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Ciara & Summer Walker - "Better Thangs"


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video is incredible, why is summer being so stiff though. shes all serious and ciara can jump out of screen from enjoyment



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Nice video. This would be great on like an anniversary addition of 'Goodies'

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Good video. Good song. Cici looks great. 

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I really like this video, but it did make me feel like I was watching a mashup of the videos of WAP / Best Friend / and Wild Side. 

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LOVE THE SONG and I can see this song being a moderate hit over time with proper promo and momentum. It obviously also needs to go viral on TikTok as this is def a tiktok worthy song. 


HOWEVER, I do not like this video AT ALL. I'm shocked.



The intro. (I thought she was gonna gag me with that intro). 

The wigs. Love that she's being more colorful with her hair. I did not personally like this shade of orange but it still looked cute. 

The backyard set. I liked that it was playful and colorful. 

Bits of humor. Ciara doesn't often do humor moments in her videos so it's cute to see her tapping in to her comedian side. 



The choreo. This is the first time Ciara has EXTREMELY disappointed me choreo wise (She's never done that in a music video aside from once or twice but those videos still had dance moments). I know that she probably toned down the chore for Summer but I really hated the choreo in this video. It reminded me a little of I'm Out in certain moments but NOT in a good way. GIRL. You are a DANCER. Stop dumbing down your art girl. If the girls can't keep up that's on em. Or do a separate section just yourself killing it. Your legacy in the dance department has be held all the way up high QUEEN. 


The stacked speakers set. This is so overdone and cliche, if I see this in another music video I'm gonna scream. Ironically this is where the terrible choreo takes place. Also I did not like the skirts. I felt like this was the most basic look of the entire music video. This entire scene was not needed. It makes me cringe everytime I watch.  No offense to the pregnant beautiful women. But they were not needed. 


The house set. Once again this just looks basic and kind of minimal. For such a vibrant song, she should of made this entire music video a movie. Give us a movie like storyline, with different environments and have sections with heavy choreo.  


The song is still it for me though and it has replay value which is all that matter in the end. 

Edited by ciara
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