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'Bros' FLOPS | WEEK 2: -56% | Still hasn't even grossed $9M in NA!


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Sadly I think its low gross is solely because its core target audience is not a huge portion of the population. Republicans and fear mongerers can pretend all they want that more people are LGBTQ than ever, but they are sorely mistaken, more of them are just coming out publicly, but it’s still a tiny percent of the population overall. 

I doubt many non-LGBTQ people were going to go see that movie. It was a movie made by gay people for gay people. What did people expect with box office? Lol. I heard it was really good so if straight people don’t go see it why should we care? It’s not made for them, hence why they probably passed on it.

I think people had too high expectations for opening week. Not all movies are made for all audiences like Marvel.


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I honestly expected this to happen, the world is not ready for a gay rom com yet :redface: most people FUMED about that 2 seconds gay kiss in Eternals, and also about that 1 second lesbian kiss in Lightyear, they would obviously not be here for a 2 hour gay movie with gay kisses, gay sex scenes (maybe, i haven't seen it yet lol), gay slang, gay everything, it wasn't realistic.

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11 minutes ago, anti-***** said:

Yeah, I mean, I suggest that people actually watch the movie before judging it based on the trailer or hearsay. It's getting 91% on Rotten Tomatoes. I hope they put it on streaming soon for a wider audience

Lmao it so obvious. It also received an A Cinemascore which means the word of mouth is positive so the quality of the film isn’t the reason it didn’t do well like some morons in this thread are suggesting.

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Just now, anti-***** said:

But that's literally most romantic films ever!! You can't really hold that against them. And idk if Billy is that attractive anyway. At least that's not his claim to fame

Yeah that was my point. I'm not avoiding it because it's gay-themed, but because to me it seems like just another romcom plot that I wouldn't watch even if it was straight people. 

And beauty is subjective, but there's the narrative that Billy's character is some kind of skinny guy who has an average body. He's clearly not average.

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14 minutes ago, D_Man3379 said:


Lmao the self loathing in here. Y’all are miserable. 


Also gagging at someone suggesting Call Me By Your Name the epitome for queer films to follow. :toofunny2: 

!!! I hate that movie lol.

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No, we’re not chomping at the bits to watch another white gay centric movie. White gays do not represent the lgbtq community

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It was actually a great movie and I hated the trailer. If it wasn’t for my friend dragging me along, I wouldn’t have gone to see it, but I’m glad I did because it’s a lot of fun. Maybe the marketing discouraged other people as well, idk :michael:

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The trailer looked vile and mean-spirited.

No one outside of women and gays/trans would go to watch the movie anyway :doc:

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It was a good movie, just kinda niche. Plus romcoms are dead at the BO, and ppl are used to watching this kind of movie on streaming.


the blatant homophobia in this thread is :eli:

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The absolute ignorance of trolls is so on brand for ATRL sadly.  It was a great movie with a great Screenplay. Funniest movie of the year for me. 

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The movie should’ve just been released on Netflix or Hulu. It just a rom-com those movies don’t do well in theatres anymore. 

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1 hour ago, Redstreak said:

Easy to turn that around, you don’t have to be afraid of your masculinity my guy. It’s not dangerous


what about that post screams being afraid of masculinity? :toofunny3:


OT: seems like a fun movie and i'll probably drag my friend to go see it with me today 

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Odd that this gay representation!!!!1 movie was directed by a straight man, co-written by a straight man, and produced by a straight man with a whole homophobia section on his Wikipedia 

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2 hours ago, mystery said:

Shitting all over other gay media and alienating the core audience with obnoxious marketing will do that to a movie.

and theree it is

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19 minutes ago, brenda-walsh said:

what about that post screams being afraid of masculinity? :toofunny3:

The weird assertion that gay men not fitting an effeminate stereotype must be the result of giving into internalized homophobia :michael:

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1 hour ago, orange22 said:

So it’s self-hate to not like Billy Eichner’s “Bros” now? :bibliahh:

Ofc no one's implying that. :skull: The self hatred comments refer to users who claim queer cinema ought to be like Love, Simon (of all movies lmao) in order to appeal mainly to straight audiences, and applauding films like it for being "normal". Comments like those are clearly rooted in homophobia, it would be disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

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I'll be watching it when it's released here, although the lead character is kinda annoying. 


Now, if anyone had doubts, Avatar 2 will definitely do big numbers. The first one almost outpeaking new releases is just...:rip:

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If they replaced Billy Eichner with a hotter actor it would do well

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Oh wow :emofish: I haven't seen Bros yet but I was definitely rooting for it. Expected bigger numbers for sure (but nothing too massive since it's a rom-com at the end of the day.) Unfortunately gays are very fickle, sometimes they'll come out to support and sometimes they won't. Hopefully it can be a hit when it comes onto streaming/digital.

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Why is no one mentioning the real reason?


In order for a LGBT movie to do well it needs the support of white women. The actors in this aren’t “attractive” so the white women won’t fetishize them/ship them/etc. There’s only so much Gays can do by ourselves (ask Charli XCX)

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Not surprised lol. The movie is mediocre ish, and it feels like it is marketing to a very specific target market. From the script to the promotion

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3 minutes ago, Cheers said:

Why is no one mentioning the real reason?


In order for a LGBT movie to do well it needs the support of white women. The actors in this aren’t “attractive” so the white women won’t fetishize them/ship them/etc. There’s only so much Gays can do by ourselves (ask Charli XCX)

? Luke MacFarlane is a Hallmark movie wet dream

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I'm not paying theatre prices to see a rom-com:coffee2:

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