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Ethnic minorities across Russia protest mobilization orders


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In Yakutia, Yakutsk women held a protest at Ordzhonikidze Square, demanding an "end to the genocide."



(Source with videos)


Meanwhile, the ex-President of Mongolia has invited indigenous minorities in Russia to escape mobilization:


Former President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj appealed to the inhabitants of the aggressor country Russia and urged them not to fight against the Ukrainians.

Against the backdrop of partial mobilization announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the ex-politician suggested that the Buryats, Tuvans, and Kalmyks flee to his country to avoid forced conscription...

"I know from the very beginning of this bloody war, the ethnic minorities living in Russia suffered the most. And the Buryats, Tuvans and Kalmyks suffered the most. They were used as cannon fodder. Hundreds went missing. Thousands were killed. We Mongolians will meet you with open arms and hearts...You will not kill Ukraine. You will not kill freedom. Ukraine has every right to exist."

The Mongolian politician called Ukraine the best country in the world, its inhabitants are brave, and President Volodymyr Zelensky is a true leader.




Throughout the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has used the ethnic minorities across its various republics as cannon fodder for their failing war effort. Even now, as Vladimir Putin announced a "partial" mobilization of the Russian army, these ethnic minorities are over represented in call up numbers. For example, in occupied Crimea, Crimean Tatar men have received 90% of the mobilization orders, despite indigenous Crimean Tatars making up only 13-15% of the total population in Crimea. (Source)


As all of this happens, protests across major cities Moscow and St. Petersburg have been dispersed. Russian men continue to clog up the borders with Finland and Georgia as rumors swirl of Putin preventing men from leaving Russia starting next week.



Is the Russian Federation about to collapse? Thoughts?

Edited by ZIVERT
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and what do russians do? Cower in fear and leave the country (even tho they supported Putrid and his war)

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A lot of the initial invaders sent to war were also minorities. The more undesirable, the worse equipped.


Russia has been ethnically cleansing their own people for decades and the "it's not genocide" people are still acting dumb about what Putin's mission in Ukraine really is and why they're deporting people en masse from the occupied areas and mutilating genitals.


I hope the unrest doesn't die down, it's only gonna get worse and harder to protest in the future if something doesn't change.

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If Russian terrorist state sends them to Ukraine, hope they can simply surrender to Ukranian soldiers without any blood being spilled. But their home, family and everything will be left in Russia and women with their kids would have to escape their homeland somehow. It's an awful situation all around...

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