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Do you support hijabs?


Do you supoort hijabs?  

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If it’s a free, personal choice then I am. But coming from a religion that forces/asks women to cover their heads myself, I know that in many cases it’s not really an independent decision 

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I support the right to choose. No woman should feel pressured one way or another. Idk why people act like this is a black/white issue. Some people find comfort in wearing it, others don't.

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The reasoning behind it is dumb as sh*t but it's not my business. As long as it's not forced, who cares.

Edited by Machete
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I don't support the theoretical ideas behind it but its their choice to wear it. I don't think it should be mandated though. 

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I mean it’s not really as simple as supporting/not supporting a literal piece of clothing because it represents different things to different people. 

Should a woman have the sole right to choose whether she wants to wear one and not face prejudice if she does wish to wear one? Of course. 


Should a woman wear one out of fear or be forced to wear one and face repercussions as severe as murder for not complying? Obviously not. 

The issue is when that right is removed. Otherwise as stated it’s literally just a piece of clothing, which has unfortunately become part of a bigger issue. The problem is for most of these women they can’t win: if they wear it they have a target placed on them by society, and if they don’t then they can face immense danger. So what exactly are they supposed to do? Ultimately people need to have more mature thoughts on the topic so that these women are treated with the compassion and understanding they deserve; not oversimplification. 

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Let people wear what they ******* want. It’s always the French users here  (most racist ppl I’ve ever encountered) that of course will be against the right to wear a cultural/religious headscarf that doesn’t impact them in any way. 

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1 hour ago, pierreleswiftie said:

I'm french, so I don't support the wear of of hijabs in public places. 

Yikes you are proud to be a colonist. 

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It's a complex issue


Theoretically, people should be able to do what they want (and I support that), but we don't live in a theoretical world. Adding other factors (fear, threats of family estrangement/harm if people don't wear them) simply saying "sure, if they want to," is a meaningless answer because we don't truly know if people want to wear them or if they were coerced to give that response


They shouldn't be normalized in western countries if coercion is associated with them

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4 minutes ago, Embustera said:

Yikes you are proud to be a colonist. 

These are laws about my own country plus if people come to visit/live in France they should live with the way our traditions and culture are. The majority of countries with death penalty for LGBTQ people are islamic countries so maybe worry about that instead ?

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Cameltoe Chariot

It's complicated.


I support someone's right to choose to wear a hijab, just as I support someone's right to choose and practice a faith.


But I also think religion is complete bullshit, and a dangerous tool to use against people - especially in poorer and less educated areas. I also think any rule or expectation put on women, like wearing a hijab under the guise of piousness, is such a slippery slope and we see it time and time again be used to control and abuse women... like in Iran right as I type this.


As a gay man, it's also difficult to defend and justify the practices of a religion that regularly executes other gay men by public hanging or beheading in some countries under its rule.


In a perfect world everyone minds their own business and has the right to express themselves and their faith without judgement or harm. But I'm beginning to think that world doesn't exist. It's sad how much pain and suffering happens in our world based on an alleged afterlife or god.

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Only if the woman actually wants to wear it.


41 minutes ago, Bloodflowers. said:

Yes and no


Yes because of freedom of choice, no because personally I don't support sexist ideology behind it, and I oppose religion ideology in general



This, kind of.

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Cameltoe Chariot
36 minutes ago, Thickorita said:

Yes. I also support balding gays wearing caps to hide their receding hairlines. Should be practised more.


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I support a woman’s right to choose what she wants to wear, and this includes the right to wear or not wear hijabs.


if you believe that hijabs should be banned in Western countries because it would “liberate” Muslim women,  you are no better than the men who force women to wear hijabs.

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I support women’s right to wear them if they want to, but I also know, coming from a Muslim family (most of my female relatives don’t wear it and don’t want to) and a Muslim country, it’s not a choice a lot of the time and it can be a result of social pressure. For example I know a lot of women who got peer pressured by their friends to start wearing it or who got jobs easier once they started wearing it. :/

Basically I support it not being banned in the West and not being forced in Muslim countries.

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As a western person living in a free country, they make me uncomfortable as it’s not common within my culture and I find it weird and oppressive. I don’t like seeing a woman covered up like that whilst the husband walks alongside free as a bird, to me it symbolises oppression. Sorry if this offends anyone ::dancehall3:

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I support a woman’s right to wear whatever the **** she wants and find the policing of what women should(n’t) wear in any society despicable 

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