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"American death camps": shocking new images of Rikers Island, 30+ deaths in 18 months


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The USA is the single most oppressive country in the world rn yet is somehow the arbiter of “human rights” and “democracy.” 

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30 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

The USA is the single most oppressive country in the world rn yet is somehow the arbiter of “human rights” and “democracy.” 

Many things can be true at once in the US. It's a big country and varies greatly from state to state. This jail is obviously horrible, but at least the US is not mobilizing to attack their neighboring country like Russia is. That would be like attacking Canada, ridiculous. There's a plenty people in the US who are actively fighting for decency and human rights, and have never approved of any foreign wars. @Communion

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13 minutes ago, anti-***** said:

Many things can be true at once in the US. It's a big country and varies greatly from state to state. This jail is obviously horrible, but at least the US is not mobilizing to attack their neighboring country like Russia is. That would be like attacking Canada, ridiculous. There's a plenty people in the US who are actively fighting for decency and human rights, and have never approved of any foreign wars. @Communion

True, they aren't attacking neighboring countries, but countries who are far away from them.

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3 minutes ago, Zaram said:

True, they aren't attacking neighboring countries, but countries who are far away from them.

At least they pulled out of Afghanistan  lately and hopefully the whole Middle East soon. They are trying to change. Economical imperialism is a whole different beast ofc but Russia and China are doing it too. I just don't like when certain people here sh*t on the US so much, not realizing that in Russia and China you would get sent to jail for speaking against the government like this. Now that's truly oppressive.

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2 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

The USA is the single most oppressive country in the world rn yet is somehow the arbiter of “human rights” and “democracy.” 

The most oppressive country in the world? Really?! Good grief. You live in a bubble. 

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2 hours ago, anti-***** said:

At least they pulled out of Afghanistan  lately and hopefully the whole Middle East soon.

Leaving countries after destroying them beyond hope is not really a good thing.



US being US 

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The American prison system is horrific. All it does is take people and vilify them, keeping them down and unable to better themselves. So glad I don’t live there anymore. I hope I never have to again. 

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3 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

The USA is the single most oppressive country in the world rn yet is somehow the arbiter of “human rights” and “democracy.” 

North Korea has entered the chat. 

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This is a huge human rights violation :biblio: Democratic elites have an explaining to do. 

Edited by LeMésTragique
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And of course over 90 percent of the people there are POC and that's probably why the conditions are like this. Ugh I feel sick

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6 hours ago, anti-***** said:

At least they pulled out of Afghanistan  lately and hopefully the whole Middle East soon. They are trying to change. Economical imperialism is a whole different beast ofc but Russia and China are doing it too. I just don't like when certain people here sh*t on the US so much, not realizing that in Russia and China you would get sent to jail for speaking against the government like this. Now that's truly oppressive.

What about Iraq? That country is decimated and till this can’t stand again. If it wasn’t for Russia’s invasion, America’s next stop is Somalia. 

OT: that’s my issue with the US, the advocate for human rights and ready to deploy a full on military forces. 
Clean your house first. 

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8 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

The USA is the single most oppressive country in the world rn yet is somehow the arbiter of “human rights” and “democracy.” 

Girl, it's not. wtf

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8 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

The USA is the single most oppressive country in the world rn yet is somehow the arbiter of “human rights” and “democracy.” 

I ain’t even American and I can say your statement is bullshit lmao 

there are far worse countries out there and actively commit  crimes against humanity 

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8 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

The USA is the single most oppressive country in the world rn yet is somehow the arbiter of “human rights” and “democracy.” 

:deadbanana2: you rightfully getting dragged for this outlandish statement 

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25 minutes ago, polygon said:

Isn't that the same prison that Lana has romanticized in her songs?

She needs to pull Off To The Races from streaming platforms :biblio:

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8 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

The USA is the single most oppressive country in the world rn yet is somehow the arbiter of “human rights” and “democracy.” 

Meanwhile, the internet is shut off and the government is using its police and military force to attack people over a piece of fabric in Iran. :toofunny2: 


OT: this is horrible, prison reform needs to be at the top of the list of American politicians because this is just abhorrent.

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8 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

The USA is the single most oppressive country in the world rn yet is somehow the arbiter of “human rights” and “democracy.” 

It's always a shame when hyperbolic and flat-out bombastic rhetoric (first half of your post) undermines a valid and sound point (second half of your post) to the point where most people can comfortably choose to ignore the latter in favor of the former. 


Anyway, this is AWFUL. I'm perched for Biden to not address this at all :clownny:

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8 hours ago, anti-***** said:

Many things can be true at once in the US. It's a big country and varies greatly from state to state. This jail is obviously horrible, but at least the US is not mobilizing to attack their neighboring country like Russia is. That would be like attacking Canada, ridiculous. There's a plenty people in the US who are actively fighting for decency and human rights, and have never approved of any foreign wars. @Communion

Sis, I appreciate the shoutout but I'm just genuinely confused why anyone is even mentioning Russia. 


You have no ill intent but situations like this make me think European liberals can never be true allies to poor Americans because their class position relies on their perpetual servitude to the American regime, which is the same regime that is killing countless of its poorest citizens. 


Of course there are many well-off Americans richer than your average European in the most grotesque ways, but America's extreme inequality means there's also substantial Americans who experience a level of poverty that very few if any people in Europe will ever experience. There is a unique experience to destitute Americans of experiencing such suffering in the richest country in the world that no other developed country's citizens can relate to. No other developed country allows this kind of barbarism against its own citizens. No other developed country imprisons its own citizens to this degree and scale. No other developed country has this kind of wealth inequality. 


So to see the horrific sights at Rikers and see largely Europeans swoop in to try and defend some inherent goodness of the US despite these constant human rights violations against its largely poor and largely black and brown citizens is really upsetting. 


I really don't think your average middle-class European can be trusted to hold the US accountable on behalf of poor Americans because your quality of life and class position is too heavily indebted to America's global hegemony. So middle-class European liberals try and push the most disenfranchised and disillusioned Americans away from revolt against the oligarchy and towards soft reforms; not because they think it will be most effective for change, but because they believe the current state of American hegemony is too beneficial for Europe in the global order to risk its disruption. 


I want America to lose its place as a global leader because it feels as a citizen the only way for crimes like these to finally face accountability. Meanwhile it feels like those not from America want America to remain the world police because they don't wanna have to start paying China, India or other "lesser" countries more for plastic trinkets. :doc:

Edited by Communion
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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

Sis, I appreciate the shoutout but I'm just genuinely confused why anyone is even mentioning Russia. 


You have no ill intent but situations like this make me think European liberals can never be true allies to poor Americans because their class position relies on their perpetual servitude to the American regime, which is the same regime that is killing countless of its poorest citizens. 


Of course there are many well-off Americans richer than your average European in the most grotesque ways, but America's extreme inequality means there's also substantial Americans who experience a level of poverty that very few if any people in Europe will ever experience. There is a unique experience to destitute Americans of experiencing such suffering in the richest country in the world that no other developed country's citizens can relate to. 


So to see the horrific sights at Rikers and see largely Europeans swoop in and try to defend some inherent goodness of the US despite human rights violations against its largely poor and largely black and brown systems is really upsetting. 


I really don't think Europeans can be trusted to hold the US accountable for poor Americans because your quality of life and class position is too heavily indebted to America's global hegemony. So they try and push the most disenfranchised and disillusioned Americans away from revolt and towards soft reforms; not because they think it will cause the most effective change, but because they believe the current state of American hegemony is too beneficial for Europe as a whole to risk its disruption. 


I want America to lose its place as a global leader because it feels as a citizen for crimes like these to finally face accountability. Meanwhile it feels like those not from America want America to remain the world police because they don't wanna have to start paying China or other "lesser" countries more for plastic trinkets. :doc:

I want America to remain the global leader in economy and social influence because the potential freedom and prosperity in there is desirable. I know that it doesn't happen for many Americans either, but for example there are places in the US where being queer is quite good, like in LA, NYC, San Francisco, Atlanta etc. And it seems like those big cities are influencing smaller cities to be more socially liberal at least. The support for gay marriage has gone up rather fast when you think about it. I don't know how falling under the CCP regime could be the better option for any of us. I'd rather have Sweden or the Netherlands as world leading powers because they have this combination of liberty and free market capitalism with social security. I think you said before that sometimes too much freedom to do whatever you want can be bad for you, but I'd rather see people figure that out for themselves than it being oriented by any government. It has nothing to do with considering China as lesser but all about observing the world to see where you could live the most free and prosperous. Especially the social credit system in China is frightening to even think about. I don't wanna be serving a government, they should serve us! And there can be accountability for historical atrocities in the US without having to give up its hegemony. Russia though is an actual threat to the safety of European lives right now. At the very least I hope China doesn't arm them.

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1 hour ago, Madonno said:


The OP cannot cry about America's human rights violations while calling the Muslim genocide in China a myth.

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1 hour ago, Madonno said:


The way that their only concern is finger-wagging at poor Americans to remember "at least you live in an inherently good country and not like one of those inherently bad countries we want you to bomb for us". :deadbanana4:


Europeans telling Americans living in destitute, without basic social infrastructure, and the highest prison population in the world that they should take comfort in being a sign of positivity for the Western world. :skull:

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