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Why Men Don’t Want To Be Elementary School Teachers


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I couldn't be a teacher PERIOD. The amount of crazy helicopter parents is insane!!! not to mention.... kids DO lie!!! With what's happening in the world... I don't blame male teachers for not wanting to get involved... with bad ass kids and their even crazier parents. What's more sad is that behaviors are taught at home, and sadly not all parents are good at parenting. 

Edited by shinyshimmery
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20 minutes ago, shinyshimmery said:

I couldn't be a teacher PERIOD. The amount of crazy helicopter parents is insane!!! not to mention.... kids DO lie!!! With what's happening in the world... I don't blame male teachers for not wanting to get involved... with bad ass kids and their even crazier parents. What's more sad is that behaviors are taught at home, and sadly not all parents are good at parenting. 

Sad but true. 
I believe we have a couple of Atrler teachers here but can’t recall who they are. I wish they see this thread and give us their 2 cents on this matter. 

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I have a degree in pedagogy and he is absolutely right. All of my experiences in classrooms with kids were awful. You always have to be extra cautious with everything and you’re not able to relax EVER.


One time I went to hug a kid that gave me a cookie on their way out and when I looked over one of the principals was looking at me and nodding her head. I felt so annoyed, it was horrible. I’m getting a degree in English/Portuguese now but I really did love working with kids, there’s always something hilarious happening in a classroom filled with 6 year olds. I’m not so thrilled to be teaching to teenagers in the future tho :coffee2: Hopefully I’ll keep going as an Academic and end up being a college professor. 

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10 minutes ago, Whis said:

I’m a male elementary school teacher

Thoughts on this?

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Because they get accused of being pedos


low pay


women are usually seen as nurturers of children 

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If anybody has seen The Hunt with Mads Mikkelsen which is basically all about that. What a horrifying movie.

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Sadly this is true. Men are better off being university/college teachers or high school teachers if the want to do teaching as a career. Not just because of the money but because of the mens safety and security reasons. 

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Honestly I don't think this is the primary reason....


I think the primary reason is they don't can't be bothered to deal with kids :dies:

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4 hours ago, Sergi91 said:

Sad but true. 
I believe we have a couple of Atrler teachers here but can’t recall who they are. I wish they see this thread and give us their 2 cents on this matter. 

I am a teacher. You have to be really energetic and love your job cause many parents are weird. I've seen crazy ass situations like domestic abuse etc...

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That makes sense although i did have an amazing second grade teacher who never had to touch me for any reason. :skull: 

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3 hours ago, Otter said:

Honestly I don't think this is the primary reason....


I think the primary reason is they don't can't be bothered to deal with kids :dies:

Exactly. You arent only a teacher, you are also a babysitter. Men just cant do it. 

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every male primary school (U.K.) teacher ive ever had was a complete and utter power obsessed freak. we need less men in that profession tbh

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not a teacher but i work at an elementary school & the way my anxiety spikes when a kid tries to touch or get close to me :skull:

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all the male teachers i had were horrible to me and as someone else mentioned, power obsessed as ****. 
i remember in 1st grade my teacher would pick kids up out of their chairs and throw them on the floor if they forgot their books 

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Meh, the idea of male predation was created by...who was it...?...oh yeah, straight MEN.


Straight men saw it as feminine to work with young kids; that it was a woman's job and anything involving some semblance of emotional intelligence and being gentle was either to use against the party involved(ie pedophilia) or as a sign of deviance ie. homosexual inclination.


Straight men created these societal issues, reinforce them then complain about them. Classic.


I feel bad for any guy trying to pursue their passions in child rearing and the like but until straight men consider it an issue worth remedying, their stigma is set in stone. It's why we must vehemently oppose sexism and misogyny, women's issues are aways tied to men's issues, whether they see it or not. Also there is a higher pedophile quotient there(of women assaulting male students) but that isn't an issue because straight men aren't interested in pedophilia when boys are the victims, they believe it makes them strong and ladies men to be assaulted. They want the abuse to continue as a right of passage really.


The world is run by hurt men interested in hurting everyone else.

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I think even if you removed the stigma you still wouldn't get many men teaching elementary school. Men evolved throughout history for hunting, war, building, etc, and women evolved throughout history for having babies, so it makes sense that men might be less drawn to working with young children than women. It's just the way it is, not much we can really do about it. Let's focus on fixing issues that we actually can change!


I mean, yeah, you can campaign for the next 20 years to remove the stigma about men teaching elementary school, and that might increase the proportion of male teachers from 5% to 15%. If you really believe all that effort for such a small change is worth it, then go for it I guess. But it's NEVER going to reach 50/50 unless we start doing DNA editing and hormone treatments to make men and women exactly the same.

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Women will complain about workplace double standards, but then those same women will look at a man funny for being a daycare or school teacher. 

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