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Do you ever feel white guilt?


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Even though Im mexican and brown ATRL told me Im white so the answer is YES! :cm: 

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3 minutes ago, FightForTanas said:

Even though Im mexican and brown ATRL told me Im white so the answer is NO. :cm: 

I'm Mexican-American and brown too. However, genetically speaking I am about 40% white/European. The difference is that our Mexican ancestors were enslaved/raped/murdered by the colonizing Europeans. We have one of the saddest histories of all time but hardly anyone, even our own people, know about it. So no, despite being 40% white, I don't feel any white guilt at all. In fact, I feel a bit of rage when I'm reminded of this history. Perhaps that's why everyone likes to forget it so much.

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No. What the generations before us did was horrific, but why should I personally feel guilty for that? I believe in equality, and having guilt or feeling sorry for a different race all the time would kind of contradict that. Nobody wants pity.

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50 minutes ago, FightForTanas said:

Even though Im mexican and brown ATRL told me Im white so the answer is YES! :cm: 


40 minutes ago, Timber said:

I'm Mexican-American and brown too. However, genetically speaking I am about 40% white/European. The difference is that our Mexican ancestors were enslaved/raped/murdered by the colonizing Europeans. We have one of the saddest histories of all time but hardly anyone, even our own people, know about it. So no, despite being 40% white, I don't feel any white guilt at all. In fact, I feel a bit of rage when I'm reminded of this history. Perhaps that's why everyone likes to forget it so much.

I'm also brown Mexican 

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My ancestors didn't have it easy at points where I'm from

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2 hours ago, Timber said:

I'm Mexican-American and brown too. However, genetically speaking I am about 40% white/European. The difference is that our Mexican ancestors were enslaved/raped/murdered by the colonizing Europeans. We have one of the saddest histories of all time but hardly anyone, even our own people, know about it. So no, despite being 40% white, I don't feel any white guilt at all. In fact, I feel a bit of rage when I'm reminded of this history. Perhaps that's why everyone likes to forget it so much.

As a mexican american living in a more white area I've been discriminated again, harassed and racially profiled many times but ATRL told me that im white myself so im lying and it doesnt matter. :cm: 


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My country was not a coloniser so I have no guilt to feel for. I live in Australia now though, and I really do feel sorry for people of indigenous descent here.

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2 hours ago, Smarticle said:

yes, do you @Bussea?

i’ve felt a white cock

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Anyone who feels that cause of historical racial crimes which they weren’t part of are idiots, but if their guilt is because of something they did themselves in this current age then they should feel guilt for being an A hole. 

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Yes and no. 


I'm aware I have white privilege. I was stopped by the police for allegedly passing a funeral procession. Got off with no ticket. If I was black, that outcome could've looked way different. 


However, like others on here, I constantly think about myself, for better or for worse. Bills are hanging over my head. What next year is going to look like. How I'm going to make time for my boyfriend with my crazy work hours. Getting enough sleep. 


Adulting is hard. If we didn't live in such a capitalistic society where you live to work, I wish I could give back more to disenfranchised communities. I'm sure more people would if they had a heart. It's just too expensive and stressful to be living right now. And it's probably 10 times harder as a black person in America.


I tried to be honest in my response and also aware of my privilege. 

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I'm not white but I live in white country and I have white ancestors, but...


- I don't judge people based on their relatives.

- I couldn't care less about anyone's skin color. To me race is neither an identity nor a culture, just harmless biology.

- I opened a history book once or twice so I know that every single living human being on the planet have had colonizers/slavers/genociders (is that even a real word?)/whatever as their ancestors. Colonization isn't exclusive to a few white countries, they were just more "efficient" and global at it.


I do aknowlegde my privileges and I'm grateful for them. And I acknowledge the fact that I wouldn't exist if it weren't for french colonizers relocating thousands of eastern africans to this small uninhabited archipelago in the Indian Ocean that's now my mother's native country. 

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White guilt (and privilege politics as a whole) is such a dumb concept. Completely obscures class identity and redirects attention away from class struggle. 

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I’m mostly Arab (American). As such I know when fellow Americans tag BLM they think nothing of the brown and black lives overseas that are bombed and exploited by their imperialistic government. It’s only BLM when it comes to the people at home as a means to appear marketable or in tune. Almost everything is centralized around capitalism. They just think vote blue no matter who to “save democracy” and appear inclusive as if they still aren’t voting for war criminals who use identity politics to play on the heartstrings of people who are race obsessed and stupid. The only guilt people should be having is the guilt of enabling fascism through centrism (regarding the US in particular). Year by year, day by day. 

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