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Anyone else having problems with sleeping?


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Past 4 nights I only had 2 to 4 hours of total sleep a day. I don't feel well, I can't fall asleep because of stress related with work, university and private life. My head hurts and I feel like my blood is boiling. I go early to sleep yet my brain just won't shut down. And now I stress over my lack of sleep and what that does to my health and it only makes it worse.

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I do so I take either a sleeping pill or melatonin. Whichever I have on hand at the moment

It has helped with knocking me out fast tho I will occasionally wake up in the middle of the night :skull:


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Yeah I tend to fall into the same cycle, of first not being able to sleep because of anxiety about work or personal life or whatever, then not being able to sleep because of anxiety about not getting enough sleep.


I’ve been having problems sleeping this week but here’s hoping I sleep better this weekend.

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It often happens to me that I can't fall asleep at all (or sleep only 2-3 hours) or I can sleep all day, nothing in between :deadbanana4:

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Ive had sleeping problems my entire life and honestly I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


It has completely ruined my life on multiple occasions and I live in constant regret and depression when I think of what my life could’ve been if I functioned like a regular person.

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It's not that I'm not getting enough hours of sleep, but it's more that I still feel tired no matter how much sleep I get. :katie:

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yes my insomnia’s the worst its been in YEARS lol


even when i get tired earlier than usual (like 1:30 am sometimes?) i still can’t actually fall asleep til around 5 am :skull: it’s so wack and i just woke up about 30 minutes ago (12:45 pm)

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I have problems with insomnia since I was 15, depression, anxiety. I currently take 5mg of melatonin, but I think I will increase the dose to 10mg because less doesn't work for me anymore. A nightmare, literally a nightmare 

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Back in high school, for whatever reason I would have random nights where I could not sleep at all. One of them iirc was so bad that I just didn't go to school the next day since I was so tired.


Now I sleep a lot better and I think it's because my sleep schedule/routine has been consistent for the past few years.

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Well... glad to hear I am not alone now, it feels better to know others suffer just like me :heart:


I took an hour and a half sleep since making them thread (FINALLY, at least something...) but it is a real struggle to get a full 8-9 hour tight sleep without waking up. And when I wake up, I can't fall back to sleep for hours again. Ughhh....


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Yes, especially for the last 6 months due to all the problems in my life. It’s just a pattern of two good days when I can fall asleep around 1 am and then 5 days where I lie awake in bed till 6 am.

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no naps in the day

force yourself to be tired for night and you should be able to sleep straight

if you can't fall asleep after 30min, get out of bed, cool down the room, empty your bladder

DO NOT use screens before bed

avoid caffeine 6h before bedtime


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i get enough sleep, but i swear i wake up like minimum 5 times every night for a like a minute or two to toss and turn then fall right back asleep

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I have trouble getting to sleep, have my whole life I need meds to help me.



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If you have time, I highly recommend listening to this podcast on getting better sleep:


he literally goes through everything you can do to optimize and get a good night's rest including reducing mouth breathing which so many of us do and greatly interrupts deep sleep.

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There's a few things I could recommend. 


1. Run or walk fast 1.5 hour before going to sleep (which should be around 11PM) for 4-5 km (taking a lot of Mg would be so beneficial too)

2. Take a bath and take 1-2mg melatonin 30 min before going to sleep, also don't eat 2 hours before going to sleep (especially high GI index food!)

3. Right down tomorrows agenda.

4. Don't spend any second thinking about your sleeping problems, play songs that make you happy and daydream etc


it'll go back to normal soon, if your anxiety is really high then Xanax or Rivotril could really help, but don't take it for too long.


Edited by HeddaO
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