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Most Russians feeling anxious for mobilization but still support "special operation"


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This is from an independent Russian pollster called Levada. Mind you that the poll respondents were interviewed in their homes so there could be an element of not wanting to speak out against the war in fear of legal ramifications. EIther way, especially the Russian boomers support the "operation", but then again they watch more TV than young people which means more exposure to state propaganda.


"The prevailing feelings about the partial mobilization announced in the Russian Federation are “anxiety, fear, horror” (47%), “shock” (23%), “pride for Russia” (23%) and “anger, indignation” (13%). Only 9% of respondents said they were indifferent."


"The highest level of support for the actions of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine is still observed among the older age group - 81% support; the smallest is characteristic of young respondents (18–24): among them, 55% of respondents express support."


"In September, the share of those who believe that the “special military operation” is progressing successfully has decreased. If in May there were 73% of such people, then in September - 53%: 9% believe that it is progressing very successfully, 44% - which is rather successful. About a third (31%) are of the opinion that the "special operation" is not successful."



Edited by anti-bitch
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This is also why all these russians that are fleeing to other countries right now are gonna be a huge problem for the host countries since they won't assimilate and will support Russian aggression from safe distance.


Worms for brains. 

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2 minutes ago, Walk_Away21 said:

They will switch once their name gets called in the draft.

Even ones that are running away can’t answer simple questions like “To whom does Crimea/Donetsk/Luhansk belong?” let alone “Do you support the special military operation.” Most are against being mobilized, not the war

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7 minutes ago, family.guy123 said:

The article is in a language I don’t know. How many respondents refused to participate ?

I don't think they count those people. It says this in the info box at the end


"The all-Russian survey by the Levada Center was conducted on September 22–28, 2022, based on a representative all-Russian sample of the urban and rural population of 1,631 people aged 18 and over in 137 settlements, 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The study is conducted at the respondent's home by a personal interview."


But yeah, there could be an element of people not wanting to oppose the war since it was a face to face interview.

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American GP during Vietnam and Iraq invasions teas




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I've been told crossing the border wipes away all the prejudice, nationalist sentiments and responsibility.





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32 minutes ago, Bloodflowers. said:

American GP during Vietnam and Iraq invasions teas




But this would be like the US invading Canada suddenly. Ofc all invasion are terrible though. But it's insane how the Russian state TV has been vilifying their blood brothers and sisters in Ukraine for years just because they want to align with the west more than them.

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