Name
$402,072 - Moonlight




Bros opening weekend will have a larger box office than even the box office total Moonlight got *the week after its Oscar wins*. And I say this as someone unconvinced by the marketing push for Bros.


Highlighting very different films that did not succeed largely at the box office kind of emphasizes that there's challenges to how successful gay films can be as box office smashes, even if the marketing for the film itself misjudged how to appeal to its target audience (straight women).


Highlighting how a gay film is more likely to find some success if it veers instead for critical acclaim by showcasing some level of gay suffering and trauma as the main subject is a discussion in itself to eventually have about what that means for LGBT creatives in film.


The most successful movie on that list is still a movie led by a straight cast, largely produced and made by straight people, and despite depicting an immeasurably depressing and sad look into gay life, saw critics at the time debating that the two characters' sexualities were "ambiguous" and that there was no evidence that either Ennis and Jack were gay.

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1 hour ago, qurl said:

u know , if he had did something inventive with this movie and not made it the prototypical rom-com but with gays , maybe it would have did something


but as a gay man that lives in NYC and is expected to relate to this experience …..? he wants me to believe his troll lookin ass bagged the man that he did in this movie ??? that is simply not how gay dating (in NYC) works in 2022 Mr Billy Eichner. he shoulda just made it about two sub average looking, funny gays finding love in a sea of braindead models. but he wanted to fall into the same trappings of movies that have been made a hundred times over. also, as far as gay media goes, how many times do we have to go through the rigamaroll of “oMg WhAt iS GriNdR iVe NeVeR dOnE tHiS b4” *ss type content from gays ??? give us something we can work with !! stop making movies meant to be palatable for straight people and give us the real gay experience or just give up the ghost f*ggot !!

whew one of my favorite members for a reason



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Should blame homosexuals not homophobia. They are the ones who were not interested 

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Huh? All I see is the creator sharing his experience about the movie and the early reception to it. 


I know he's been talking about "getting straight people to see Bros" as a joke, but I agree stating "straight people didn't show up for it" with the movie barely a weekend out it's kinda unnecessary. There are many reasons why people would not go to see a movie or go to the movies at all. 

Edited by Eric.
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