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Mariah Careys Global Citizen set cut to remove random 9/11 bit/Always be my baby .


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This was so random. 


This was edited out of the broadcast along with another one of her songs. It is kinda doing the rounds on twitter.

Is Mariah ok ? 



Edited by Virtual_Insanity
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6 minutes ago, suburbannature said:

You thought you had something here. 



Even you cannot be blind enough to belive that teleprompter said


NO NO NO NO NO, so you don't want to hear about 9/11.


That was clearly for the SPEECH which came after and was not edited out. 

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Just now, Virtual_Insanity said:

Even you cannot be blind enough to belive that teleprompter said


NO NO NO NO NO, so you don't want to hear about 9/11.


That was clearly for the SPEECH which came after and was not edited out. 

Well, with critical thinking skills you could deduce that the prompter froze or interrupted the impromptu song she was about to do so she awkwardly transitioned. 

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I thought this would be about Glitter coming out on 9/11, but I am still confused

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10 minutes ago, suburbannature said:

Well, with critical thinking skills you could deduce that the prompter froze or interrupted the impromptu song she was about to do so she awkwardly transitioned. 

Sounds like another slice of fan fiction you're serving there babe. 

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Just now, Virtual_Insanity said:

Sounds like another slice of fan fiction you're serving there babe. 

Sorry your flamebait backfired, luv. Keep trying and you'll get one that isn't embarrassing :hug:

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I thought it had something to do with this 


RoyaltyListens Glitter (2001) - Page 6 - Mariah Carey - FOTP


and no im not joking thats the first thing that came to mind. :deadbanana2:

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54 minutes ago, Bloodflowers. said:

I thought this would be about Glitter coming out on 9/11, but I am still confused

same :deadbanana2:

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Disappointed. I thought she would go on to say 'you do not want to hear about 9/11 being an inside job'. 

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38 minutes ago, Chris said:

Who the hell even cares about this?


Leave her alone.

Everyone. It's all over twitter. She was LUCKY it was edited out of the broadcast. 

Edited by Virtual_Insanity
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Alan Rickman on 9/11: 

11 September
11.30am Rehearse [for Private Lives, in London, with Lindsay Duncan]. Run Act 1. As the dance rehearsal is about to begin, the first report from New York comes in. Total shock. All rehearsal becomes an acute, flattening irrelevance but we do it anyway.
Eventually back home at 7.30 and just watch it over and over on TV as if to imprint it on the brain, the psyche, the life really … That plane was like watching a knife go into butter.

14 September
11am Three minutes’ silence which we shared with Kiss Me Kate cast.
Supper at home. Watching more coverage. Still trying to understand something. Cannot remove the fact of 4 million starving in Afghanistan not to mention the innocents in Iraq. There is such political naivety in the US that it only takes one image of five Palestinians dancing in the street to obliterate the bigger picture.

11 September
Decide not to fly home until tomorrow. Everything too rushed and the rush seemed disrespectful. The TV coverage is mercifully restrained and unbearably moving when it is utterly personal – mothers, fathers, children holding up pictures, sitting among the flowers at Ground Zero.

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I don’t get what’s going on here :skull: 

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It was a messy moment and she was thrown off by the teleprompter wanting her to introduce Hero with the 9/11 mention. She still did it in the end but let’s be real nobody cares about this. It’s a non scandal, non story. 

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33 minutes ago, WalkAway said:


Asdf not this being real :rip:


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