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"American death camps": shocking new images of Rikers Island, 30+ deaths in 18 months


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41 minutes ago, SmittenCake said:

The OP cannot cry about America's human rights violations while calling the Muslim genocide in China a myth.

If the material conditions of American prisons are objectively worse than Chinese prisons, and you already believe that the treatment of prisoners inside Chinese prisons constitutes attempted genocide, that would mean then the American prison system is evidence of the US government actively committing genocide, yes? 


So if the US is actively committing genocide in larger degrees than any other superpower, how can you claim the lack of response is moral? Where are the sanctions? Where is the regime change? Where is the global intervention? If these photos came from a prison in a non-Western nation, you don't think the global community would be discussing unilateral sanctions?


This is the moral bankruptcy of liberalism. Literally nothing about this story has anything to do with any other country, but yet those outside of America's target rush to tell those in America's margins not to lose faith in the American ideal and understand how, no matter how many US citizens die due to the oppressiveness of the US government, Americans at least should take comfort in being part of some "inherently good" world order. :deadbanana4:


That some of you can see this level of rot and horror and your only interest be in ensuring you convince anyone reading that such is a distraction and should not take away from the innate goodness of America that demands it fulfills its mission perpetually of controlling the world order. It's a hatred for America's most marginalized.


How dare any of you make these men's suffering be about your perceived ideological demands of what the US needs to be to the world before its own citizens. 

Edited by Communion
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4 hours ago, ZIVERT said:

Meanwhile, the internet is shut off and the government is using its police and military force to attack people over a piece of fabric in Iran. :toofunny2: 


OT: this is horrible, prison reform needs to be at the top of the list of American politicians because this is just abhorrent.

The top of the list for most American politicians, especially Biden, is to give more money to police and prisons without any reforms so they can continue to do exactly this. Biden was Americans’ answer to Black Lives Matter. Now more black people are dying during apprehensions and while in custody more than ever, but nobody is protesting because Biden has completely pacified the public by not being Trump, even though his approach to policing is just as bad, if not worse.


3 hours ago, Phantom said:

It's always a shame when hyperbolic and flat-out bombastic rhetoric (first half of your post) undermines a valid and sound point (second half of your post) to the point where most people can comfortably choose to ignore the latter in favor of the former. 


Anyway, this is AWFUL. I'm perched for Biden to not address this at all :clownny:

My feelings on the matter exactly. The US is undoubtedly the most oppressive Western country and it does have the highest incarceration rate in the world by a HUGE margin. Prison labor is also used as legal slavery in places like California who don’t want to have to pay as much for fighting wildfires and putting prisoners’ lives at risk, even the wrongfully imprisoned (whom Kamala Harris fought viciously in order to keep them in jail as a prosecutor).


At the same time, this country is exceptionally good to anyone who isn’t in prison. It’s just… really easy to get there here, especially if you’re poor. While the rich live by very different rules and can get away with whatever they want most of the time.


China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and the Taliban-run Afghanistan are more oppressive, but also they’re not Western hypocrites pretending to be arbiters of freedom and justice.

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Violence isn’t limited to a specific nationality, it is a human act. It exists everywhere throughout the history, in America, in China, in Saudi Arabia, as well as with minorities in some conservative cultures, also the dictatorial governments against their opponents, wars and genocides etc ... the ugliest thing in the world is violence against all beings. It is not justified, whatever the reasons 

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"America has death camps" & "Europeans politicians are islamophobes" will not erase or ease the conscience of Xinjiang genocide deniers. No amount of false equivalents and anti-West propaganda will offset literally justifying genocide.


OT: Looks horrible. Hope people responsible for this are held accountable. Luckily people in democracy are able to bring awareness to these issues without getting murdered by the tankies favorite tyrants. 

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1 minute ago, Katy V.! said:

Luckily people in democracy are able to bring awareness to these issues without getting murdered



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