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Why do you use your streaming app of choice?


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Whether you use Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, or something else: in many wise the big streaming websites are very similar content wise, since they mostly offer the same music. So for you, what is it that makes you pick one service over the other?


personally I’ve stuck with Spotify over the years mostly because I love their transparency about stats. It’s just so interesting to be able to see how often any song was played. But I have to say that YouTube premium looks tempting since I use YouTube for videos a lot as well and the content library is the biggest. 

Edited by Dephira
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Out of habit, it was the first music app I used. I've tried Deezer, but it doesn't convince me. AM looks ugly to me. Amazon Music is horrendous. I didn't like YTM either. I always end up going back to Spotify. 

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Apple Music, because I used iTunes historically so it was a natural transition. And I hate change.

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I used to use Apple Music but my bf gets free Spotify so we use that together

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apple music, i'm just so used to it at this point that changing to another streaming service would be annoying 

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Apple Music because its better integrated and the quality is better. Plus I can upload my library, so I have access to rare or unreleased songs. 

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Spotify and I'm used to it

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I use both AM and YT music, AM primarily. I have used Spotify for the longest time, but I don't know AM sounds better with my wireless earbuds which is weird. AM and YT music are also both cheaper and I don't know why I cannot access the student plan of Spotify. I do, however, miss the UI of Spotify. 


I just use a modded APK of Spotify since I'm mostly at home and don't really need to download songs.


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I don't stream, I download my songs. 

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Spotify. It was the first one I used years ago so switching to something else would be a lot of work. And it was the only one that would work with Last fm. Spotify has gotten better with their kpop and jpop and the rest I could download so don’t have the need as much anymore to switch to Apple Music. Also when I tried Apple Music it just felt clunky but maybe I was just used to Spotify 

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Spotify 'cause of Wrapped and they have better song suggestions after a song ends. AM recommends me the most random songs. +YouTube they have bigger catalog.

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I don't like Apple Music's queing system because I like to spontaneously queue songs I feel like listening to in the moment and that is easier to do on Spotify. + Spotify Unwrapped is superior as well

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Spotify because I love the layout and their recommended playlists (based on my liked songs) is stellar. Started with AM, but the layout is ugly and their recommended playlists are godawful.

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